INFJs at work

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What is the working style of INFJs?

The working style of INFJs is consistent, organized, and independent, though they aren’t entirely opposed to collaboration either.

Thanks to their preference for Judging (J), INFJs tend to have a clear vision and work diligently at a single task until its completion. They have no trouble staying focused on what they need to do and meeting deadlines with time to spare.

Due to the high standards they set for themselves, INFJs usually achieve excellent results at work. However, those same high standards can cause them to feel inadequate or lead to quick burnout in their quest for perfection.

3 Tips for excelling in the workplace

  • Tip #1

    Accept that perfection is unattainable. It may be difficult for an idealistic INFJ to accept that perfection is out of their reach, but it’s the only path to real happiness and job satisfaction.

  • Tip #2

    Learn to deal with constructive criticism. As uncomfortable as criticism may make them feel, INFJs need to set their emotions aside and remember that it also provides an opportunity for growth.

  • Tip #3

    Set boundaries. It may be tempting to help every colleague who asks for assistance, but that will only lead to exhaustion and quicker burnout. INFJs need to learn to prioritize themselves and their tasks, even if it means saying no sometimes.

  • What are INFJs like in networking scenarios?

    What are INFJs like in networking scenarios?

    In networking scenarios, INFJs can be surprisingly communicative and friendly, despite being introverts. After all, this personality type is excellent at adjusting their energy to the group’s requirements, seamlessly transforming from a withdrawn introvert to a chatty extrovert. However, this may leave them drained afterward.

  • What are INFJs like in teams?

    What are INFJs like in teams?

    INFJs prefer working independently at their own pace, but they don’t shy away from teamwork when necessary. Typically, they are the ones quietly ensuring everyone feels comfortable and gets a chance to speak their mind. However, though playing the role of a mediator comes naturally to them, it can leave them exhausted.

  • What are INFJs like as leaders?

    What are INFJs like as leaders?

    As leaders, INFJs encourage their subordinates to think and act for themselves and generally avoid micromanaging. In fact, they don’t typically feel comfortable in positions of power, nor do they like being addressed as superiors. Rather, they prefer treating everyone as their equal, regardless of their position.

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