ESFPs in other relationships

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What are ESFPs like in friendships & platonic relationships?

In friendships and platonic relationships, ESFPs are fun, vibrant, and exciting to have around, with an infectious energy that turns every gathering into a party.

ESFPs keep little to themselves, eager to share everything with their friends but also listen in turn. Their disarming openness inspires people around them to follow suit, and even more reserved types find their charm difficult to resist.

As a result, ESFPs make friends easily and have several large social circles. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are equally close to everyone, but their caring nature drives them to maintain bonds even with those they consider acquaintances.

What are ESFPs like as parents?

As parents, ESFPs are affectionate, fun, and excitable, with an almost childlike energy and enthusiasm. They love organizing outings and amusement park visits for their children, as well as introducing them to their peers while they socialize with other parents.

As a result, children with ESFP parents rarely feel bored or neglected. On the contrary, their lives are usually so full of adventure that other children envy them for having such fun, laid-back parents.

However, ESFPs struggle with more serious aspects of parenting, such as maintaining discipline and enforcing rules. Though well-intentioned, their leniency can be confusing to children, who sometimes need firm and decisive guidance.

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ESFP communication style

ESFP’s communication style is personable, informal, and warm, focused on entertaining their conversation partners and making them feel as comfortable as possible. Typically, ESFPs are highly expressive and excitable, freely giving out both compliments and jokes.

Fun-loving as they are, ESFPs aren’t keen on deep conversations and long debates. They like to keep interactions simple and casual, avoiding any topic that might be controversial. Ultimately, they are masters of small talk, which makes them particularly well-suited for networking and large social gatherings.

Heart between hands

What are ESFPs like in conflict?

Whether they are directly involved or not, ESFPs have a strong aversion to conflict. Their first instinct is to always diffuse it, usually with a joke or a well-placed remark that alleviates tension.

When that doesn’t work, mature ESFPs activate their tertiary Te, whose problem-solving ability allows them to reach a perfect compromise. However, ESFPs with underdeveloped Te may struggle and become emotional instead. In that case, they are more likely to remove themselves from the situation.

3 tips for interacting with ESFPs

  • Tip #1

    Don’t avoid small talk. If you are an intuitive introvert, engaging in small talk may seem like your biggest nightmare. But remember—this is how ESFPs connect with others, so don’t deprive them of it, no matter how empty such interactions may feel.

  • Tip #2

    Show interest in what they’re saying. It’s no secret that ESFPs are very talkative, sharing nearly everything that comes to mind with their friends and family. However, they aren’t oblivious to other people’s reactions; if you don’t show any interest in them, they might feel hurt.

  • Tip #3

    Surprise them. If you’ve ever dreamed of throwing someone a birthday party, an ESFP friend is a perfect victim. A heartfelt message, an unexpected gift, or a surprise visit to their favorite restaurant—all of that counts, and your ESFP will greatly appreciate it.

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