Everything You Need to Know About the ISFP Personality Type
What is the ISFP personality type like?
ISFP personality type is very quiet and reserved in nature. Otherwise known as ‘Adventurers,’ this personality type is the definition of an introvert. They value their ‘alone time’ more than anything, and they bode best in small groups of people.
Their introverted nature doesn’t indicate that people have a problem with them, as ISFPs tend to be liked by nearly everyone. They have open minds and are relaxed and warm, so they are a joy to be around.
People with ISFP personality traits are also non-judgmental, and they know how to appreciate individuals and their differences.
If you want to pick a fight with someone, ISFPs are not the people to do it with. They avoid conflict like the plague, so confronting them with problems is likely to cause a few bumps in the road.
Words that encapsulate the essence of the ISFP personality
- Reserved
- Sympathetic
- Introverted
- Spontaneous
- Artistic
- Creative
- Loyal
- Imaginative
- Tolerant
- Curious
- Emotional
- Free-spirited
What does ISFP mean?
What does ISFP mean?
The meaning of ISFP personality type is Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.
The Introverted dimension means that ISFPs find rejuvenation and inspiration in solitude. Big crowds will most likely drain the life out of them.
The Sensing personality trait means they prefer tangible experiences over abstract ideas and ideologies. They do best when presented with facts as opposed to broad concepts.
The Feeling part of their nature means that they are guided by feelings and emotions rather than reason. This trait can be their best friend as well as their biggest enemy.
The Perceiving aspect helps men and women with this personality trait live in the moment and not dwell on the past. They prefer to go with the flow and forgo any strict plans.
ISFP stands for:
- - Introverted
- - Sensing
- - Feeling
- - Perceiving
How to recognize an ISFP?
You can recognize an ISFP by their indecisiveness, concern for others, and commitment to their values.
Here’s what that might look like in practice:
Both ISFP males and females can sometimes look indecisive. But that’s usually not because they can’t make up their minds, as it has more to do with them putting off the decision-making process in hopes of a better opportunity.
Concern for others
ISTPs have a lot of concern for others, which might prevent them from making tough decisions in the workplace or personal relationships. They are very sympathetic, so the last thing they want is to unintentionally hurt someone.
Committed to their values
If you know someone who is committed to their values and stands by them, then you could be in the presence of an ISFP. That sense of commitment is also evident in their personal lives, as ISFPs are loyal to people who are important to them.
The A in ISFP-A stands for assertive, while the T in ISFP-T stands for turbulent. Assertive Adventurers are usually more confident and outgoing, and they don’t base their identity on the opinions of others quite as much.
Turbulent Adventurers, on the other hand, are more sensitive and tend to have a more prominent introverted-sensing side. But it's their sensitivity and care for others that makes them more open to collaborating with people and being a team player.
When comparing ISFP-A to ISFP-T, it’s evident that the former is bolder and more outspoken than the latter.
How rare is the ISFP personality
- ISFP is the fourth most common personality type.
- 9% of the general population has an ISFP personality type.
- 8% of men are ISFPs.
- 10% of women possess these personality traits.
How are ISFPs perceived?
ISFPs are perceived as lone wolves and distant, but also charming and likable. Being easygoing and genuine, they are seen as warm and good-hearted people who always have your back. And since they rarely have ulterior motives, they tend to be seen as honest people.
What do ISFPs value?
ISFP personality type values people and their differences. They also have a great appreciation for flexibility, as they hate being tied down by strict routines. Both males and females want their freedom more than anything, as rules and structures make them feel uneasy.
Interesting facts about ISFPs
ISFPs are most likely to report stress associated with finances and children, and they are one of the types who suffer from heart disease the most.
“I lead from the heart, not the head.”
Princess Diana
ISFP Cognitive functions
For each personality type, the four different cognitive functions (thinking, feeling, intuition, and sensing) can be either directed outwardly (extroverted) or inwardly (introverted). The dominant function determines one’s personality to the greatest extent, while secondary and tertiary functions have a smaller impact.
ISFP’s four cognitive functions are:
Primary introverted feeling (Fi)
They make decisions based on how they feel at the moment and rely on their values and beliefs when the time comes to make those decisions.
Auxiliary extraverted sensing (Se)
ISFPs live in the moment and take note of every sight, smell, and sound around them.
Tertiary introverted intuition (Ni)
This function helps ISFPs have frequent epiphanies and makes them more likely to follow their ‘gut feeling.
Inferior extraverted thinking (Te)
Since organization and planning are not their strong suits, this feature comes in handy when they become too focused on details and are looking for the best way to accomplish a task.
Famous ISFPs you might know
Rihanna has a wildly individualistic personality, making her the perfect archetype of a celebrity with an ISFP personality.
Michael Jackson
He had a strong inner world and liked to process his thoughts and emotions by himself and in peace.
Frida Kahlo
Creative, unconventional, and empathetic, Frida Kahlo has all the best traits of the ISFP personality type.
David Beckham
He is highly independent and has great emotional intelligence, making him a shining example of an ISFP male’s values.
Harry Potter
A beloved fictional character—Harry Potter—is believed to be an ISFP, as he keeps to himself and doesn’t like to discuss his feelings.
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