INFPs in the Workplace
What is the working style of INFPs?
INFPs have an autonomous working style, preferring to work under little to no supervision, as this lets their creative juices flow without any distractions. As long as they find their work meaningful, they are phenomenal at generating fresh ideas and innovative solutions to problems.
Meeting deadlines, however, can be a challenge for INFPs; their efficiency often depends on their mood, and it certainly doesn’t help that the organization isn’t their strongest suit. Criticism can also bring them down and take a toll on their motivation. However, they tend to be very responsive to praise and encouragement.
3 tips for excelling in the workplace as an INFP
Choose the right job
Finding a job that brings a sense of purpose is key to INFPs’ job satisfaction and productivity. If you aren’t passionate about what you do, you might struggle with productivity.
Learn to accept criticism
Criticism is an unavoidable part of life, and it’s not without good reason—done right, it can be a catalyst for growth. So, try not to take criticism personally; instead, use it to improve yourself.
Balance planning with flexibility
Staying organized is no easy feat for the INFP personality type. As such, you might find it helpful to set tentative deadlines instead of trying to stick to a strict schedule.
What are INFPs like in networking scenarios?
INFPs tend to avoid networking scenarios whenever they can. Just the idea of it often leaves a bad taste in their mouths—they aren’t big on anything related to the corporate world.
It also doesn’t help that people with the INFP personality type dislike superficial interactions and usually feel uncomfortable striking up conversations with strangers. As such, networking tends to drain their energy, and they often find it stressful.
What are INFPs like as leaders?
INFPs are often inspiring leaders, as their creativity and compassion help them embrace new ideas and empower their teams to achieve success. Though they often shy away from leadership roles, INFPs excel at transmitting their passion to their reports, gathering them around a common cause, and creating the perfect work environment for their strengths to shine.
INFPs often see themselves as transformational leaders, as they typically welcome change and define a clear vision for their teams. They also strive to create a positive atmosphere and encourage their reports to think outside the box and share their insights.
What are INFPs like in teams?
In teams, INFPs are supportive, insightful, and helpful. Even though they typically prefer to work independently, they are more than happy to collaborate with like-minded people who appreciate innovative ideas and are passionate about their work.
However, INFPs find it very difficult to work in competitive, hostile work environments. Making sure everyone can share their ideas freely is extremely important to them. They may become withdrawn around judgmental and domineering colleagues.
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