ISTP Careers

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Best career choices for ISTPs

People with an ISTP personality have a problem choosing a career, as they are hard to pin down. At the same time, they possess many skills that would make them a perfect fit for a lot of career paths.

Places where practical, hands-on work is required would be optimal for ISTPs. They need to be intellectually stimulated and physically active, and there’s no telling how far they might go.

  • Detective
  • Police officer
  • Firefighter
  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Avionic technician
  • Construction worker
  • Building inspector
  • Construction manager
  • System architect
  • Cybersecurity analyst
  • QA tester
  • Risk analyst
  • Electrical engineer
  • Budget analyst

Careers that ISTPs should avoid

A pairing between an ISTP and a job where they would have to engage in meaningless conversation would be a recipe for disaster. Likewise, these people will likely not do great in jobs that are emotionally exhausting and require a lot of empathy.

Therefore, someone with an ISTP personality should keep in mind that the following jobs are not compatible with their nature:

  • Social worker
  • Sales representative
  • Preschool teacher
  • High school teacher
  • Psychologist
  • Counselor
  • Interpreter
  • Recreational therapist
  • Receptionist
  • Public health nurse

Best majors for ISTPs

When choosing a college major, ISTPs need to keep practicality in mind. Most majors are likely to bore them quickly, so they should pick something that has the most practical use. Therefore, an ISTP should consider choosing:

  • Business administration
  • Civil engineering
  • Computer science
  • Construction management
  • Criminal justice
  • Cybersecurity
  • Finance
  • Mechanical engineering technology
  • Software engineering
  • Sound engineering

Worst majors for ISTPs

When choosing a college major, ISTPs need to keep practicality in mind. Most majors are likely to bore them quickly, so they should pick something that has the most practical use. Therefore, an ISTP should consider choosing:

  • Nursing
  • Social work
  • Psychology
  • Psychiatry
  • Education
  • English language
  • Literature
  • Translation and interpreting
  • Public relations
  • Employee relations

Hobbies and interests of ISTPs

ISTPs hobbies and interests are closely related to their exploratory nature, which is why they enjoy:

Scuba diving

Exploring all the wonders of the underwater world sounds like the perfect activity for inquisitive and spontaneous ISTPs. They will love coming face to face with all the creatures and plants they have never seen before.


Traveling allows ISTPs to explore everything the world has to offer and gain insights into other cultures. For these people, a few things compare to the thrill of just arriving at a new city and sightseeing.


Making a nice dish is something that an ISTP can do in peace and quiet, so they are guaranteed to enjoy it.

DIY projects

Never underestimate an ISTP’s love for DIY projects. They can create magic with their hands, and it’s safe to say they will enjoy the process.

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