INFPs in Romantic Relationships

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What are INFPs like in romantic relationships?

In romantic relationships, INFPs are thoughtful, devoted, and idealistic. Since they are in touch with their feelings and have a vivid imagination, people with the INFP personality type often describe themselves as hopeless romantics.

However, this doesn’t mean that they fall in love quickly. On the contrary, INFPs clearly know what kind of person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. As such, they’d rather wait until the right person comes along than settle for less than they want and deserve. Nonetheless, their idealism can sometimes cause them to fall in love with people’s potential.

Though it usually takes time for INFPs to let their guard down around new romantic prospects, earning their trust is absolutely worth it. People with the INFP personality type make fiercely loyal and supportive romantic partners who go above and beyond to make their significant others feel heard, appreciated, and loved.

What INFPs look for in romantic relationships

INFPs, first and foremost, look for shared values and emotional intimacy in romantic relationships. The principled yet deeply sensitive INFP personality simply cannot imagine a fulfilling relationship without these key components; if at least one of them is missing, they aren’t likely to pursue the romantic relationship.

INFPs want to connect with their partners on an emotional level, so they are typically drawn to people who are comfortable with emotional vulnerability.

Moreover, sharing values—at least some, if not all—with their significant others is vital for INFPs, as it gives them something meaningful to bond over. As romantic as they are, they aren’t likely to compromise on their values just to keep the relationship alive.

INFP compatibility with other types

  • INFJ

    INFPs appreciate the emotional depth INFJs bring to relationships. Since both types care deeply about other people’s feelings, their relationships tend to be harmonious and balanced.

  • ENFJ

    ENFJs tend to make wonderful romantic partners for INFPs. Gentle and supportive, they often help INFPs navigate social situations, become more organized, and realize their dreams.

  • ESTJ

    INFPs tend to perceive the ambitious, logical ESTJ personality as domineering, stern, and even aggressive, which clashes with their free-spirited natures.

  • ISTJ

    While INFPs crave to assert their individuality, ISTJs strive to conform to societal expectations; this stark difference in values sooner or later leads to disagreements.

INFP love language

The most common INFP love language is quality time; while they appreciate physical affection and verbal expressions of love, they especially value their partners’ undivided attention.

How to love an INFP

  • Be yourself

    INFPs value authenticity and loathe insincerity and fakeness, so don’t be afraid of showing them who you truly are. This can also help them open up to you.

  • Foster emotional intimacy

    Don’t hesitate to be emotionally vulnerable and express your deepest feelings, fears, and desires to INFPs—emotional openness is the key to their hearts!

  • Try to see them for who they truly are

    . People with the INFP personality type often feel misunderstood. As such, they will appreciate it if you make an effort to fully understand them.

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