ESFP-A and ESFP-T: Uncovering Key Distinctions
ESFP-A and ESFP-T are the two subtypes of the ESFP personality that show how individuals with this type feel about themselves. The assertive ESFP (ESFP-A) has greater emotional control and feels comfortable in their own skin, whereas the turbulent ESFP (ESFP-T) may be volatile and indecisive.
Still, both ESFP-A and ESFP-T possess similar traits—those associated with the ESFP (Entertainer) personality type. Put simply, that means they are both fun-loving, passionate, enthusiastic, spontaneous, and gregarious.
In this article, we will delve deeper into the two ESFP subtypes and explore how they differ from each other despite sharing many traits.
So, let’s dive in!
The Difference Between ESFP-A and ESFP-T
The difference between ESFP-A and ESFP-T subtypes stems from their varying levels of confidence, emotional control, and ability to handle stress.
To understand the two subtypes, we must first take a look at the dominant cognitive function. ESFPs are dynamic, excitable individuals whose infectious energy can turn any gathering into a party. Guided by their dominant extraverted sensing (Se), they exude confidence and charm characteristic of the types that live in the moment.
However, ESFP personalities are not a monolith—some are more grounded, self-assured, and at peace with themselves, while others have trouble controlling their feelings.
The first category, known as ESFP-A, is a lot more level-headed and stable, at least by Entertainers’ standards. On the other hand, the second subtype, referred to as ESFP-T, may seem somewhat unbalanced and highly unpredictable.
That’s mainly because turbulent ESFPs don’t control their emotions as well as assertive Entertainers. Still, that doesn’t mean there’s no rhyme or reason for their actions.
ESFP-A Characteristics
ESFP-A characteristics don’t differ dramatically from those of their turbulent counterparts. However, when we compare the two side by side, it’s obvious that assertive Entertainers are the calmer version of the ESFP personality type, whether females or males.
Here are some traits associated with the ESFP-A subtype:
- Self-acceptance. Assertive ESFPs know who they are and feel comfortable in their skin, rarely seeking outward validation. This gives them an air of confidence in interactions with others and helps them remain true to themselves, which is very important for their auxiliary introverted feeling (Fi).
- Optimism. Generally speaking, Entertainers are “glass half-full” individuals who always find a silver lining. However, this trait is even more prominent among ESFP-As, whose unshakeable optimism can almost be infectious.
- Easy-going attitude. ESFP-As take everything in stride—they are highly flexible and rarely worry about the future. This is partly due to their deep-seated conviction that everything will turn out well but also because of their confidence in their own abilities.
Understanding the ESFP-A subtype is easier with concrete examples of celebrities and fictional characters that fit this profile.
For instance, ESFP celebrities with this subtype include actors such as Michael B. Jordan and Florence Pugh, musicians like Shakira and Cardi B, and political figures like Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.
As for ESFP characters with assertive tendencies, some of the best-known examples include Finnick Odair (Hunger Games), Steve Harrington (Stranger Things), and Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece).
ESFP-T Characteristics
Turbulent Entertainers are the volatile, often explosive ESFPs who have somewhat of a difficulty keeping themselves in check. As a result, they come across as far more emotional than ESFP-As.
Here are some characteristics typically encountered in the ESFP-T subtype:
- Need for self-improvement.Unlike ESFP-As, turbulent ESFPs don’t feel entirely comfortable in their own skin and may be well aware of their own shortcomings. While this can have a negative effect on their confidence, it also motivates them to work on themselves and grow as people.
- Anxiety. Entertainers may not be prone to overthinking, but ESFP-Ts come close to it—they occasionally worry about not being competent enough to make sound decisions. They are also more prone to stress and get overwhelmed easily compared to their assertive counterparts.
- Emotional expressiveness. Emotional expressiveness comes naturally to both ESFP subtypes, but ESFP-Ts are somewhat more successful at it. That’s because they don’t keep negative feelings to themselves; they choose to share them with their loved ones instead.
ESFP-T celebrities include musicians such as Freddy Mercury and Miley Cyrus, actors like Lindsay Lohan and James Franco, and people in business like Paris Hilton.
Meanwhile, ESFP-T characters are Serena van der Woodsen (Gossip Girl), Power (Chainsaw Man), and Misa Amane (Death Note).
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T Strengths and Weaknesses
ESFP-A and ESFP-T strengths and weaknesses are the result of each subtype’s perception of themselves and their own capabilities. In the following section, we will uncover both aspects of assertive and turbulent ESFPs.
ESFP-A Strengths & Weaknesses
Common ESFP-A strengths include:
- Confidence. Like most assertive types, ESFP-As are self-assured and certain of their own capabilities. This confidence shines through in their unique charm and ability to win over and entertain even the toughest crowds.
- Emotional intelligence. ESFP-As understand emotions almost instinctively—both their own and other people’s. As a result, they excel at supporting their loved ones and creating an environment where everyone feels safe and accepted.
- Forgiving nature. Even when someone hurts them, ESFP-As don’t have it in their hearts to hold a grudge. Due to their tendency to always see the best in people, they give out second chances with ease and don’t dwell too much on grievances.
On the other hand, ESFP-A’s weaknesses include:
- Limited emotional expression. Although assertive ESFPs are very open with their emotions, they may be less inclined to share negative thoughts and feelings. They prefer to focus exclusively on positivity, which may cause them to deny experiencing anger or sadness.
- Lack of attention to detail. ESFP-As’ easy-going nature is a double-edged sword. Though it makes them optimistic and relaxed, it also blinds them to their own mistakes. As a result, assertive ESFPs can’t fix them before they snowball into a worse issue.
- Insufficient motivation for improvement. Assertive Entertainers may not believe they are perfect, but they do think they are good enough. While this level of self-confidence is admirable, it can also lead to ESFP-As becoming complacent and unwilling to work on themselves.
ESFP-T Strengths & Weaknesses
Common ESFP-T strengths are:
- Introspection. Entertainers may not be known as introspective individuals, but ESFP-Ts certainly break that stereotype. This subtype is prone to reflection and frequently evaluates their own actions, thoughts, and beliefs.
- Honesty. ESFP-Ts are the most authentic Entertainers—they feel no need to hide their emotions, be they good or bad. Instead, they immediately lay all their cards out and give their loved ones free access to their inner worlds.
- Caring nature. Turbulent ESFPs care deeply, and those closest to them will feel it immediately. They place great importance on emotional connection and want to inspire others to be just as open and vulnerable as they are.
Meanwhile, ESFP-T’s weaknesses include:
- Frequent emotional outbursts. Although ESFP-Ts are as emotionally intelligent as their assertive counterparts, they are far less in control of their feelings. As a result, they may experience bouts of anger or sadness or even engage in reckless behavior when emotions take hold of them.
- Indecisiveness. Turbulent ESFPs report struggling to make a decision and stick to it—to them, this can be a major source of stress. Consequently, they often put it off until the last minute and then end up rushing the whole process.
- Tendency to hold grudges. Unlike ESFP-As, ESFP-Ts don’t forgive and forget so easily. Since they generally seek other people’s validation much more, hurtful actions sting worse and stick with them longer than with assertive Entertainers.
ESFP-A/ESFP-T Compatibility With Other Personality Types
ESFP-A and ESFP-T subtypes are compatible with many of the same personalities as the Entertainer type, though to varying degrees. For instance, both subtypes may be compatible with ESTPs, but one will naturally gravitate toward them more than the other.
In the following section, we will examine the compatibility of ESFP-As and ESFP-Ts with other types and explain why certain matches work well.
ESFP-A Compatibility
Assertive ESFPs frequently get along with the following types:
- ESTP. ESFPs and ESTPs are both driven by their desire to be active and explore what life has to offer. However, since ESTPs are more emotionally closed off, they are a better fit for assertive Entertainers than turbulent ones.
- ESFJ. ESFJs and ESFP-As are the ultimate social butterflies, fluttering from one group of friends to the next with ease. Moreover, ESFP-As radiate confidence that ESFJs are naturally drawn to.
- ISTP. Although ISTPs have completely different energy than bubbly ESFPs, this doesn’t pose a problem in their relationship. The two balance each other out, especially when the ESFP is assertive and, therefore, less emotionally demanding.
ESFP-T Compatibility
On the other hand, turbulent ESFPs are compatible with these types:
- ISFJ. Due to their nurturing nature, ISFJs make excellent listeners, which is exactly what turbulent ESFPs need. However, ESFP-Ts don’t take this for granted—they reciprocate with emotional support and gestures of kindness.
- ISFP. ISFPs resemble a quieter, calmer version of ESFPs, so turbulent Entertainers feel at ease with this type. ISFPs also appreciate their honest approach to emotions, which helps them open up, too.
- ESTJ. At first glance, ESTJs may seem like too rigid of a type to get along with volatile ESFP-Ts, but surprisingly, this match can work quite well. After all, turbulent Entertainers often need someone to keep them in check, and ESTJs gladly take on this task.
6 Distinctions Between ESFP-A and ESFP-T Personalities
The distinctions between ESFP-A and ESFP-T personalities lie primarily in their differing levels of confidence and emotional control. However, these two aspects affect many other dimensions of their personalities.
Let’s explore the key differences between the two ESFP subtypes:
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T Confidence
Like most assertive types, ESFP-As report feeling self-assured far more often than their turbulent counterparts. As a result, they are more optimistic, independent, and confident in their decision-making.
However, their confidence can blind them to potential issues and cause them to overestimate themselves and their own abilities.
On the other hand, this almost never happens to turbulent ESFPs, who are prone to bouts of self-doubt and insecurity. ESFP-Ts prefer to rely on outside input when making decisions and have a harder time simply believing things will fall into place on their own.
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T Emotional Expression
Both Entertainer subtypes are emotionally expressive and eager to both listen and be heard, but ESFP-Ts are undoubtedly more open with their feelings than ESFP-As. They feel no need to hide anything—be it positive or negative—and gain validation from building emotional connections.
Assertive ESFPs experience much of the same thing, but they are slightly more reserved. As a rule, this subtype prefers to focus on the positive and rarely discusses anything that might be troubling it.
Unfortunately, this attitude may backfire in several ways. For one, it can be difficult for ESFP-As to establish firm bonds if they are unwilling to fully open up. Moreover, negative emotions may pile up over time and, according to a study by researchers from Stanford University, damage their mental health.
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T Under Stress
Generally speaking, Entertainers don’t handle stress very well, but there is a clear distinction between ESFP-As and ESFP-Ts.
Assertive ESFPs have a greater tolerance for stress and feel more competent to deal with life’s challenges. They may even consider stress important for self-development, though they still prefer smooth sailing whenever possible.
On the other hand, turbulent ESFPs feel extremely overwhelmed in stressful situations and often doubt their own ability to handle them. This can cause them to become avoidant, but it may also help them be more observant and spot potential issues before they worsen.
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T in Relationships
Both ESFP-As and ESFP-Ts prefer the fun and excitement of casual dating to a serious, committed relationship. The Entertainer personality as a whole doesn’t handle routine well and may find settling for just one person unappealing.
However, assertive ESFPs are more likely to enter long-term relationships out of the two subtypes, as they are more stable and reliable. This is somewhat ironic, considering that turbulent ESFPs are the ones who often crave the deep emotional connection that comes with a committed partnership.
Unfortunately, due to their volatility and unpredictability, ESFP-Ts can struggle to maintain a serious relationship. That’s not to say they can’t have one—they can, but they must put in enough effort and work on themselves.
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T as Friends
Every friend group needs one ESFP friend, be they turbulent or assertive. After all, Entertainers are fun, vibrant friends who can bring life to any gathering and draw everyone out of their shells.
However, it’s not just fun and games with ESFPs—they can lend their ears when necessary and uplift their loved ones through words of encouragement and acts of kindness. Turbulent ESFPs are especially skilled at this, as they are generally the more compassionate subtype of the Entertainer personality.
Still, ESFP-A's radiant confidence and laid-back attitude are impossible to resist, so this subtype has no shortage of friends, either. In fact, both surround themselves with several large social circles and seamlessly move from one to the other.
ESFP-A vs. ESFP-T in the Workplace
In the workplace, ESFP-As are dynamic, energetic, and confident, much like in their private lives. As a result, they can make excellent leaders, especially in exciting careers that give them plenty of room for creativity and improvisation.
ESFP-Ts, on the other hand, prefer to steer clear of leadership positions, as they may prove too stressful and overwhelming. Still, they are just as dynamic as their assertive counterparts and contribute greatly to the team’s morale and rapport.
Best & Worst ESFP-A Careers
ESFP-As excel at jobs and careers where they can let their imaginations run loose and put their endless energy to good use. Strict rules and guidelines don’t sit well with this personality type, so traditional office jobs usually aren’t a good fit.
Consequently, these are some of the best careers for the ESFP-A subtype:
- Actor
- Travel agent
- Event planner
- Flight attendant
- Digital marketer
- Real estate agent
- Sales representative
On the other hand, ESFP-As tend to struggle in careers that ask them to handle data instead of people or require them to adhere to schedules and rulebooks.
In other words, assertive ESFPs should avoid jobs such as:
- Judge
- Chemist
- Engineer
- Accountant
- Bookkeeper
Best & Worst ESFP-T Careers
ESFP-Ts enjoy similar careers as ESFP-As, but they put an even greater emphasis on human contact and seek emotional connections in their workplaces. At the same time, they don’t want their jobs to be too intense, as their tolerance for stress is fairly low.
Keeping that in mind, here are the best careers for the ESFP-T subtype:
- Florist
- Dancer
- Musician
- Tour guide
- Cosmetologist
- Interior designer
- Fashion designer
On the other hand, monotonous office jobs drain ESFP-Ts just as much as ESFP-As, so they often feel trapped in these positions.
Therefore, ESFP-Ts should avoid careers such as:
- Bank teller
- Data analyst
- Tax consultant
- Budget analyst
- Data entry clerk
Key Takeaways
Understanding the ESFP-A and ESFP-T subtypes helps you gain a more nuanced insight into the Entertainer personality. After all, ESFPs are not a monolith, so you’ll exhibit different traits depending on whether you are a turbulent or assertive Entertainer.
If you’re not sure which subtype you identify with, take our personality test to find out. This can help you learn more about how you perceive yourself and which aspects of your personality you should work on.