ENFP strengths and weaknesses
ENFP strengths
Their lighthearted nature and infectious enthusiasm help them be the teacher’s pet and that co-worker everyone always loves. Moreover, their positive attitude and optimism draw people in and help them become the most popular members of any group.
Excellent sense of communication
Not only do they have amazing communication skills, but they can also listen with great attention. ENFP males and females can talk to everyone, and they might even be able to bring some shy people out of their shells.
Strong perception
Everything and everyone matters, and they make sure to notice everything that’s happening around them. They can sense even the subtlest shifts in a person’s behavior, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.
They want to know how other people are feeling and what they are thinking. Moreover, they want to discover how things work and how the world functions. Due to this, they are always going out of their comfort zone in pursuit of novelty and knowledge.
ENFP weaknesses
Lack of focus
They are always juggling many projects and ideas at the same time. Therefore, they usually can’t focus on one single task for too long, as you’ll find them jumping to the next one in the blink of an eye.
Tendency to please
This stems from their desire to be liked by everyone. Both ENFP females and males will go to great lengths to win someone over. It’s safe to say that, should they fail, they will even become obsessed and lose sleep over it.
Lack of organization
House chores, paperwork, and taxes—these are some mundane tasks that they have no interest in. Being always swept up by new ideas and experiences, ENFPs might lack organization for practical, everyday stuff.
They want to have it all, and they want it now. Their inner idealism can nag at them and make them feel like they aren’t where they should be in life. However, it’s a fairly rare occurrence to see a person with ENFP traits upset or negative.
How do ENFPs handle stress?
ENFPs handle stress in an overwhelmed and defensive manner. Once under stress, ENFPs can have a great character shift; their high energy levels can suffer a huge blow, as stressful situations can reflect on their physical well-being. In such situations, they can easily become exhausted and fatigued.
Moreover, this personality type reacts to stress by shutting down and becoming overprotective of themselves. They don’t want to see any fault in their actions, and they use delusion as a coping mechanism.
What motivates ENFPs?
The ENFP personality type is motivated by novelty. New people, new ideas, new projects—it all fuels them and keeps them going.
They are also highly motivated by the idea of autonomy. These people appreciate authenticity, and they want to become the most genuine version of themselves—give an ENFP enough freedom and watch how the magic happens.
How to grow as an ENFP
- Accountability. To grow as an ENFP, one has to learn how to be more accountable. ENFPs often lack the ability to be critical of themselves and accept the fact that they have faults. Being able to admit when they are wrong will help them excel both in their careers and personal relationships.
- Become more decisive. People with this personality type should work on their indecisiveness. Their zest for life will help them go places, but it will also interfere with their ability to make decisions. So they should learn to just make a decision and stick to it.
- Put yourself first. ENFPs should learn how to put themselves in focus. Helping others feel good about themselves is great, but people-pleasing is not sustainable in the long run if one lets their own needs take the backseat. As notorious people-pleasers, ENFPs need to put themselves first from time to time.
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