ENFJs in the Workplace

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What is the working style of ENFJs

The working style of people with ENFJ personality is based on collaboration and effective communication. They are team-oriented and thrive in settings that include plenty of interactions with other people.

Responsible and highly organized, ENFJs are prone to multitasking as they enjoy variety in their work. Moreover, they often assume leadership roles as they easily win other people’s trust and make meaningful and strong relationships with their coworkers.

On top of it, ENFJs excel at inspiring other people and motivating them to do their best, and they easily create a harmonious and productive atmosphere at work.

3 Tips for excelling in the workplace as an ENFJ

  • Focus on continuous learning

    Nurture your creativity, and invest in growing your knowledge and skills in the area of your choice. You already have great skills and extensive knowledge, which will help you ensure your authority and reputation in your line of work.

  • Establish healthy boundaries

    Don’t let other people take advantage of your willingness to help. Make sure to stick to your priorities before jumping in to support someone else with their task.

  • Perfect your leadership skills

    Use your compassion and talent for effective communication to lead with confidence.

  • What are ENFJs like in networking scenarios?

    What are ENFJs like in networking scenarios?

    In networking scenarios, ENFJs are often in the spotlight as they naturally attract other people and easily strike up an interesting conversation with just about anyone. They gain a lot of positive energy from attending networking events and enjoy them.

    However, ENFJs are amazing at engaging with other people and making them feel seen and heard while also promoting their own values and qualities. Their ability to establish and foster meaningful connections is fascinating.

  • What are ENFJs like as leaders

    What are ENFJs like as leaders

    As leaders, ENFJs are exceptional at earning other people’s trust, inspiring them to grow and develop, and supporting their growth. They excel at creating a productive and supportive work environment within their team, balancing team members’ differences, and harmonizing conflicts.

    To top it all off, they have an innate ability to identify the strengths in others and take pleasure in helping others realize their full potential.

  • What are ENFJs like in teams

    What are ENFJs like in teams

    Although they are natural leaders, ENFJs have no trouble accepting any role within the team, always ensuring a positive work environment and facilitating communication between team members. They shine at building rapport and fostering open dialog, ensuring everyone feels valued and respected.

    They also contribute with their innovative thinking and creativity, inspiring others to view things from multiple perspectives.

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