ISTJ Careers

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Best career choices for ISTJs

The best career choices for ISTJs are those that offer stability, consistency, and security. Usually, this personality type gravitates towards positions that have traditionally been considered respectable and that come with familiar duties and responsibilities.

Here are the best career paths for the ISTJ personality type:

  • Judge
  • Lawyer
  • Biologist
  • Surgeon
  • Detective
  • Statistician
  • Bank Teller
  • Accountant
  • Police Officer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Military Officer
  • Financial Advisor
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Computer Scientist

Careers that ISTJs should avoid

Careers that ISTJs should avoid include those that are highly dynamic, unpredictable, or people-oriented. As highly logical, blunt individuals, ISTJs are rarely suited for working directly with customers and find these jobs stressful and draining.

Keeping that in mind, here are some careers the ISTJ personality type should avoid:

  • Actor
  • Nurse
  • Journalist
  • Copywriter
  • Art Director
  • Receptionist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Sales Representative
  • Customer Support Agent
  • Public Relations Specialist

Best & worst majors for ISTJs

ISTJs usually choose majors in the STEM field, as these are oriented toward measurable facts and science—concepts ISTJs are generally comfortable with.

As a result, here are some of the best majors for the ISTJ personality type:

  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Statistics
  • Pharmacy
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Criminal Justice
  • Computer Science
  • Business Administration
  • Accounting and Finance

Worst majors

On the other hand, ISTJs tend to struggle with majors that are less exact or demand higher creativity and abstract thinking. Although this type can excel at anything they set their mind to, they find little joy in such pursuits.

Here are some of the worst majors for the ISTJ personality type:

  • Nursing
  • Education
  • Journalism
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Sciences
  • Communications
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Human Resources Management

Hobbies and interests of ISTJs

ISTJs’ hobbies and interests include activities that allow them to relax or produce something concrete and tangible. Some examples are:

Watching sports

ISTJs may not be the most energetic type, but they do find it relaxing to watch other people play sports from the comfort of their homes.


Like many Sensing types, ISTJs love gardening, as it helps them get in touch with their nurturing side and produces concrete results.

Strategy games

ISTJs love games that engage their brains and may frequently be found playing chess, Risk, Monopoly, and other similar board games.


ISTJs often enjoy collecting items such as coins, stamps, or memorabilia. Their detail-oriented and systematic nature makes them well-suited to organizing and cataloging collections, which can be both relaxing and rewarding.

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