INFJs in other relationships

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What are INFJs like in friendships & platonic relationships

In friendships and platonic relationships, INFJs are just as loyal, warm, and committed as they are in romantic relationships. They are rarely interested in friendships that provide nothing more than fun—a true friendship must be based on a deep, meaningful bond.

As a result, INFJs tend to be as picky with friends as with partners and don’t normally have wide friend circles. Instead, they form deep connections with one or two people who understand them on a fundamental level and consider everyone else their acquaintances.

Such an approach to friendship may somewhat limit their opportunities, but it also allows them to form lifelong bonds of the kind that few other types can achieve. In other words, quality always trumps quantity in INFJ’s eyes, and if that means being alone sometimes, then so be it.

What are INFJs like as parents?

As parents, INFJs are loving, empathetic, and compassionate, fully devoting themselves to raising their children and providing all the support and guidance they need.

In general, INFJs don’t take the parental role lightly. Instead, they understand their profound influence on their children’s personalities and strive to provide enough emotional support while also leaving room for independent growth.

Furthermore, INFJs care deeply about the personal values they instill in their children. This personality type prioritizes raising a kind, empathetic, and considerate human being who knows the difference between right and wrong and acts accordingly.

Unfortunately, this may inadvertently put too much pressure on their children, especially when they are young. Their INFJ parent’s expectations may not always be attainable, which can cause some strife. Luckily, INFJ’s innate empathy can help both sides come to an understanding.

Heart between hands

INFJ communication style

INFJ’s communication style is usually gentle, considerate, tactful, and encouraging, all of which puts their conversation partner at ease. As a result, people tend to open up to INFJs easily, revealing their innermost thoughts soon after meeting them.

That’s not to say INFJs can’t have casual, lighthearted conversations with people—they can, and they enjoy those as well. However, they can’t sustain their relationships only on those and need more to be satisfied.

Heart between hands

What are INFJs like in conflict?

INFJs tend to avoid conflict whenever they can, as their auxiliary Fe has a tendency towards harmony and empathy. As a result, INFJs feel extremely uncomfortable when the balance they are striving for is disrupted.

To counter that, they withdraw, as most introverts do. Usually, they are ready to discuss the situation only once the tension subsides and they no longer feel threatened.

3 tips for interacting with INFJs

  • Tip #1

    Pay attention to your tone. INFJs are very sensitive to tone, which may be troublesome if you are a less expressive personality type. Try to sound friendly and engaged when talking to an INFJ to reassure them that you care.

  • Tip #2

    Be honest. Dominant Ni helps INFJs see through lies and deception, so dishonesty rarely goes unnoticed. Be sincere when speaking to them, even if it’s hurtful—they will appreciate that more than inauthenticity.

  • Tip #3

    Try to express your feelings. INFJs speak the language of feelings and use it to connect with and understand others. This doesn’t come as naturally to thinking types, but a little effort goes a long way.

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