INTP in Romantic Relationships
What are INTPs like in romantic relationships?
Though they love solitude, they often long for companionship. However, they aren’t likely to pursue a romantic relationship with someone who makes them feel smothered. INTP personalities respect their significant others’ autonomy and individuality, and they expect no less than the same in return.
INTPs tend to have an unconventional approach toward life. This holds true for romantic relationships, too. But even though they care little about unwritten dating rules or relationship labels, this isn’t to say that INTPs are fickle or untrustworthy.
On the contrary, they don’t like playing games, and their reserved nature doesn’t stop them from making their intentions clear. Likewise, they take commitment seriously, even if they aren’t always interested in pursuing traditional relationships.
What INTPs look for in a romantic partner
When it comes to picking a romantic partner, INTPs look for someone who will be their intellectual equal and inspire them to fulfill their potential. They are also drawn to independent people who can respect their need for privacy and space without taking it personally.
While they acknowledge the importance of physical attraction, INTPs place no less emphasis on intellectual compatibility.
Ideally, they want a romantic partner who not only understands their thought process but also challenges it. Hardly anything is more attractive to the INTP personality than a razor-sharp mind that seeks constant improvement and effortlessly picks up on logical inconsistencies!
INTP compatibility with other types
Like INTPs, INTJs value knowledge and strive for continuous self-improvement. As judging personalities, INTJs can also help INTPs become more organized.
INTPs are often drawn to INFPs’ authenticity and open-mindedness. INFPs can also help INTPs get in touch with their emotional side.
The reserved and cerebral nature of the INTP personality tends to clash with the energetic, deeply emotional nature of ESFPs.
INTPs and ISFJs have very different values. While INTPs value innovation and individuality, ISFJs embrace tradition and conformity, which INTPs can find stifling.
INTP love language
Quality time is the most common INTP love language; they consider undivided attention an essential component of a fulfilling relationship.
How to love an INTP
Be honest
Given how much INTPs value truth, it’s only natural that they don’t tolerate lies. Avoid beating around the bush, as they appreciate direct, honest communication.
Give them space
As counterintuitive as it may seem, INTPs feel most loved when their significant others give them space to pursue their interests. Absence makes their hearts grow fonder!
Engage in thought-provoking conversations
Showing interest in what INTPs have to say is a surefire way to make them feel loved. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or challenge their perspectives—it shows them you’re truly invested in the conversation.