ENFP careers

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Best career choices for ENFPs

Since ENFPs have strong personal values and a plethora of ideas, they need to look for a career that will give them room to grow and experiment. They need a job that will require a lot of creativity since they won’t do well in positions where every day is the same.

Moreover, ENFP females and males do well in environments where they can work with other people and socialize. Collaborating with others and accomplishing mutual goals always gives them a sense of purpose.

Thus, the best ENFP career choices are the following:

  • Motivational speakers
  • PR managers
  • Podcast creators
  • Sales representatives
  • Real estate agents
  • Teachers
  • Fitness instructors
  • Hairdressers
  • External auditors
  • Event planners
  • Mental health counselors
  • Nutritionists
  • Political scientists
  • Researchers
  • Archeologists

Careers that ENFPs should avoid

Jobs that are repetitive and structured will not be a good fit for ENFPs. They are not the biggest fans of order and routine, and they can find this kind of working environment suffocating.

Likewise, careers where a person needs to abide by the rules are not going to be a good choice for free-spirited ENFPs, and the same goes for conflicting situations. If a job requires disputes to be solved, then an ENFP should do everyone a favor and back out.

So, all things considered, here are 10 jobs that wouldn’t be the perfect match for ENFPs:

  • Engineer
  • Lawyer
  • Accountant
  • Judge
  • Banker
  • Financial manager
  • Computer system analyst
  • Software testing analyst
  • Police officer
  • Factory line worker

Best majors for ENFPs

As a college student, an ENFP might have a hard time settling for one major only. After all, they have far too many interests and hobbies.

However, their sociable and warm nature makes them a perfect fit for many career paths. To have the best chance to excel in their professional lives, ENFPs should think about majoring in:

  • Creative media
  • Journalism
  • Human resources
  • Social sciences
  • Teaching
  • Photography
  • Acting
  • Medicine
  • Public relations
  • Physical education

Worst majors for ENFPs

It’s just as important to stay away from majors that aren’t likely to bring happiness and joy into an ENFP’s life. Overall, they should refrain from choosing a major that will result in a tedious and repetitive nine-to-five job. Therefore, they should avoid:

  • Law
  • Accounting
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • IT
  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Management
  • Occupational safety
  • Architecture

Hobbies and interests of ENFPs

Hobbies and interests of ENFPs encourage their creative side, and they include:


Dancing lets a person with an ENFP personality express themselves through movement and creativity.


An ENFP male or female has to find a way to keep track of all of their thoughts and projects, which is where journaling enters the scene.


This is one of the best hobbies for ENFPs, as it satisfies their need for social interaction and allows them to help others.


ENFPs are interested in seeing and exploring everything this world has to offer. There isn’t a better way to learn about new things than by visiting different countries.

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