Understanding the essence of the INFJ personality type

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What is the INFJ personality like?

The INFJ personality type is idealistic, compassionate, and altruistic, eternally on the quest to find their life purpose and make a difference in the world.

Though introverted by nature, INFJs are also people-oriented in the sense that they value nothing more than deep, fulfilling relationships with others. Surface-level interactions mean little to this personality type, but building strong bonds with people who understand them is priceless.

Thanks to their impeccable intuition and high empathy, they are able to quickly grasp other people’s motivations, feelings, and needs. This makes them invaluable friends but may also lead to disappointment when the INFJ realizes that most people can’t meet their high expectations.

Likewise, INFJs may struggle to meet those expectations themselves. Their highly idealistic and perfectionistic nature drives them to always strive for more, which, while good in theory, can cause stress and burnout.

Words that best describe INFJs

  • Loyal
  • Honest
  • Intuitive
  • Creative
  • Idealistic
  • Cautious
  • Insightful
  • Sensitive
  • Reserved
  • Principled
  • Observant
  • Empathetic

What does INFJ Mean?

With a preference for introversion (I), INFJs gain energy from spending time alone or in the company of close friends and family. They don’t typically seek out social events and may feel overwhelmed by large groups of people they don’t know very well.

The N in INFJ stands for Intuitive, which means this personality type enjoys looking beyond the surface level and seeking deeper meanings in their surroundings. INFJs, in particular, have a strong preference for intuition, which gives them almost prophetic insights into the future.

As a feeling (F) type, the INFJ personality typically relies on their heart when making decisions. INFJs can be highly analytical, too, but their focus is always on emotions rather than logic.

Finally, INFJs’ preference for Judging (J) indicates that they enjoy structure and order and may struggle with sudden change or situations that require a great deal of flexibility.

INFJ stands for:

  • - Introverted
  • - Intuitive
  • - Feeling
  • - Judging
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How to recognize an INFJ

Recognizing an INFJ may be difficult, as they can come across as extroverted when the situation requires it. Still, their calm demeanor, love for deep conversations, and high empathy may give them away.

Here is how to spot these INFJ personality traits in real life:

Calm demeanor

Calm demeanor

Though INFJs can ramp up their energy to make those around them feel comfortable, they are generally calm, quiet, and often lost in thought. They are also not inclined to reveal too much about themselves, preferring to ask questions instead.

Love for deep conversations

Love for deep conversations

INFJs light up when conversation topics move past small talk and venture into deeper territory.

High empathy

High empathy

Empathizing with others comes naturally to INFJs, who always seem to know the right thing to say to soothe their conversation partners and make them feel at ease.


INFJ-A and INFJ-T are two subtypes of the INFJ personality type; INFJ-A is assertive INFJ, while INFJ-T means turbulent INFJ.


Assertive INFJs are more confident, optimistic, and adventurous, gladly stepping out of their comfort zone when necessary. However, they are also less likely to learn from their mistakes and grow from their interactions.



On the other hand, turbulent INFJs focus more on their regrets and often become overly invested in others. Though this can quickly deplete their energy, it also makes them more empathetic and passionate.

How rare is the INFJ personality?

How rare is the INFJ personality?

The INFJ personality is the rarest type in the world, with only 1.5% of the population identifying as such.

To break this down further, INFJ males comprise approximately 1.2% of the male population, while INFJ females make up 1.6% of women.

How are INFJs perceived?

How are INFJs perceived?

INFJs are often perceived as warm, thoughtful, and deep individuals with an excellent grasp of other people’s emotions and a profound understanding of the world around them. Due to their reserved nature, they often exude an air of mystery, further exacerbated by their ability to predict future outcomes with uncanny accuracy.

What do INFJs value?

What do INFJs value?

INFJs value personal growth and deep connections with other people above all else. As staunch believers in integrity, honesty, and authenticity, INFJs rarely pay attention to society’s expectations, sticking to their own principles instead.

An interesting fact about INFJs

INFJs can read people better than most types, even upon their first meeting with someone. Even though they frequently question their intuition, it rarely fails them, and it’s quick to spot discrepancies between someone’s words and behaviors. As a result, lying to an INFJ is usually not a good idea.

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”

Carl Jung

INFJ cognitive functions

Cognitive functions are mental processes that explain how each of the 16 personality types makes decisions and processes information.

Here are the four primary cognitive functions of the INFJ personality type and their meanings:

Dominant introverted intuition (Ni)

Dominant Ni allows INFJs to spot patterns and make connections between seemingly unrelated objects and events. As a result, INFJs correctly predict outcomes in various situations, which may seem like they are able to see the future.

Auxiliary extraverted feeling (Fe)

Generally speaking, Fe is concerned with harmony, always striving to empathize with others. In its auxiliary position, it supports dominant Ni, helping it filter information and directing its focus on analyzing and understanding other people.

Tertiary introverted thinking (Ti)

INFJs are independent and highly individualistic because of their tertiary Ti, which tends to develop later in life. They follow their own rules and logic, not necessarily adhering to society’s guidelines.

Inferior extraverted sensing (Se)

INFJs’ weak spot is their inferior Se, which makes dealing with their surroundings a struggle. As a result, INFJs may feel overwhelmed in loud, chaotic spaces or overly focused on details when completing mundane tasks.

Famous INFJs you might know

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky, one of the greatest Russian authors of all time, known for classics such as Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov

Florence Welch

Florence Welch

Florence Welch, an English-American singer and songwriter who gained international fame in the indie rock band Florence and the Machine

Carl Jung

Carl Jung

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, whose theories inspired the creation of the 16 personality types

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, an American minister and activist who led the civil rights movement in the 1950s and ‘60s, fighting for equality between black and white Americans

Al Pacino

Al Pacino, a famous, Oscar-winning actor of Italian-American origins

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