ENFPs in romantic relationships
What are ENFPs like in romantic relationships?
ENFPs in romantic relationships are some of the most lovable and caring people you will ever meet. These people love love, and they go out of their way to show it.
People who are in a serious relationship with an ENFP will always feel appreciated and cherished. Once an ENFP meets their match, they will shower them with gifts, love, and attention. Luckily, ENFP is one of the most common personality types, so many people can bask in their warmth and affection.
When in love, a person with ENFP personality traits will be deeply immersed and emotionally invested in their relationship. Their partners will always be able to count on them, whether in the physical or emotional sense; loyal and committed, they will be their partner’s biggest cheerleader.
What ENFPs look for in romantic relationships
ENFPs look for unconditional acceptance in romantic relationships. They don’t cope with criticism too well, which is why they need someone who will praise them and instill confidence in them. And, needless to say, ENFPs love to reciprocate and give compliments and words of praise, too.
Besides that, the ENFP personality type also craves a partner who is genuine and authentic, as these are two traits that they exhibit, as well. They want a relationship that won’t be boring and monotonous. That’s why a good match for them would be someone who is adventurous and always on the lookout for new experiences.
ENFP compatibility with other types
INTJ - compatible
ENFPs and INTJs are different, but this is exactly why they complement each other so much. ENFP’s compatibility with INTJs will bring out the best traits in both personality types, and they are going to balance each other out.
INFJ - compatible
These two personality types share a lot of values, and they are both loyal and supportive partners. Likewise, they have an undeniable chemistry that can result in a beautiful and loving relationship.
ISTP - incompatible
ENFPs aren’t very compatible with ISTPs, as they have completely different traits and habits. While ISTPs are logical, organized, and detail-oriented, ENFPs are emotional, creative, and sometimes hectic.
ESTJ - incompatible
While both ESTJs and ENFPs are great communicators, they have too many character differences to be considered a good match. However, these two personality types could have a wonderful friendship.
ENFP love language
Words of affirmation are ENFPs’ primary love language, closely followed by quality time and physical touch.
How to love an ENFP
Use an affectionate language
A person who loves an ENFP should be vocal about it. They will never get tired of hearing how loved and special they are. The more you compliment an ENFP, the happier they will be.
Do small things for them
Likewise, ENFPs cherish small acts of service. Making their favorite meal or buying them flowers randomly will have them feeling special and jittery. Of course, grand gestures of love are always welcome and appreciated, but they aren’t necessary every day.
Show physical affection
Don’t be afraid to hug or kiss an ENFP in public. They are not the type to shy away from public displays of affection. Quite the contrary—they are highly likely to snuggle up and show some love themselves.