INFP Strengths and Weaknesses

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The greatest INFP strengths include:

  • Compassion

    INFPs are sensitive to other people’s emotions, so they have no trouble empathizing with them. Because of this, they are very considerate of other people’s feelings and have an inherent need to help those around them.

  • Creativity

    Endowed with a rich imagination, emotional depth, and a unique perspective on life, the INFP personality type has no shortage of creative ideas waiting to be brought to life. Since they also have a strong need for self-expression, it’s hardly surprising that INFPs often have an artistic streak.

  • Open-mindedness

    Though highly principled, INFPs are rarely, if ever, judgmental. Their compassion and respect for individuality drive them to accept other people’s differences, even if they don’t necessarily agree with their choices or beliefs. They also tend to be open to exploring different points of view.

  • Idealism

    Accepting the fact that this world isn’t perfect may not be easy for INFPs, yet they don’t let it break their spirits. Believing that people have the power to make a difference, they tend to be passionate about helping others and doing the right thing.

The key INFP weaknesses are:

  • Naivety

    • People with the INFP personality type usually believe in the inherent goodness of people. Unfortunately, this can sometimes translate into naivety, making them vulnerable to being taken advantage of.
  • Lack of realism

    As admirable as INFPs’ idealism is, there’s a fine line between being idealistic and being unrealistic. At times, they might outright refuse to see the true nature of certain people, which can ultimately lead to disappointment.

  • Highly sensitive nature

    While sensitivity bestows INFPs with the gift of empathy and creativity, it also makes them susceptible to soaking up other people’s negative emotions. They are also often struggling not to take criticism personally.

  • People-pleasing tendencies

    It wouldn’t be wrong to say that INFPs tend to care about others a little bit too much—it’s not uncommon for them to put their needs above their own. At worst, this can cause them to sacrifice their own happiness for others.

How do INFPs handle stress?

Handling stress in healthy, constructive ways can be a challenge for INFPs. Not only do they get overwhelmed fairly easily, but they also tend to refuse to ask for help, even when they desperately need it. Since they don’t want to be a burden to others, they usually isolate themselves under stress.

When extremely stressed out, INFPs can give in to negative thinking, becoming more cynical and judgmental. Finding a healthy outlet for their emotions, such as writing them down in a journal, can help them handle stress better.

What motivates INFPs?

INFPs are motivated by a sense of purpose in life. A meaningless existence is one of the greatest fears of the INFP personality type. Since they feel most inspired and fulfilled when pursuing a cause greater than themselves, they often look for ways to contribute positively to the world. As such, they are often drawn to activism, humanitarianism, and so forth.

How to grow as an INFP

Here’s what you can do to grow as an INFP:

  • Come out of your shell. Sensitive and introspective, the INFP personality type is prone to self-isolation, especially under stress. To avoid this, try to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and foster your friendships.
  • Practice self-compassion. While highly compassionate toward others, INFPs often lack compassion and forgiveness for themselves. Don’t forget that you are human, too, and deserve no less love, support, and understanding than everybody else.
  • Set realistic expectations. Besides setting very high expectations and standards for themselves, INFPs also tend to look at the world with rose-tinted glasses. Needless to say, a little realism won’t hurt you—on the contrary, it can help you avoid disappointment.

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