ESTPs in Romantic Relationships

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What are ESTPs like in romantic relationships?

ESTPs in romantic relationships are passionate, engaged, and charismatic. They find satisfaction and enjoyment in the process of falling in love, and they’ll do what they can to charm the pants off their partner.

However, it’s important to keep Entrepreneurs’ fun-loving nature in mind. This personality type is very flirty, and they won’t form a deep, meaningful bond with just about anyone.

Seeing an ESTP truly and obviously in love is rare. But once you do have a chance to see it, you’ll understand how quick, intense, and all-encompassing love can be.

Mature ESTPs will most often be the ones who look for a committed relationship. Once they find the right person, they will be wonderful and thoughtful partners who will call in the middle of the night simply to check how their partners are doing.

What do ESTPs look for in romantic relationships?

ESTPs look for a romantic relationship that’s going to be fun. This personality type is attracted to adventurous people, as they want to experience all kinds of new things with their partners.

Likewise, someone with an ESTP personality will also look for a spontaneous and laid-back partner. Ultimatums, timelines, and rules are not going to work well for the fun-loving ESTP.

Ultimately, this personality type craves a partner who will be authentic. ESTPs are intrigued by people who are unapologetically themselves, and they find nothing more attractive than a confident person who sticks firmly to his or her beliefs.

ESTP compatibility with other types

  • ISFJs

    ISFJs are considered to be the best romantic match for ESTPs. These two personality types are the epitome of the saying ‘opposites attract.’ They have a lot to teach each other, and this union is going to be characterized by personal growth.

  • ISTJs

    Both ISTJs and ESTPs are rational and stable, and neither one likes big outbursts of emotion. Thus, they will show the love they have for each other through actions rather than words.

  • INFPs

    INFPs and ESTPs will have a hard time understanding each other as they have different values, beliefs, and communication styles. The former is also much more emotional than the latter personality type.

  • INTPs

    INTPs and ESTPs have a completely different approach to life. While the first personality type craves knowledge and intellectual pursuits, the second one lives in the moment and is all about seizing the day.

ESTP love language

ESTP’s primary love language is physical gestures, and you can expect warm hugs and playful kisses from this personality type. Men and women with ESTP traits also value quality time.

How to love an ESTP

  • Giving them freedom

    An ESTP in love will be loyal, so their partners can feel free to let them enjoy socializing with others. Likewise, give them complete liberty in terms of taking the relationship to the next level, as an ESTP will be instantly turned off by ultimatums.

  • Making them laugh

    This personality type loves humor and witty banter, so they will have the most satisfying relationship with someone who is funny.

  • Providing material comforts

    Spending a lot of money isn’t a prerequisite; an ESTP will think highly of a dinner in a nice restaurant—but make sure you dress to impress.

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