ISTJs in the Workplace

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What is the working style of ISTJs?

The working style of ISTJs is consistent, structured, and highly dedicated, making these individuals ideal employees.

Unlike more free-spirited types, ISTJs never complain about their workload or view responsibilities as burdensome. On the contrary, people with this personality type take pride in their work and enjoy being entrusted with complex tasks—this makes them feel useful and appreciated.

Though they are excellent and meticulous workers when dealing with structured tasks that come with manuals, they aren’t well-suited for creative, chaotic environments. When faced with such surroundings, ISTJs can easily feel out of their depth.

3 tips for excelling in the workplace as an ISTJ

  • Learn to accept change

    As resistant as ISTJs might be to change, they must accept that it's an inevitable part of life. And it’s not all bad, either—sometimes, change means growth and improvement.

  • Avoid overburdening themselves

    A crucial skill an ISTJ must learn at work is how to say no to additional responsibilities. Though they may be welcome sometimes, taking on too many can lead to exhaustion and burnout.

  • Accept differences in working styles

    ISTJs tend to quickly judge those who don’t show the same level of dedication to their job, writing them off as lazy and unprofessional. However, people have different working styles, and ISTJs need to recognize that to maintain a positive workplace atmosphere.

  • What are ISTJs like in networking scenarios?

    What are ISTJs like in networking scenarios?

    In networking scenarios, ISTJs tend to keep to themselves, not particularly eager to strike up a conversation and deepen their bonds with coworkers. In fact, ISTJs might attend a networking event because they view it as another one of their responsibilities—otherwise, they would skip it altogether.

  • What are ISTJs like as leaders?

    What are ISTJs like as leaders?

    As leaders, ISTJs are demanding and often difficult to please, as they have high standards and expect from their employees the same kind of dedication they exhibit. However taxing this may be sometimes, it is usually rewarded, as ISTJs are nothing if not fair.

  • What are ISTJs like in teams?

    What are ISTJs like in teams?

    ISTJs don’t usually prefer working in teams, but they aren’t completely opposed to it either—after all, they aren’t the type to question their employers’ orders. They are often prone to taking too much upon themselves and pulling not just their own weight but also that of other employees.

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