ESTJ strengths and weaknesses

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ESTJ strengths

  • Dedication

    ESTJs are dedicated people, and that can be seen in every aspect of their lives. When they take on a task, they will work on it until completion, no matter how long it takes or how difficult it becomes. They are also dedicated to people and feel a deep sense of obligation.

  • Reliability

    Once an ESTJ commits to doing something, you can depend on them 100%. Their incredible reliability makes them amazing employees but also excellent partners.

  • Honesty

    Complete honesty is both the biggest strength and weakness of an ESTJ. They aren’t likely to lie and love to tell it like it is. However, sometimes, people aren’t willing to hear the truth, which is when they can start resenting a brutally honest ESTJ.

  • Patience

    Patience is a virtue, and a person with an ESTJ personality lives by this statement. They don’t mind waiting for things and people that matter to them.

ESTJ weaknesses

  • Stubbornness

    Once an ESTJ makes up their mind, it will be very difficult to get them to change it. They are so focused on facts and their past experiences that they might be unwilling to think outside the box and accept other opinions.

  • Difficulty relaxing

    ESTJs are focused on prospering and being the best at what they do. Therefore, relaxing and cutting loose might seem like a waste of time to these dedicated and focused individuals.

  • Judgmental character

    People with this personality type have very strong opinions and ideals. They don’t accept the possibility that there might be two right ways to approach a task or chore. And when ESTJs don’t agree with someone, they aren’t afraid to vocalize it.

  • Obsession with social status

    ESTJ men and women care about how other people see them. Moreover, they are very much concerned with their appearance and other people’s expectations of them.

How do ESTJs handle stress?

ESTJs handle stress byusing their energy and resources to find the best way to solve the problem. Because of their perfectionism and unwavering dedication, ESTJs frequently face stressful situations.

Some ESTJs will become hyper-critical and negative when overwhelmed. Another way in which ESTJ males and females handle stress is by going quiet and hiding their tension.

In worst-case scenarios, they might suffer from emotional breakdowns when stress continues to build up.

What motivates ESTJs?

ESTJs are motivated by challenges. They aren’t the ones to back out in the face of a problem. Instead, ESTJs will become motivated to surpass that challenge, and they will usually do so without fault.

Another thing that can motivate an ESTJ persona is spending quality time with their friends and family.

How to grow as an ESTJ

  • Be more considerate. To grow as an ESTJ, one needs to think about the impact their actions and words can have on other people. An ESTJ’s honesty is their strong suit, but they should learn how to deliver the truth in a way that won’t hurt other people’s feelings.
  • Be appreciative. Likewise, many individuals with an ESTJ personality type should show more appreciation for other people. Sometimes, they become so wrapped up in their duties and chores that they forget to express their feelings and gratitude.
  • Keep an open mind. Finally, ESTJs should learn how to consult others. People with this personality type have a tough time accepting points of view and ideas that seem foreign to them. But to improve their personal and professional lives, ESTJs should try asking others for their opinions.

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