
We’ve developed many tools and assessments to help you explore how your personality traits affect various aspects of your life.

Our framework

The Theory Behind the 16 Personalities - How Does It Work?

At MyPersonality, we are dedicated to helping you learn more about yourself and those around you. Because of this, we’ve created a personality test that can help you figure out your personality type and learn all about what makes you unique.

Our personality test consists of 60 distinct statements, ranging from “You enjoy team sports or other group activities” to “You see meaning in the little things around you.” After completing the personality test by marking each statement based on how much it resonates with you, you’ll receive your personality test results, which consist of five letters (e.g., INTJ-T or ESFP-A).

To understand what these letters mean and how our test works, let’s dig deeper into the personality type theory and see what exactly your results reveal.

Personality Dimensions

According to the personality type theory, personality dimensions refer to four distinct traits that make up each of the 16 personality types.

These dimensions exist on a spectrum and are classified into pairs as follows:

While every individual uses all of these dimensions to a certain extent, we all have a general preference for one over the other, which determines our personality type.

Now that we’re all clear, let’s have a brief overview of each of these dimensions.

#1. Introversion - I

Scoring high on introversion essentially means that the individual receives energy from solitude. As such, people with a pronounced preference for introversion tend to be rather reserved and focused inward. Rather than gathering a large group of acquaintances, they prefer connecting with people one-on-one on a deep, authentic level.

#2. Extraversion - E

Extraversion is the opposite of introversion, and as such, it means that the individual is energized by spending time with others. In other words, those who score high on extraversion tend to be people-oriented and focused outward. Because of their outgoing nature, they are generally open to meeting new people and often make friends wherever they go.

#3. Sensing - S

Sensing determines that the individual mainly interacts with the world and gathers information through their five senses, such as touch and smell. Because of this, those who score high on sensing tend to be practical and pragmatic—they often prefer hands-on learning to theoretical explanations and tend to be firmly grounded in the present.

#4. Intuition - N

Unlike sensing, intuition is concerned with intuitive insights, abstract ideas, and the search for meaning. In turn, intuitive individuals rarely take things at face value—they want to understand the bigger picture and the underlying meaning that lies behind. Future-oriented and imaginative, they are often more interested in possibilities and theoretical potential than tangible data.

#5. Feeling - F

Like the thinking dimension, feeling influences an individual’s decision-making process. People with a preference for feeling usually make decisions based on their impact on others and their alignment with their values. Not only do feeling personalities take other people’s needs and opinions into consideration, but they often prioritize them over their own to maintain harmony.

#6. Thinking - T

Thinking determines that the individual makes logical decisions based on objectivity and reason. People who prioritize thinking over feeling tend to be analytical and want their decisions to make logical sense to them. They factor in evidence, data, statistics, and other factual information when making decisions but may not consider how their choices affect others.

#7. Judging - J

Contrary to popular belief, having a preference for judging does not make a person judgmental. Instead, the judging dimension determines that the individual appreciates order and certainty in life. Those who score high on judging tend to be well-organized and decisive. They are usually great at planning but may struggle to adapt to changes.

#8. Perceiving - P

Perceiving lies at the opposite end of the spectrum from judging, which means that perceiving personalities tend to be rather easy-going. They value flexibility and adaptability, so they tend to preserve their freedom of choice by leaving their options open whenever possible. They adapt well to changes but can feel uncomfortable in highly structured environments.

#9. Assertive - A

As a personality dimension, assertiveness essentially signifies that the individual has a high level of self-confidence and emotional stability. People who score high on assertiveness tend to be rather relaxed and resistant to negative emotions, including stress. They often like to take matters into their own hands and are comfortable making decisions all by themselves.

#10. Turbulent - T

Scoring high on turbulence means that the individual is prone to self-doubt, anxiety, self-consciousness, and other negative emotions. As such, they might need more reassurance from others than their assertive counterparts. Turbulent individuals often have high expectations for themselves and strive for continuous growth, but they can struggle with perfectionism.

What You’ll Learn from Your Personality Test Results

While reading about the 16 personality types theory, you probably noticed that personality dimensions touch upon the very core aspects of what makes you truly you, such as your decision-making process and sensitivity to negative emotions.

That’s exactly why our personality test is an excellent tool that can help you better understand yourself. It’s not just theory—your personality test results can actually help you fulfill your potential and make the most of your life!

More precisely, your personality test results will reveal not only your preferred personality dimensions—for example, whether you’re an introvert or extrovert—but also give you insight into your:

  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Personal growth and potential
  • Communication style
  • Leadership potential
  • Parenting approach and challenges

In turn, your personality test results can help you figure out your best career matches, relationship compatibility with other personality types, and much more.

Not to mention, they include practical tips that can steer you in the right direction in terms of personal growth and self-actualization, helping you lead a happier, maximally fulfilling life!

Unlock Your Growth Potential

If you’ve taken our free personality test, chances are you found the results staggeringly accurate. But what if we told you that the general report you read after completing the text only covers the basics of your personality type?

That’s right—if you want to understand yourself on a deeper level and unlock your full potential, consider upgrading to our Premium profile. By doing so, you’ll immediately unlock a full 15-page personality test report that encompasses everything we covered above, including useful tips for personal growth, relationships, career, and much more!

Not only that—with our Premium profile, you’ll gain access to:

  • 20+ other personal growth, relationship, and career tests
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Personalized training

Most importantly, it’s risk-free—we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Ready to embark on your personal growth journey? Subscribe to our Premium profile today!

Don’t yet know your personality? Try our free test!

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