ENFPs at work
What is the working style of ENFPs?
ENFPs’ working style is defined by two words—committed and enthusiastic. However, for them to be fully immersed in their job, they first need to find a position that lights a fire in them.
People can always rely on ENFPs to be workplace motivators. With their imagination, creativity, and high energy levels, they are always their bosses’ favorite employees.
However, they are also prone to stress and can work in a hectic state of mind. Usually, it’s toxic personality traits, such as criticism and inflexibility, that trigger a stress response in them.
3 tips for excelling in the workplace as an ENFP
Tip #1
Learn how to slow down. Always being on the go and taking care of many different projects can drain any person, and ENFPs are notoriously bad under stress.
Tip #2
Care for themselves. Nobody can take care of you unless you take care of yourself first. When not in their workplace, ENFPs should alleviate their stress by partaking in hobbies and fun activities.
Tip #3
Avoid taking criticism to heart. Some level of criticism is to be expected in a working environment. ENFPs need to learn that not all criticism is malicious in nature.
What are ENFPs like in networking scenarios?
ENFPs are warm and open in networking scenarios. They are naturally talkative and have no problem talking about a variety of different topics and subject matters. Thus, they usually come off as the most prominent members of the group.
What are ENFPs like as leaders?
As leaders, ENFPs are open-minded and flexible. They will take the whole team along and inspire them to become the best version of themselves. Likewise, their subordinates always appreciate their approachability and acceptance of feedback.
Therefore, ENFPs make well-rounded supervisors, and they usually excel in roles where they are the focal point of a team.
What are ENFPs like in teams?
As excellent communicators and quite possibly the most perceptive type of all 16 personality types, ENFPs work up magic when surrounded by people. Everyone loves to have an ENFP personality on their team, as they are beaming with ideas and are always ready for action. Besides that, they truly live by the saying “there’s no ‘I’ in team,” which makes them great coworkers.