ESTJs in other relationships

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What are ESTJs like in friendships & platonic relationships?

ESTJs cherish life-long friendships, and they tend to be loyal and trustworthy friends. While ESTJ women and men like to be around people and socialize, they search for more than just meaningless chit-chat.

One can always count on ESTJs to be up for a lively debate or an exciting adventure. Moreover, this personality type will do what they can to fend off boredom, and they appreciate having a companion along the way.

A friendship with someone who has ESTJ personality traits may not be for the faint of heart. These people will tell you the cold, hard truth. If someone can’t take complete honesty, then they might want to be careful about what they share with an ESTJ persona.

What are ESTJs like as parents?

When ESTJs become parents, they will set the bar high for their kids. As hardworking perfectionists, ESTJs want their kids to successfully meet their goals in life.

People with these personality traits tend to be strict parents. They establish strict rules and high standards, and they expect their children to meet them.

Their love for tradition will reflect on their parenting style, as well. Someone with an ESTJ personality will usually adhere to the traditional values of parenthood. Thus, they might remind one of the stereotypical parents from the past.

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ESTJ communication style

First and foremost, an ESTJ’s communication style is direct. These people aren’t the ones who will beat around the bush, as they value honesty and expect it from others.

ESTJs are open communicators, and they will tell their friends, partners, and subordinates what’s expected of them. If one makes a promise to an ESTJ or says that they will do something, they better mean it.

An ESTJ will expect others to act on what they say. This is also why they are oftentimes respected as conversationalists and members of society. ESTJs have integrity, which translates into every aspect of their lives.

Heart between hands

What are ESTJs like in conflict?

When an ESTJ is in conflict, he or she is very likely to dominate the situation. They have strong thoughts and opinions, and their stubborn side becomes prominent once they are defending their ideals. It’s because of these strong and unwavering opinions that they can cause conflict in the first place.

3 tips for interacting with ESTJs

  • Tip #1

    Show respect. In order to successfully interact with ENTJs, one needs to be respectful of their opinions. One can say whatever they want, as long as they aren’t showing even the slightest disrespect for the things an ESTJ holds dear.

  • Tip #2

    Be straightforward. Likewise, it’s important to be clear and direct when conversing with this personality type. They aren’t fans of meaningless conversations that drag on for ages.

  • Tip #3

    Be logical and rational. Finally, when talking to an ESTJ, it would be best if a person could back up their statements with evidence. There is nothing this personality type values more than facts.

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