ISFP Careers

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Best career choices for ISFPs

Since they have a compassionate and caring nature, ISFPs are perfectly suited for career paths where they can help people. Thus, you will be able to find many people with this personality type in healthcare or other career options in the humanities.

Likewise, people with the ISFP personality are artsy and innovative, so it’s not unheard of for them to be employed in places where creativity is imperative.

  • Registered nurse
  • Social worker
  • Teacher
  • Occupational therapist
  • Veterinarian
  • Chef
  • Interior designer
  • Artist
  • Pet groomer
  • Graphic designer
  • Surgeon
  • Police officer
  • Flight attendant
  • Firefighter
  • Personal trainer

Careers that ISFPs should avoid

Career paths that are structured and monotonous are not going to be the right fit for someone with an ISFP personality. They are not going to be happy if they have to be buried in paperwork and numbers all day long.

Moreover, they won’t do well with careers that require a lot of long-term planning and execution. Positions where they have to manage people are not going to make them comfortable and happy.

Therefore, ISFP males and females should think twice about the following career paths:

  • Attorney
  • CEO
  • Accountant
  • Chief financial officer
  • Auditor
  • Criminal defense lawyer
  • Management consultant
  • Survey researcher
  • Law clerk
  • Data analyst

Best majors for ISFPs

Picking the right college major is a tricky task, especially for people with ISFP traits. They find it difficult to stick to something, so they might have a particularly tough time choosing a major.

Here are some majors that will most likely fit in with an ISFP’s personality:

  • Art
  • Dance
  • Education
  • Apparel design
  • Athletic training
  • Health sciences
  • Culinary arts
  • Social work
  • Music production
  • Nursing

Worst majors for ISFPs

When it comes to the worst majors, people who have an ISFP personality should steer clear of:

  • Economy
  • Dentistry
  • Computer science
  • Psychology
  • Psychiatry
  • Architecture
  • Accounting
  • Law
  • Engineering
  • Information systems management

Hobbies & interests of ISFPs


Gardening helps ISFPs become one with nature and work with their hands. It also brings out their nurturing streak, as caring for someone/something gives them great satisfaction.


This hobby is perfectly suited for ISFPs who are very creative and artistic. They make excellent family and wedding photographers.


Cooking allows people with this personality type to work with their hands and concoct all kinds of recipes. It’s exactly the kind of spontaneity they are looking for.


There’s probably nothing an ISFP appreciates more than some alone time with their favorite book. Especially if they are reading about ISFP fictional characters they can relate to.

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