INTPs in friendships & platonic relationships

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What are INTPs like in friendships & platonic relationships?

In friendships, INTPs are honest, easygoing, and open-minded. However, they are very selective in all relationships, including platonic ones.

Since they genuinely enjoy solitude and choose friends based on like-mindedness and intellectual understanding, their inner circle tends to be rather small. Even though some INTPs only have one or two people they can count as friends, their friendships tend to be authentic and long-lasting.

While they enjoy delving into deep, intellectual conversations, they also don’t shy away from showing off their wit in front of their friends. At the same time, people with the INTP personality type make very reliable friends. They are happy to show their friends a different way of looking at problems and brainstorm logical solutions to them.

What are INTPs like as parents?

As parents, INTPs are flexible and supportive. Though parenthood can be somewhat challenging for them—after all, children have little control over their emotions—they do a wonderful job at helping their kids grow into resourceful, confident adults.

INTP parents emphasize the importance of independent thought above all else. Rather than instilling their values and beliefs in their children, they encourage them to ask questions, think critically, and form their own opinions.

Their approach to parenting tends to be quite unconventional. Instead of trying to mold their children according to societal expectations, INTP parents foster individuality, allowing their kids to choose their own path in life. However, they may sometimes overlook their children’s emotional needs and struggle to provide a structured home environment.

Heart between hands

INTP communication style

INTPs have a direct communication style. They aren’t the type to beat around the bush; on the contrary, they like to get to the heart of the matter right from the get-go. Since they use precise language and show little emotion, their communication can seem cold and impersonal.

Though INTPs don’t have a strong desire to express their thoughts, their aloof façade shatters once the conversation turns to topics they’re knowledgeable and passionate about, such as science or philosophy. Once a topic sparks their interest, INTPs become surprisingly talkative, enthusiastically sharing their insights with others.

Heart between hands

What are INTPs like in conflict?

It’s hardly surprising that INTPs feel uncomfortable in conflict; their dislike of intense emotions causes them to steer clear of emotionally charged situations. When these are unavoidable, they prefer to take a step back and clear their minds before looking for ways to resolve the conflict.

Though people with the INTP personality type would rather avoid conflict situations, they acknowledge that these are often necessary to bring about positive change. However, they might shut down if the other party loses control of their emotions. In their eyes, effective conflict resolution is only possible once reason wins over emotions.

3 tips for interacting with INTPs

  • Be straightforward

    It wouldn’t be wrong to say that INTPs see social niceties as a waste of time. So, skip the small talk and get down to the nitty-gritty of the matter—they’ll appreciate it.

  • Use logical reasoning

    When communicating with INTPs, leverage logic to get your point across. They are more impressed by logical evidence than emotional appeals.

  • Refrain from prying

    INTPs are extremely protective of their privacy. They like to keep to themselves and only discuss their personal matters with a select few. As such, they can be uncomfortable with personal questions.

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