ISFJs in Other Relationships
What are ISFJs like in friendships & platonic relationships?
In friendships and platonic relationships, ISFJs are generous, supportive, and thoughtful.
Although people with the ISFJ personality type are the type of friends you can count on to stick by you no matter what, they tend to have a fairly small circle of friends. This is hardly surprising, given that it takes time for them to trust people enough to open up to them.
Though reserved around strangers, ISFJs tend to reveal their delightful (and often quirky!) sense of humor around their closest friends. They also tend to cherish their friends no less than their family members, which is one of the reasons why their friendships usually last a lifetime.
What are ISFJs like as parents?
ISFJs take parenthood very responsibly and make nurturing yet firm parents. They often have a somewhat traditional approach to parenting, expecting their children to respect their authority rather than treat them as friends. They also tend to instill their values in their kids and teach them to differentiate right from wrong from an early age.
Though parents with the ISFJ personality type can be overly protective, they do a wonderful job of setting their children up for success. Not only do they create a stable and secure home environment, but they also patiently guide their children through life’s challenges. Needless to say, this helps their kids develop into happy, self-confident adults.
ISFJ communication style
ISFJs have a polite, tactful, and respectful communication style. They tend to be soft-spoken and usually do more listening than talking; they often prefer to quietly observe people over actively participating in conversations.
Usually, ISFJs only express their thoughts when others ask them to or when they have something valuable to add. They are very careful not to offend or hurt others, so they often adjust their communication style to those around them and refrain from sharing unpopular opinions.
What are ISFJs like in conflict?
ISFJs are very uncomfortable in conflict situations, as these disrupt the harmony they yearn for. For this reason, they try their best to avoid conflict and confrontation, even if it means they have to take accountability and apologize for things that are not even their fault. In other words, sweeping things under the rug is their preferred way of handling conflict.
3 tips for interacting with ISFJs
Be polite
ISFJs may not tell it to your face, but they strongly dislike rude, disrespectful people. When you’re talking to them, a little kindness and good manners go a long way.
Practice patience
Opening up isn’t easy for ISFJs, so give them time to do it on their terms. Otherwise, they may shut you out completely.
Don’t rock the boat
Avoid discussing controversial, taboo, and similar topics around ISFJs or pushing people’s buttons, as this can make them very uncomfortable.
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