ISTPs in Romantic Relationships

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What are ISTPs like in romantic relationships?

In romantic relationships, ISTPs can be people who put up walls and are hard to get to know. This personality type needs a lot of personal space, which might not work well for their partners.

However, once an ISTP meets someone who gives them enough room to roam and be themselves, they have the potential to be excellent partners. For them, revealing their true emotions is difficult, and they do everything in their power to conceal them.

But if a person manages to develop a steady relationship with ISTPs, they might even be privileged enough to hear about the rich inner world of ISTPs.

If you are dating an ISTP, there’s one thing you want to keep in mind—they live in the present moment. Any attempt to get them to make long-term plans, especially at the beginning of the relationship, could be met with disdain.

What ISTPs look for in romantic relationships?

When it comes to romantic relationships, ISTPs look for someone who will give them enough freedom to make their own decisions. Pressuring this personality type to put a label on the relationship—especially early on—will only result in problems.

Nothing terrifies ISTPs more than feeling like there is no way out of the situation. These people live in the moment, so any progression in the relationship has to happen organically.

Moreover, someone with an ISTP personality is going to appreciate a quiet relationship and companionship brought together by shared interests and hobbies. If they find the relationship interesting, they are going to be in it for the long haul.

ISTP compatibility with other types

  • ESTJs - compatible

    ISTPs can form a strong romantic partnership with ESTJs, as these two types can bring different things to the table. The former will bring spontaneity and excitement, while the latter will bring stability.

  • ENTJs - compatible

    The partnership between ISTPs and ENTJs can be a balanced union where both personality types can thrive. ISTPs can appreciate an ENTJ’s ambition and leadership skills, while ENTJs can learn to love an ISTP’s independence and adaptability.

  • INFJs - incompatible

    Usually, the only thing these two types have in common is their preference for introversion. It would be very difficult to achieve good communication between these two types, which doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

  • INFPs - incompatible

    Most often, INFPs and ISTPs are people who have completely different goals and values. INFPs give emotions a lot more importance than ISTPs, so they could have a very challenging relationship.

ISTP love language

An ISTP’s preferred love language is physical touch, as they are hands-on kind of people. You can never go wrong with a hug or any other physical sign of affection.

How to love an ISTP

  • Respect their privacy and need for solitude

    Since they cherish personal space more than anything else, they will appreciate a partner who can give them room to breathe.

  • Take things slowly

    While ISTPs could fall in love so hard that they get married within months of meeting their significant other, they are much more likely to date someone for a long time before committing.

  • Be honest and authentic with them

    People with ISTP personality traits are direct, and they can appreciate a partner who is clear about their needs and expectations.

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