ENTPs in Romantic Relationships

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What are ENTPs like in romantic relationships?

In romantic relationships, ENTPs are enthusiastic, playful, and easygoing. They usually refrain from rushing into relationships, preferring to date for a while to ensure they have chosen the right person before giving them all their love and devotion.

A romantic relationship with an ENTP is an exciting experience, yet those who are deeply emotional and sensitive might also find it challenging. After all, ENTPs value logic and rationality, even in romantic matters.

While they enjoy engaging in thought-provoking conversations with their significant others and challenging their views, they may not always be aware of their partner’s emotional needs. They also enjoy teasing, dark jokes, and so forth, yet to some, this can be nothing short of hurtful or insulting.

Nonetheless, ENTPs welcome feedback and opportunities for personal growth with open arms, and they are even more excited about the possibility of growing together with their significant others. As such, they typically manage to adapt to their partners without losing their trademark wit.

What ENTPs look for in romantic relationships

When it comes to romantic relationships, ENTPs mainly look for two things: a strong mental connection and mutual growth.

ENTPs want their partner to challenge them—especially intellectually—and shine a light on the areas of their lives and personalities that could use some improvement. Likewise, they are drawn to people who are keen on personal growth and can take feedback in stride, even when it’s negative.

No matter how physically attractive ENTPs might find someone, their attraction can quickly fade if said person brings no value to a conversation or, worse yet, finds intellectual discussions boring. People with the ENTP personality type simply cannot imagine a fun, exciting, and fulfilling relationship without intellectual intimacy and connection.

ENTP compatibility with other types

  • INTP - compatible

    Like ENTPs, INTJs appreciate a good debate—even when it gets heated. They are also emotionally resilient and knowledgeable, which ENTPs tend to find attractive.

  • INFJ - compatible

    Not only are INFJs eager to dive into deep, intellectual conversations, but they can also help ENTPs develop emotional awareness and embrace structure and organization.

  • ISTJ - incompatible

    While ENTPs like to break and bend the rules, ISTJs are all about following rules to a T, which can cause a great deal of tension between the two.

  • ESFJ - incompatible

    ESFJs are pragmatic and see no point in exploring theoretical possibilities. They also care about social niceties, norms, traditions, and the like much more than ENTPs.

ENTP love language

The most common ENTP love language is quality time; they enjoy spending time with their significant others without any distractions.

3 Tips on how to love an ENTP

  • Tip #1

    Communicate openly. ENTPs believe that honest and direct communication is the cornerstone of healthy and fulfilling relationships. Instead of expecting them to read your mind, communicate your thoughts and needs openly—they’ll appreciate your honesty!

  • Tip #2

    Respect their independence. Though ENTPs can be very affectionate and enjoy spending time with their partners, they also need space; the last thing they want is to feel smothered by their significant other.

  • Tip #3

    Engage in intellectual conversations. ENTPs bond with their significant others over deep, intellectually stimulating discussions and debates. They especially appreciate it when their partners show an interest in their opinions and take the time to understand their thought processes.

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