A Deep Dive Into the Edginess of the ESTP Personality Type
What is the ESTP personality type like?
ESTP personality type is bold, energetic, and confident. Entrepreneurs, as they are also known, are always looking for the next great adventure and are brimming with enthusiasm. It’s hard to find an ESTP who is going to sit still and wait for things to fall in their laps—they are much more likely to go out and get what they are after.
As extroverts, ESTPs love to be around people—and others certainly appreciate their company. ESTPs are full of passion, and they are gifted with a rational mind that can be a source of great inspiration for others.
ESTPs are believed to be the most perceptive of all personality types. Thus, they can notice even the slightest change in a person’s behavior, their facial expression, or a broken habit. Don’t try to sneak something past ESTPs, as they are direct and won’t hesitate to ask questions, even at the cost of making others uncomfortable.
Words that best describe ESTPs
- Bold
- Energetic
- Social
- Confident
- Open-minded
- Perceptive
- Direct
- Passionate
- Energetic
- Rational
- Inspiring
- Exciting
What does ESTP mean?
What does ESTP mean?
ESTP means Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking,and Perceiving.
ESTP stands for:
- - ESTPs are defined by Extraversion, which means that they pull energy from spending time with other people. Being in interesting social settings and large groups will fuel and inspire an ESTP, who is very likely to be the life of any party.
- - Since ESTP females and males have a Sensing trait as well, they are focused on facts and tangible details rather than ideas and concepts. This trait also makes them great at picking up social cues and analyzing the people around them.
- - Due to the Thinking trait, ESTPs are going to rely on logic and reason when making decisions. They are rarely sensitive, as they would rather be silly than emotional. This doesn’t mean that ESTPs have no feelings—they can simply take a backseat to reason.
- - The Perceiving trait is responsible for their adventurous and spontaneous nature. ESTPs don’t like to make long-term plans, as they prefer to live in the moment.
How to recognize an ESTP?
You can recognize an ESTP by their honesty, the way they handle boredom, and their thrill-seeking tendencies.
Here is how these ESTP traits become evident in real life:
You can usually spot an ESTP by paying attention to their honesty and straightforward communication style. Like it or not, people usually know exactly where they stand with ESTPs, as this personality type isn’t afraid to express their thoughts and feelings.
The way they handle boredom
Likewise, it’s possible to recognize an ESTP man or woman by looking at the way they handle boredom. Entrepreneurs would rather create chaos and make a mess out of their lives than settle for a routine.
Thrill-seeking tendencies
Entrepreneurs are also thrill-seekers, and they don’t shy away from risky situations. They are the type of people who suggest going sky-diving or bungee jumping as an excellent idea for a first date.
ESTP personality has two subtypes—ESTP-As, where A stands for assertive, and ESTP-Ts, where T stands for turbulent.
Assertive ESTPs tend to be a lot braver than their turbulent counterparts. They are also more honest, which sometimes comes at the price of hurting others.
On the other hand, turbulent ESTPs like to think before they speak and are much less daring than ESTP-As. They are better at picking up on social cues and are known for valuing the feelings and opinions of others.
How rare is the ESTP personality?
ESTPs are the seventh-rarest personality type, with 4.3% of the general population possessing these traits.
Around 5.6% of men worldwide are considered ESTPs, compared to 3% of women who identify with these personality traits.
How are ESTPs perceived?
ESTPs are perceived as charming, friendly, fun, and outgoing. They almost always look as if nothing ever phases them, which comes from their laid-back and carefree attitude.
However, this is also the reason why the ESTP personality type is oftentimes seen as reckless, careless, and selfish.
What do ESTPs value?
ESTPs value excitement and adventure. This personality type might be the most adventurous one, and their daring disposition helps them stay brave even in the face of danger.
When not busy with the next great adventure, Entrepreneurs love to spend time with loved ones. Family has an important place in their lives, and it’s in this aspect of their lives that they can show complete loyalty and unwavering commitment.
Interesting fact about ESTPs
ESTPs are least likely to keep their social media profiles as private as possible.
Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.
Helen Keller
ESTP cognitive functions
Every personality type has four cognitive functions, which define how we process information and make decisions.
ESTP’s primary cognitive functions are:
Dominant extraverted sensing (Se)
This is an ESTP’s driving force, as it helps them engage with their surroundings and take matters into their own hands. Due to (Se), ESTPs are free spirits who aren’t afraid to use every opportunity life offers them.
Auxiliary introverted thinking (Ti)
This function is the reason why ESTPs are concerned with internal logic and subjective thinking. It’s also why ESTPs follow their heads and not hearts when making important decisions.
Tertiary extraverted feeling (Te)
This is an Entrepreneur's tertiary function, so it usually becomes more prominent later on in life. This function makes ESTPs excellent communicators who are very persuasive and charming.
Inferior introverted intuition (Ni)
This is a weak point for ESTPs. It’s the reason why they have trouble making long-term plans and sticking to them.
Famous ESTPs you might know
Donald Trump
Like most other ESTPs, Donald Trump likes to be at the center of attention. He is very competitive and likes to win, which is typical for most ESTP celebrities.
Eddie Murphy
Apart from being the life of any party, Eddie Murphy also beams with positive energy. Likewise, his humor can usually get a few laughs out of any person in the room.
Ernest Hemingway
This legendary American novelist was known for his risk-taking behavior and adventurous spirit, which perfectly describe most ESTPs.
Stephen Curry
He is one of the most successful athletes, and he loves being in the spotlight. Plus, he is naturally very charming, which is a characteristic of ESTPs.
Joe Rogan
Outgoing, charismatic, and funny, Joe Rogan is believed to be an ESTP.
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