Strengths and Weaknesses

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ISTP strengths

  • Independence

    ISTPs are individuals who rely on themselves, and they work best when handling a task alone—it gives them time to put their creativity and problem-solving skills to work.

  • Self-motivation

    People with an ISTP personality aren’t motivated by long-term goals and the rewards that come with accomplishing them. These people are motivated by novel ideas that come so easily to them, and they don’t need a superior dangling a bonus or a pay raise in their face to get things done.

  • Calmness

    ISTPs are people with nerves of steel, and they don’t get agitated very easily. They aren’t likely to have a strong reaction, even if something manages to float their boat. ISTPs are simply too smart for reactions that are uncalled for.

  • Resourcefulness

    People with this personality type love looking for a way to fix a thing or solve a problem, and they will almost always find a way. Even if it takes them a long time to find a solution, you can rest assured that ISTPs will love every step of the journey.

ISTP weaknesses

  • Reservedness

    Getting to know an ISTP is not a job for the faint of heart. These people usually keep to themselves and tend to avoid small talk every chance they get.

  • Lack of remorse

    ISTPs can be very spontaneous people, and they can go from 0 to 100 without any regard for other people’s feelings. Anyone who tries to sway them in the opposite direction might get to see their blunt side.

  • Boredom

    Men and women with this personality type are always on the lookout for something new to do. That’s why they are excellent thinkers, but it’s also why they have trouble staying focused.

  • Independence

    Independence is an ISTP’s greatest strength and weakness. Their independence is listed as a strength, but it’s also a huge weak point for them, as it presents a challenge in romantic relationships.

How do ISTPs handle stress?

ISTPs handle stress by partaking in activities that give them energy and by shedding insignificant responsibilities. They will likely look for comfort in solitude, as they function best once they tap into the lone wolf side of their personality.

These are all coping mechanisms that an ISTP will use once their stress levels get out of hand. Before that happens, they will first try to push stressors into the background and ignore them.

What motivates ISTPs?

ISTPs are motivated by troubleshooting problems and finding suitable solutions. They are also driven by dynamic environments where they can work on different tasks and problems.

Moreover, they will let achievable goals spring them to action, as ISTPs live for what is—not what could be. The motivation for all of their undertakings is derived from the time they spend alone, deep in their thoughts and feelings.

How to grow as an ISTP

  • Read the room. This personality type is notorious for their lack of social skills, which makes it difficult to form long-lasting relationships. Therefore, people with an ISTP personality should study social behavior and body language.
  • Stick to plans. Secondly, ISTPs can improve themselves by learning how to make plans and sticking to them. Their spontaneous nature is something to cherish, but they need to learn how to take on more responsibility for their actions. Long-term planning will make ISTPs look less flaky.
  • Feel free to express yourself. Finally, people with ISTP personality traits should learn how to express their emotions. Talking to others about how they feel doesn’t come easily for ISTPs. However, that’s exactly what they need to do to grow as a person and form some beautiful friendships.

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