John Wick's Personality Type Decoded & Explained
If you’re interested to find out what John Wick’s personality type is, you certainly aren’t alone.
This character is nothing short of fascinating, and it’s not just because he’s an exceptionally skilled assassin. Unlike most main characters, the retired hitman doesn’t possess a larger-than-life personality.
Instead, he draws people’s interest and creates an air of mystery by exuding a quiet confidence that makes him hard to decipher.
In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into John Wick’s personality. So, keep reading to learn which of the 16 personality types he most closely resembles and find out his Enneagram type!
What Is John Wick's Personality Type?
John Wick’s personality type is ISTP (Virtuoso). He prefers observing others to engaging in conversations, which reveals his introverted nature. In a true ISTP fashion, John tends to listen to his head rather than his heart when making decisions. And although he comes off as cold, he's very loyal to the ones he loves.
On that note, let’s explore his most prominent traits and see how they relate to his personality type:
#1. Adaptability
ISTPs are known for their ability to remain calm under pressure, and this certainly holds true for John Wick. He doesn’t lose his cool and remains stoic no matter how dire the situation gets.
His level-headedness may be explained by the fact that he’s very versatile and adaptable.
Thanks to their auxiliary extraverted sensing (Se) function, people with this personality type—including John Wick—are highly perceptive and aware of their surroundings, which helps them quickly adjust to changes.
This cognitive function might also explain why Wick is such a skilled fighter—after all, most strong Se users find it easy to master physical skills.
#2. Reservedness
Simply put, John Wick is a man of few words, which makes him hard to read. This isn’t surprising, given that most dominant introverted thinking (Ti) users prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves.
Whether it comes to his personal or professional life, Wick is rather quiet and detached, which only enhances his mysterious aura. He keeps people at arm’s length and refrains from giving out too much information about himself. That said, he’s incredibly loyal to his loved ones, much like a typical male ISTP.
#3. Self-Reliance
Independent and strong-willed, John Wick relies on no one else but himself, which also explains why he sometimes comes off as rebellious. He doesn’t care what others think or expect of him. Instead, he follows his own path and mission.
Like a true ISTP, Wick doesn’t let other people or setbacks hold him back. Thanks to his self-motivated nature and unwavering determination, he keeps his eyes on the prize no matter what, which is one of the many reasons why millions of fans admire him.
John Wick’s Compatibility With Other Personality Types
Now that you know what John Wick’s personality type is, let’s look into its compatibility with other personality types.
Generally, ISTP compatibility is highest with:
- ESTPs because these personality types share the same cognitive functions and thus instinctively understand each other
- ISTJs, as these types tend to balance one another’s weaknesses, which can promote personal growth
- ISFPs since they are both spontaneous and loyal, in addition to having enough differences to complement one another
Meanwhile, ISTPs tend to be least compatible with NF personality types, specifically INFPs, ENFPs, and ENFJs.
These idealistic personalities think abstractly and crave to connect with people on a deeply emotional level, which can make people with John Wick’s personality type feel uncomfortable. After all, not only are ISTPs concrete and reserved, but they also value logic over emotions.
Interestingly, Keanu Reeves’ personality type is thought to be INFP. Since people with this personality type are very empathetic, they can easily relate and identify with others, which might’ve helped him create such a compelling portrayal of John Wick.
John Wick’s Enneagram Type
Last but not least, let’s explore John Wick’s Enneagram type—6w5.
As an Enneagram type 6w5, John Wick craves safety and stability. As such, he’s determined to defend himself, his loved ones, and his values from anyone who threatens to destroy his peace.
Moreover, this Enneagram type is characterized by a tendency to think analytically, which describes Wick pretty well. Reserved, perceptive, and logical, he tends to observe and analyze situations instead of taking things at face value.
People with this Enneagram type are also fiercely independent due to their Five wing, yet they are also extremely loyal to those they let into their lives. Considering Wick’s resolute commitment to avenging Daisy and Helen, there’s no doubt that he’s a classic 6w5.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve seen any John Wick movies and know a thing or two about personality types, you probably weren’t surprised that John Wick’s personality type is ISTP 6w5. After all, he’s a textbook example of a fictional ISTP.
That said, his Enneagram type—6w5—isn’t that common among ISTPs, which might explain why some people believe that John Wick is an INTP.
Nonetheless, he’s a Virtuoso through and through. Unbeatable at combat and loyal to the core, Wick embodies pure willpower, self-sufficiency, and determination while also maintaining the typical calm demeanor of ISTP personalities.