ESTJs at work

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What is the working style of ESTJs?

Decisive, organized, and reliable are the best ways to describe the working style of an ESTJ. Any workplace would be happy to have them, as ESTJs can bring order to any hectic situation.

Since ESTJs take their duties seriously, they will do everything they can to execute a task without a mistake. People with this personality type will also stick to the rules, so their employers usually have nothing to worry about once an ESTJ is on the job.

3 tips for excelling in the workplace as an ESTJ

  • Tip #1

    Use your natural leadership skills. People with ESTJ personality traits should stick to what they do best, which is being in charge and managing groups of people.

  • Tip #2

    Develop your emotional intelligence. Learning how to tap into their emotional side will turn ESTJs into better co-workers. By combining emotions with reason, an ESTJ will boost their intrapersonal skills in the workplace.

  • Tip #3

    Prioritize your tasks. While ESTJs are excellent at organizing themselves, their perfectionist nature might make them take on more than they can handle. ESTJs should have a ‘one task at a time’ rule, and they should tackle the most urgent ones first.

  • What are ESTJs like in networking scenarios?

    What are ESTJs like in networking scenarios?

    In situations where they have to network, ESTJs are sociable and entertaining. People with this personality type will see these occasions as their chance to further advance in their careers, so you can expect them to give their best effort.

    Besides, ESTJs are outgoing people, so they will find joy in connecting with others.

  • What are ESTJs like as leaders?

    What are ESTJs like as leaders?

    ESTJs, as leaders, are organized and efficient. These people make excellent managers and leaders, and they achieve their maximum efficiency when placed in this kind of position.

    Someone with an ESTJ personality will usually have a traditional approach to leadership. Thus, they will look for respect from their subordinates and won’t be as tolerant as some other common personality types.

  • What are ESTJs like in teams?

    What are ESTJs like in teams?

    As teammates, ESTJs are quick on their feet, and they don’t mind taking the initiative. Despite their extroverted nature, an ESTJ’s priority isn’t to form close friendships. They are completely focused on the task at hand, and they expect others to show the same level of devotion.

    There’s no messing around whenever an ESTJ is on the team.

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