Full analysis of the INTJ personality type [the Mastermind]
What is the INTJ personality type like?
The INTJ personality type is rational, analytical, and highly individualistic, always challenging the status quo and looking for ways to improve the existing systems.
With an innate ability to spot patterns and make connections between objects, INTJs are excellent problem-solvers and welcome employees in any field. However, they are also highly ambitious, always striving to improve themselves and rarely settling for less than they think they deserve.
In their quest for excellence, INTJs rely on their impeccable intuition and sharp wit. They don’t typically succumb to peer pressure or outward influences—they may take their loved ones’ opinions into account when making decisions but ultimately follow their own path.
Their independence and their general aversion to emotional outbursts may make them appear cold, detached, or downright intimidating. However, those who break through their hard shell will discover that INTJs have a softer side, too, and that they deeply value their loved ones, even if they don’t always show it.
Words that describe the INTJ personality type
- Quiet
- Private
- Logical
- Curious
- Focused
- Reserved
- Analytical
- Ambitious
- Organized
- Innovative
- Observant
- Independent
What does INTJ mean?
What does INTJ mean?
As introverts (I), INTJs prefer to spend time alone, exploring their inner thoughts rather than the outside world. Furthermore, they surround themselves with small groups of like-minded individuals, rarely venturing out to large social events.
The second letter, N, which stands for intuition, indicates that INTJs like to engage with the abstract and look for deeper meanings. As a result, they aren’t always grounded in the present, often gazing into the future instead and imagining dozens of hypothetical scenarios.
Thinking (T) shows that INTJs rely on logic when making decisions. They aren’t easily swayed by what their hearts desire—instead, they analyze every situation thoroughly before deciding on the course of action.
Finally, Judging (J) indicates that INTJs prefer to structure their lives and make concrete plans. Even though this makes them somewhat inflexible, they are also highly efficient and widely regarded as responsible.
INTJ stands for:
- - Introverted
- - Intuitive
- - Thinking
- - Judging
How to recognize an INTJ
You can recognize an INTJ by their efficiency, reserved demeanor, and unconventional ideas.
Here is how to spot these INTJ personality traits in real life:
When INTJs are given a task, they don’t hesitate or procrastinate. On the contrary, they immediately spring into action, developing a concrete solution within minutes.
Reserved demeanor
INTJs often come across as distant and reserved, more interested in whatever is going on in their heads than the people around them.
Unconventional ideas
INTJs are unconventional thinkers, and that comes through in every aspect of their lives. Usually, they are the ones questioning the old methods and proposing new ones to replace them.
INTJ-A and INTJ-T are two subtypes of the INTJ personality type; INTJ-A is assertive INTJ, while INTJ-T stands for turbulent INTJ.
Assertive INTJs are more independent, calm, and confident in their own abilities. However, they also come across as more aloof and rigid.
On the other hand, turbulent INTJs tend to doubt themselves and worry far more than their assertive counterparts. At the same time, they are more approachable and likely to challenge the status quo.
How rare is the INTJ personality?
The INTJ personality is the third-rarest type in the world, found in only 2.1% of the general population.
Furthermore, INTJ males make up approximately 3.3% of men, while INTJ females are even rarer—only 0.9% of the female population.
How are INTJs perceived?
INTJs are often perceived as cold, intelligent, and somewhat intimidating. They say little, but their direct communication style and no-nonsense attitude can come across as harsh to more sensitive types. Furthermore, as very private individuals, INTJs rarely reveal much about themselves, which results in an air of mystery and enigma surrounding them.
What do INTJs value?
INTJs value honesty, truth, and intelligence above all else. They pride themselves on their superb analytical skills and enjoy questioning existing systems and beliefs. Even if an idea is widely accepted as true, it can’t sidestep INTJs’ scrutiny, and they only accept it once it’s been thoroughly examined.
Interesting fact about INTJs
Although INTJs come across as quiet and calm, they become very passionate when speaking on matters that particularly interest them. This is especially true if someone brings up factually incorrect information during the conversation. In that case, INTJs can become downright argumentative.
“The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.”
A.A. Milne
INTJ cognitive functions
Cognitive functions are mental processes that explain how each personality type makes decisions and processes information.
These are the four primary cognitive functions of the INTJ personality type and their meanings:
Dominant introverted intuition (Ni)
INTJs mainly rely on their dominant Ni, which allows them to easily spot patterns and make connections where others might not see them. This helps them correctly read most situations and predict outcomes, making them seem almost “prophetic.”
Auxiliary extraverted thinking (Te)
Te works alongside Ni and helps INTJs organize the information their dominant function collects. In general, Te is a function that seeks structure and strives to maximize efficiency, making its users goal-oriented and highly productive.
Tertiary introverted feeling (Fi)
The tertiary function usually develops later in life and balances out the first two. The development of Fi in INTJs prompts them to pay more attention to their own feelings and personal values and learn how to express their emotions better.
Inferior extraverted sensing (Se)
Inferior Se is INTJ’s blind spot—people with this type have difficulty dealing with their surroundings, as their energy is expended in their inner worlds. As a result, they might struggle with mundane tasks or unnecessarily obsess over small details.
Famous INTJs you might know
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking, an English physicist famous for his research on black holes and the universe as a whole
Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche, a 19th-century German philosopher known for criticizing Christianity, culture, and society at the time
Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general and philosopher, best known as the author of The Art of War, a book that profoundly affected modern philosophy
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick, one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century, known for the critically acclaimed sci-fi epic 2001: A Space Odyssey
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven, a composer and pianist whose contribution to classical music is immeasurable