ESTJs in romantic relationships
What are ESTJs like in romantic relationships?
ESTJs are very loyal and dependable people when in romantic relationships. Once an ESTJ falls in love, he or she will be very consistent and open with their partner.
ESTJs tend to form long-term relationships that are stable and secure. If an ESTJ falls in love with you, it’s only to be expected that they will show up and be consistent.
Moreover, they are big fans of tradition. ESTJs are the kind of people who start a brand new Christmas tradition and keep it going for as long as they live.
Those who are lucky enough to have a person with an ESTJ personality fall in love with them will discover how witty and funny they can be. Not a lot of people know that they are excellent jokesters, and all the viral ESTJ memes certainly help to conceal this fact.
What ESTJs look for in romantic relationships
ESTJs who are in romantic relationships look for many of the same qualities that they possess. They want someone dependable and stable, as they won’t find common ground with a flaky partner.
Likewise, they also want a partner who is laid back, easy-going, and respects their values. ESTJ men and women don’t feel comfortable in a relationship where there is constant arguing, which is why they crave someone who is easy to talk to. Once they meet an individual that fits the description, they are likely to take it to the next level.
However, an ESTJ shouldn’t be expected to always be romantic. They can plan something special from time to time, but romantic surprises don’t come naturally to them.
ESTJ compatibility with other types
ISTJ - compatible
These two are a natural match since they share a deep sense of duty and are reliable. Likewise, both ISTJs and ESTJs are incredible organizers, so their union would be filled with well-planned dates and events.
ISTP - compatible
ISTPs are known for their sense of devotion, which is something ESTJs appreciate. This pairing would likely result in a long-term relationship where both partners will be loyal.
INFP - incompatible
INFPs need a lot of emotional validation, and ESTJs might not always be willing to provide it. After all, people with ESTJ personality traits aren’t fans of grand gestures.
ISFP - incompatible
ISFPs and ESTJs approach communication and decision-making in two completely different ways, so they could have a hard time seeing eye to eye.
ESTJ love language
At the top of an ESTJ’s love language list is quality time, closely followed by words of affirmation. Gifts are at the bottom of their list, but they can have a lot of meaning if they are personalized.
3 Tips on how to love an ESTJ
Tip #1
Show them appreciation. The best way to love an ESTJ is by appreciating them and making them feel like they matter. After all, ESTJ’s innate desire for stability and security won’t leave their partner wondering if they are loved, so ESTJ expects the same from their loved ones.
Tip #2
Give presents. Another way to proclaim your love for an ESTJ is by giving them gifts. The Executive isn’t the one to shower their partner with presents, but they do like to receive them.
Tip #3
Be vocal about their capabilities. Likewise, comments and statements that show admiration will get you far with this personality type. They like to know that their partner thinks highly of them and sees them as someone special.
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