
Special 7-day package

Unlimited Access - Only $27.88

Last Step

1. Personality Type Evaluation

Your comprehensive Personality Score

2. Full performance report

With Date, Official Serial # and Logo with 16 page analysis

3. Premium Personality Tests

7 day access to our premium selection of personality tests with more added monthly


  • 30 Day Refund
  • Cancel Anytime
  • Located in The United States
  • No Additional Charges
By clicking continue I agree to the Terms of Service, including the billing terms. I understand that I am enrolling in a 7 day personality tests access package for $1.99. If I decide to cancel during the period I will only be charged this amount. Otherwise, I will be charged $27.88 every month until I cancel my subscription, and I may cancel at any time.
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7 Day Access.

$1.99 today

Then $27.88/month

Billing FAQ

  • Why isn't this all free?

    Developing, and hosting the Personality Test requires a sustainable revenue source. This project would not be possible without it.

  • Is this secure?

    Yes it is - 100%. This website uses SSL to encrypt your information. Your payment information is securely handled by Stripe. You may use Paypal for as your payment method as well.

  • What happens after I pay?

    After you pay, you will be emailed you Personality Type, your Personality Test Results and Premium access to Mypersonality.

  • Billing terms

    Your $1.99 package lasts 7 days. By clicking "Continue" you are providing your electronic signature authorizing to card as described. You also agree that unless you cancel your account during your 7 day try out period you will be billed $27.88 every month until you cancel your account, which can be done quickly and easily by contacting our support team at +1 (855) 342-8558 /

What customers are saying...

  • Excellent - Got result immediately!

  • The report was very professional!

  • Performance breakdown in various areas was helpful.

  • Was hoping it was free; but after paying I realize it's worth it.

  • eBook was great. Had solid tips.


  • 30 Day Refund
  • Cancel Anytime
  • Located in The United States
  • No Additional Charges
By clicking continue I agree to the Terms of Service, including the billing terms. I understand that I am enrolling in a 7 day personality tests access package for $1.99. If I decide to cancel during the period I will only be charged this amount. Otherwise, I will be charged $27.88 every month until I cancel my subscription, and I may cancel at any time.
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