An In-Depth Analysis of ESTP and ESTP Romantic Compatibility

An In-Depth Analysis of ESTP and ESTP Romantic Compatibility

A relationship between an ESTP and an ESTP couple is one of excitement and action. The Entrepreneur (ESTP) personality is all about energy and calculated risk, which can result in the adventure of a lifetime or impulsive actions that lead to trouble.

The Entrepreneur’s courageous and adaptive character is often great for relationships, but does it work when matched with the same energy?

That is what we are going to find out, so let’s dive into the dynamics of an ESTP and ESTP relationship.

ESTP and ESTP Relationship Compatibility

ESTP and ESTP Compatibility

On paper, ESTPs are compatible, and these relationships can work well. However, a successful relationship depends on multiple factors, each of which we will discuss.

First, let’s explore the ESTP personality type in more depth before moving on to how well two Entrepreneurs fit together.

The ESTP personality acronym is short for Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving, a combination that has earned them a quite spot-on nickname of “The Entrepreneur.” Charisma, adaptability, and a can-do attitude toward problems are adjectives we’d use to best describe them.

If you want to better visualize what an ESTP might look like, think of uniquely strong personalities, such as Madonna. These individuals push the boundaries of their respective domains with the power of their vision and a lot of targeted action to back that all up.

To get a better understanding of what makes up the anatomy of the ESTP character, we can't help but look at their cognitive functions:

Cognitive Function

ESTP - Entrepreneur


Extraverted Sensing (Se)


Introverted Thinking (Ti)


Extraverted Feeling (Fe)


Introverted Intuition (Ni)

When we’re talking about ESTPs, some of the adjectives that are absolute musts are courageous, competitive, and curious. These traits often lead them to take calculated risks and navigate quite challenging problems with novel and unique approaches.

As far as other people go, more often than not, they are the life and soul of almost every party they attend. Entrepreneurs thoroughly enjoy being in the spotlight, and they usually find it quite easy to motivate others with their charm, competence, and enthusiasm.

Exciting prospects in what lies ahead and an engaging lifestyle outweigh the downsides of this unique personality in a relationship and can be what keeps them together even when the going gets tough.

Detailed Analysis of ESTP and ESTP Relationship

Couple chilling at home with their dog

Now that we have a solid understanding of the personalities and compatibility of an ENTP pairing, let's see how they compare in terms of the important aspects of a romantic relationship.

#1. ESTP and ESTP Communication

Two ESTPs will have no trouble with good communication. They are quite logical and stick to facts when discussing topics or problems. Ideas and opinions are easily shared and are often met with equal enthusiasm and excitement. In addition to that, they will have no trouble bringing up issues when they arise.

Communication can break down when it comes to feelings. Opening up is difficult for these personality types, and talking about emotions and feelings does not come naturally to them. When the moment arrives, it is important that those emotions are validated and respected.

#2. ESTP and ESTP Handling Conflict

When it comes to handling conflict, ESTPs are direct communicators who prefer to talk things out as soon as problems arise. Both partners are direct and move quickly to resolve things.

ESTPs are able not to take conflicts personally. They are direct communicators who look to find common ground quickly and keep moving forward. When both partners share this mindset, low-level conflicts are easily avoidable.

Conflicts can become problematic when strong emotions are involved and need to be addressed. Entrepreneurs simply aren't the types who can discuss deep feelings for extended periods of time.

#3. ESTP and ESTP Values

ESTPs are likely to share many similar values. They highly regard courage, logic, self-sufficiency and pragmatism because they rely on them to make decisions quickly.

They also value discipline, competence, and responsibility. Discipline enables them to enact changes when necessary. Competence gives them confidence in their abilities. Finally, responsibility provides a framework for making reliable decisions. All three are crucial foundations that enable them to fuel the entrepreneurial spirit within them.

Due to their aligned core values, two ESTPs can complement each other well.

#4. ESTP and ESTP Decision-Making

Due to their cognitive functions, ESTPs tend to approach decision-making spontaneously, almost impulsively. They are locked into the present moment and make decisions based on their perspective and knowledge at the time a decision needs to be made.

While they excel at improvising and implementing ideas, they do not consider the long-term consequences. Thus, they might struggle with making long-term plans for the future.

#5. ESTP and ESTP Daily Life

Kayakers enjoying a serene sunset on the beach

When it comes to daily life, Entrepreneurs like to be flexible. They like to feel like their options are open and are often spontaneous with their plans. For this reason, two ESTPs can have a very exciting, engaging, and adventurous life together.

However, this desire for freedom can also cause problems. The lack of long-term commitment to plans can leave them doing things at the very last minute or even leaving things unfinished at times. Without a more stable partner to balance this out, two ESTPs will require a lot of patience to stop this from becoming a problem.

#6. ESTP and ESTP Dealing With Stress

ESTPs are comfortable with pressure because they are naturally very adaptable. Instead, ESTPs are more stressed out in situations that do not play to their strengths. These include restrictive rules, isolation, and a lack of ability to tackle problems creatively.

When exposed to such conditions, they become restless, often seeking out an escape that will make them feel less confined and more in control.

This should not be a problem between two ESTPs.

2 Potential Issues in the ESTP and ESTP Relationship

Potential obstacles in the ESTP and ESTP relationship, aside from the ones mentioned, include the following:

  • Competitiveness. ESTPs are highly competitive, often seeking to be the best and outdo others. While this can make them great at many things, it can cause problems if they are in competition with each other.
  • Commitment issues. Entrepreneur personality types desire to feel free, which can make committing to a relationship difficult simply because they do not want to feel restrained. This is usually a problem in the beginning stages of a relationship.

3 Tips on How to Improve the ESTP and ESTP Relationship

Every relationship has space for improvement, so if ESTPs want to strengthen their connection, they can try the following:

  • Think of each other as a team. ESTPs have the urge to be on top of the mountain. Accepting this and incorporating your partner into the equation can help deal with feelings of jealousy or competitiveness. Join forces and work on being the best couple instead of the best individuals. This simple shift in mindset can solve a lot of issues in a relationship.
  • Impulsive actions. Both ESTPs may have a tendency to act impulsively without fully considering the consequences. This can lead to disagreements, particularly if their impulsive actions clash or result in unforeseen problems.
  • Learn to open up. ESTPs can benefit from opening up. While it is difficult for them, they need to understand that deeper connections that make relationships worthwhile are only possible if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with partners.

Final Thoughts

An ESTP couple faces unique challenges in making relationships work. Not all personalities have the same dynamics, and couples need to know what potential challenges they face in their relationships.

Find out where you stand with a personality test that can help you learn more about yourself and your potential matches. Knowing each other’s type can be the first step towards mutual understanding—all you need to do is apply what you’ve learned to your relationship!
