ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T: Differences, Strengths, Careers & More
ISFP-A and ISFP-T are two subtypes of the ISFP personality type. While they are very similar, they also differ drastically in certain aspects, which makes both of them unique in their own special way.
If you aren’t sure how to tell them apart, look no further!
In this article, we’ll break down the similarities and differences between ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts and compare the two in terms of self-confidence, emotional expression, relationships, and more!
Key Takeaways
- ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts differ mainly in terms of self-confidence, stress tolerance, and emotional control.
- Although ISFP-As are more resistant to stress and better at managing their emotions than ISFP-Ts, they may come across as arrogant and overly independent. ISFP-Ts, meanwhile, are more sensitive to other people’s feelings but may struggle with low self-esteem.
- Both ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts perform best at jobs that allow them to work independently and should avoid jobs that require strong organizational skills.
The Distinction Between ISFP-A and ISFP-T
The main distinction between ISFP-A and ISFP-T personalities is that ISFP-As are more self-assured than ISFP-Ts.
ISFP-A stands for assertive ISFP, whereas ISFP-T stands for turbulent ISFP. Since they both use the same cognitive functions, though, these two distinct subtypes have more similarities than differences.
Essentially, the assertiveness/turbulence dimension measures the level of neuroticism, which may affect your self-confidence and emotional control. Assertive ISFPs are in charge of their emotions and are generally more confident than their turbulent counterparts, who are more likely to struggle with self-doubt and have difficulty controlling strong emotions.
However, while it is common for turbulent personality types to struggle with a negative sense of self, turbulent Adventurers face this problem relatively rarely.
As dominant introverted feeling (Fi) users, ISFPs are very independent and place a high value on living in alignment with their personal values. Because of this, turbulent ISFPs are less likely to struggle with low self-esteem than other turbulent personalities.
Now, you may be wondering, which subtype of the ISFP personality type is more common—assertive or turbulent?
Perceiving and feeling personality types tend to lean toward turbulence more often than judging and thinking types. So, it’s very likely that the ISFP-A personality is rarer than the ISFP-T one.
Google Trends data also indicates that far more people worldwide search for information about turbulent ISFPs, which could suggest that this subtype is more common:
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T Strengths and Weaknesses
Even though ISFP-A and ISFP-T personalities both represent the same personality type, they are endowed with different gifts and may face challenges unique to their subtype.
On that note, let’s dissect the strengths and weaknesses of ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts to better understand how these subtypes differ from each other.
ISFP-A Strengths & Weaknesses
The most prominent strengths of the ISFP-A personality include:
- Openness. Despite being introverts, ISFP-As are generally more open to experiences and people. This, coupled with their desire to step outside their comfort zones, explains why they tend to come across as more adventurous and extroverted than ISFP-Ts.
- High stress tolerance. Since ISFP-A personalities are confident in their abilities to handle stressful situations, they don’t put much emphasis on them. As such, they are more resistant to stress and find it easier to cope with it than their turbulent counterparts.
- Emotional stability. Even though ISFP-As are innately sensitive, they have good emotional control. Because of this, they rarely experience mood swings and can handle negative emotions fairly well.
Meanwhile, here are some of their weaknesses:
- Hyper-independence. ISFPs are generally independent, but assertive Adventurers can sometimes be overly independent. They may not always consider other people’s feelings, opinions, expectations, social norms, etc.
- Arrogance. The combination of hyper-independence and self-confidence can make ISFP-A personalities come across as arrogant. They tend to do what they want, regardless of what other people think about it.
- Carelessness. Even though they are very practical, ISFP-As may not always pay attention to detail or consider the consequences of their actions. As such, they are prone to making careless, risky decisions.
ISFP-T Strengths & Weaknesses
By contrast, the greatest strengths of ISFP-Ts are:
- Caution. ISFP-Ts approach life with a healthy dose of caution. Although they are adventurous, they think before they leap and usually prefer staying within the limits of their comfort zones.
- Effective problem-solving. Since ISFP-Ts are sensitive to stress, they tend to find solutions to problems before they get out of hand. Because of this, they make effective problem-solvers and are often more detail-oriented than their assertive counterparts.
- Sensitivity to others. As independent as they are, ISFP-Ts genuinely care about other people’s feelings and opinions. Because of this, they often make great teammates.
On the flip side, their weaknesses include:
- Fluctuating self-confidence. ISFP-Ts are no strangers to self-doubt, and their self-confidence may go up and down depending on the situation at hand.
- Susceptibility to stress. Turbulent Adventurers can get easily overwhelmed in stressful situations. They may also need a lot of time to overcome negative emotions and experiences.
- Poor emotional control. External events and experiences can strongly affect the mood of turbulent ISFPs. Their feelings may also influence their decisions, so they may struggle with impulsivity, especially under pressure.
ISFP-A and ISFP-T Compatibility With Other Personality Types
When it comes to ISFP-A and ISFP-T compatibility, there aren’t that many differences between these two subtypes since both of them are very similar.
Generally speaking, ISFP compatibility is highest with sensing personality types, such as:
That said, it’s no secret that thinking personality types can be rather direct, which may hurt turbulent ISFPs’ feelings. Because of this, they may feel more comfortable around feeling personality types.
Meanwhile, assertive ISFPs may feel particularly drawn to personality types that share their passion for adventure, such as ESTPs.
6 Key Differences Between ISFP-A and ISFP-T Personalities
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the key differences between ISFP-A and ISFP-T personalities in greater depth:
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is the greatest difference between ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts, meaning this is the easiest way to tell the two apart. Assertive ISFPs are more confident in themselves than turbulent ones and usually have a stable sense of self.
Daring and adventurous, they don’t think twice before trying out new things. They also tend to perceive their ideas and other contributions as intrinsically valuable and unique, so they’re typically confident in sharing them with others.
Meanwhile, turbulent ISFPs tend to lack self-confidence, so they often question and doubt themselves, their ideas, and their abilities.
They may not always think that they have something special or valuable to offer to the world—even when they clearly do. Because of this, they may seek reassurance from others, and other people’s opinions might impact their sense of self.
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T Emotional Expression
Both assertive and turbulent ISFPs are fairly sensitive and keep their emotions to themselves. However, ISFP-Ts are generally more concerned with other people’s emotions, whereas ISFP-As prioritize their own feelings.
Naturally, ISFP-As find it easier to express their emotional needs to others. They also tend to have a more positive outlook on life, which helps them handle negative emotions with ease. Some even use them as inspiration for their art.
Meanwhile, turbulent ISFPs will only share their feelings if they completely trust you. They are also more prone to mood swings, and some may also wallow in negative emotions like sadness, self-pity, etc.
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T Under Stress
ISFP-A and ISFP-T have very different approaches to stress.
Assertive ISFPs are less affected by stressful situations than turbulent ones, mainly because they strongly believe in their ability to handle them. Although they tend to perceive stress and negative experiences as challenges, they may sometimes downplay their gravity and fail to address them properly or on time.
Meanwhile, turbulent ISFPs are very susceptible to stress. However, this also means that they are more thorough in tackling stressful situations, as they don’t want them to repeat or grow into bigger problems.
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T in Relationships
In romantic relationships, both ISFP-A and ISFP-T personalities are caring, thoughtful, and loyal.
However, turbulent ISFPs are typically more in tune with their significant others’ feelings than assertive ones. Although they do their best to attend to their partners’ needs, they are prone to downplaying those of their own and may have trouble asserting themselves.
By contrast, assertive ISFPs are more in touch with their own emotions than those of others, so they are more likely to express their needs and address relationship issues head-on. They tend to get over breakups more easily than turbulent ISFPs.
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T in Friendships
In friendships, ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts differ mainly in terms of how they receive their friends’ feedback and concerns.
Even though ISFP-Ts are more careful than ISFP-As, both ISFP subtypes enjoy a good spontaneous adventure. As such, their friends may sometimes express concerns about their safety, decisions, etc.
When this happens, turbulent ISFPs are more likely to listen to their friends’ advice and hear out their concerns, though they may take criticism to heart. Meanwhile, assertive ISFPs tend to shrug off other people’s comments and advice due to their high level of independence and self-confidence.
ISFP-A vs. ISFP-T in the Workplace
In terms of career, ISFP-A and ISFP-T personalities alike value independence, so they usually gravitate toward freelance or solitary jobs.
However, turbulent ISFPs are more likely to give in to societal pressure and make career choices based on other people’s expectations. Ultimately, this can lead them to get stuck in an unfulfilling job.
That said, they tend to work better in teams than ISFP-As, as they value other people’s opinions more. They also usually adhere to rules and regulations with less resistance than their assertive counterparts.
Unlike ISFP-Ts, though, ISFP-As express their ideas freely and don’t seek other people’s support—they know exactly what they bring to the table.
Best and Worst Careers for ISFP-A Personalities
Generally, ISFP-A personalities excel at hands-on jobs and professions that enable them to utilize their creativity and aesthetic sense.
Some of the best career paths for ISFP-As include:
- Designer (fashion, interior, graphic, jewelry, landscape, etc.)
- Personal Trainer
- Personal Chef
- Nail Technician
- Hair Stylist
That said, ISFP-As should ideally avoid jobs that involve lots of planning and organization. They might also feel unsatisfied with their career if it requires them to follow strict procedures or perform repetitive tasks.
So, here are some of the worst careers for ISFP-As:
- Engineer
- Bookkeeper
- Surgeon
- Data Entry Clerk
Best and Worst Careers for ISFP-T Personalities
The same career paths that suit ISFP-As also tend to fit ISFP-T personalities. However, thanks to their sensitivity, they may particularly shine in jobs that allow them to help people and connect with them one-on-one.
So, here are some good career options for ISFP-Ts:
- Artist
- Social Worker
- Dietitian
- Mental Health Counselor
- Cosmetologist
Since turbulent Adventurers are often rather shy, they may not feel comfortable in management positions or in jobs that involve lots of social interaction, such as:
- Sales Associate
- Lawyer
- Marketing Manager
- Customer Support Representative
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, our analysis of the differences and similarities between assertive and turbulent ISFPs helped you gain a more nuanced understanding of the Adventurer personality type.
While it’s undeniable that ISFP-As and ISFP-Ts have some striking differences, remember that they both possess distinct strengths and differences. As such, neither of them is better or worse than the other. They are simply two sides of the same coin!