INFJ in romantic relationships
What are INFJs like in romantic relationships?
In romantic relationships, INFJs are passionate, sincere, loyal, and incredibly supportive of their partner’s wishes, goals, and dreams. They want to experience true, unconditional love and grow old with a significant other who’s as committed to them as they are.
As a result, they enjoy long, deep conversations that allow both partners to open their hearts and speak honestly about their expectations and desires for the future. Without these conversations, INFJs may feel insecure about their bond and wonder if the partnership will lead anywhere.
In other words, INFJs don’t look for or function well in casual, no-strings-attached relationships. These situations drain them, and they typically seem like more trouble than they are worth. As in other aspects of life, INFJs look for depth and meaning—if there is none, they are content with staying single.
What INFJs look for in romantic relationships
In romantic relationships, INFJs look for deep connection, understanding, and unwavering support in a partner who operates on the same wavelength. Being incredibly intuitive, INFJs can quickly discern whether they “click” with someone, which is essential for this personality type.
INFJ’s inborn idealism can affect their search for a significant other both positively and negatively. On the bright side, most INFJs can clearly imagine their ideal partner and won’t settle for anything less.
However, this also makes them seem overly picky, especially since their standards tend to be sky-high. Ultimately, many INFJs eventually learn that they need to compromise if they ever want to find someone to share their life with.
INFJ compatibility with other types
INTP - compatible
Easy-going, rational INTPs may not seem like a great match for passionate, sensitive INFJs, but the two types complement each other perfectly. In fact, this match is often called the golden pair, which speaks volumes about its compatibility.
ENFJ - compatible
INFJs and ENFJs have much in common—they are both caring, empathetic, and sensitive individuals with a strong desire to improve the world. Plus, as extroverts, ENFJs can help INFJs get out of their heads and stop needlessly worrying.
ESTP - incompatible
Energetic, impulsive ESTPs quickly drain INFJs’ energy with their constant need for adventure and change. Moreover, the two types hardly share any values and generally have different priorities.
ESFP - incompatible
Similarly energetic and adventurous, ESFPs offer little to introspective, thoughtful INFJs. They don’t enjoy theoretical discussions, and their constant need for entertainment seems shallow in an INFJ’s eyes.
INFJ love language
INFJ’s love language is quality time, which allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their partner and uncover how their mind works.
3 Tips on how to love an INFJ
Tip #1
Listen to them without judgment. INFJs are usually the ones to listen, so they are incredibly appreciative when someone shows interest in them instead. Even if their ideas don’t mesh well with yours, hear them out, and INFJs will pay you back in kind.
Tip #2
Show affection in simple ways. INFJs appreciate simple displays of affection far more than grand gestures of love, which may make them feel awkward or embarrassed. Compliment them or give them small but meaningful gifts to make them feel truly special.
Tip #3
Open up to them. Above all, INFJs value when someone is open, honest, and vulnerable with them. This makes them feel trusted and needed, which this personality type considers the highest compliment.