ESFPs in romantic relationships
What are ESFPs like in romantic relationships?
In romantic relationships, ESFPs are fun, passionate, and adventurous, always eager to take their significant others out on fun dates, trips, parties, and events. Their joy and energy are infectious, so they are able to draw even more introverted types out of their shells.
For ESFPs, there’s nothing more exciting than the beginning of a relationship, with all of its unpredictability and novelty. At this stage, they are incredibly charming and enthusiastic about getting to know their partner as thoroughly as possible.
Unfortunately, ESFPs don’t deal well with stability and routine, so their interest might wane as the relationship enters its more serious stages. Once they feel as if they’ve experienced everything there is to experience with their partner, they might start pulling away from the relationship.
Of course, this doesn’t always happen—when mature ESFPs are truly in love, they can be just as committed and loyal as any other type. They shower their partner with affection and ensure that every moment of the relationship is as exciting as the first one.
What ESFPs look for in romantic relationships
In romantic relationships, ESFPs look for fun, excitement, and adventure—exactly what they give to others. As a result, they enjoy casual flings just as much as serious long-term relationships and don’t always look for absolute commitment.
Considering their open-mindedness, they rarely refuse less conventional partners. In fact, they are the type to give even personalities who are their exact opposites a chance. Even if the relationship is doomed to fail from the start, ESFPs value the experience that comes with it.
However, some ESFPs look for a committed relationship, too. Due to their fun-loving nature, it might take them longer to settle, but once they do, their love and affection know no bounds.
ESFP compatibility with other types
ISFJ - compatible
Though gentle, caring ISFJs are nowhere near as adventurous as ESFPs, they can provide the stability that ESFPs desperately lack. Likewise, ESFPs help ISFJs break out of their shell and embrace unpredictability.
ESTP - compatible
If any type can be characterized as an ESFP's partner in crime, it’s undoubtedly an ESTP. Both types love excitement and constantly seek new adventures and experiences, which makes them highly compatible.
ENTJ - incompatible
High-strung, ambitious ENTJs are too intense for ESTPs, who only want to take in life’s pleasures and enjoy themselves. Similarly, ENTJs can’t stand this relaxed attitude, finding ESTPs irresponsible and unfocused.
INTP - incompatible
ESFPs and INTPs have little in common—the former seeks experiences in the real, tangible world, while the latter prefers to think about the abstract and intangible. As a result, these two types rarely gravitate toward each other.
ESFP love language
ESFP’s love language is physical touch, reflecting their general need to stay connected to the tangible world around them. Being touched makes them feel seen and appreciated, deepening their bond with their partner.
How to love an ESFP
Tip #1
Invite them out. ESFPs enjoy taking their loved ones on adventures, but they appreciate it just as much when it’s reciprocated. Surprise them with a fun outing, and your ESFP will be head over heels!
Tip #2
Join them on their adventures. Though ESFPs have no trouble meeting new people while out and about, they also love familiar company. Accompanying them on their adventures shows them that you care about them and their interests, which means a lot.
Tip #3
Don’t try to contain them. ESFPs’ constant need for action may be exhausting, but resist the urge to complain or attempt to stop them. That will only push them away and make them question your relationship.