INTJ strengths and weaknesses
INTJ strengths
INTJs prefer to march to the beat of their own drum, disregarding what others might think of their often unconventional ways. They hate being told what to do, especially when they can see no logic in it. As a result, INTJs are frequently perceived as contrarians or “lone wolf” types.
INTJs know how capable they are, and they are proud of it, too. This quiet confidence shines through in their words and actions, making them seem self-assured and reliable. Due to their calm, aloof demeanor, it can also come across as arrogance—though INTJs rarely brag or boast about their achievements.
INTJs question everything and hate accepting existing beliefs just because others tell them so. Instead, they seek their own truth and believe in radical change if it means making current systems more efficient.
INTJs are masters of logic, fully relying on it when solving problems in their professional and private lives. Nothing is too challenging for these sharp minds, and, in fact, they tend to enjoy solving the seemingly unsolvable.
INTJ weaknesses
Excessive perfectionism
INTJs are perfectionists to the core, and while this benefits them in some ways, it also limits their potential in others. They hold themselves to a high standard and easily become disappointed when they can’t meet it.
Lower emotional intelligence
INTJs struggle with expressing and understanding emotions and may accidentally come across as cold and callous. Sometimes, they do it on purpose—some INTJs are dismissive of emotions and impatient around people who value them above rationality and logic.
Extremely private
Like most introverts, INTJs prefer to keep their personal matters away from prying eyes. However, they can take it too far, closing themselves off even to their loved ones.
INTJs like to tell it how it is but often forget that even the hard truth can be delivered with tact and kindness. As a result, their words may seem overly harsh and inadvertently hurt the other person.
How do INTJs handle stress?
INTJs handle stress well, usually remaining calm and collected and searching for solutions to problems weighing them down.
However, when pressure is particularly high, they might become more withdrawn than usual or get annoyed by seemingly innocuous things. At their worst, INTJs become argumentative, cold, and downright unpleasant until they resolve whatever bothers them.
What motivates INTJs?
INTJs are motivated by challenges and goals that provide growth and improvement opportunities. They are always looking for ways to better themselves and the world, which keeps them active and engaged. In fact, long periods of stagnation can stress INTJs out and make them feel as if they are trapped.
How to grow as an INTJ
Here are a few ways INTJ personality types can encourage their own growth:
- Express your thoughts. As extremely private individuals, INTJs don’t readily share their thoughts with others unless they absolutely have to. Consequently, they miss out on an opportunity to have their ideas tested and challenged by someone else whose insight might improve them.
- Avoid isolation. It may be tempting to stay home and explore your inner world for hours, but too much isolation limits growth. Sometimes, getting out of your head and interacting with others can inspire you or provide insights you’ve never considered.
- Work on your emotional expression. As an INTJ, you’ll likely never be as comfortable with feelings as more emotional types, but you can improve your tolerance for them. Instead of considering them a nuisance, try to understand where certain feelings are coming from and how to adequately address them.