Top 8 ENTP Career Matches + Best College Majors to Pursue
Let’s face it—picking the right career path for ENTPs isn’t easy. After all, there are so many options to choose from! And to add to the confusion, it’s hard to tell which of them suit your personality and will hold your interest for years.
Well, if you’re looking for ENTP career advice, look no further!
This extensive guide to ENTP careers includes:
- 8 Best Careers for ENTPs to Consider
- 3 Worst Careers ENTPs Should Avoid
- 10 Best College Majors for ENTPs
And more!
So, let’s get started with our ENTP careers list.
8 Best Careers for ENTPs to Consider
Due to their unique XNXP personality traits, ENTPs are more likely to excel in some career fields compared to others. So, here are some career paths that are ideal for people with the ENTP personality type:
#1. Art
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to belong to a feeling personality type to build a successful career in arts and entertainment. In fact, this industry is full of famous ENTPs—Anna Kendrick, Chris Rock, and Matthew Perry are just a few of them!
Since the dominant ENTP cognitive function is extraverted intuition (Ne), these individuals can generate fresh ideas without breaking a sweat. Not only that—they also tend to be creative and original. As such, artistically inclined ENTPs will greatly benefit from choosing jobs in which their unconventional ideas will be heard and appreciated, such as:
- Graphic Designer
- Video Game Designer
- Art Director
- Animator
- Screenwriter
- Actor
- Comedian
- Blogger
- Photographer
#2. Technology
Since Visionaries are future-oriented individuals who are big on innovation, it’s only natural that technology is one of the best ENTP careers. Moreover, ENTPs are prone to boredom, which is another reason why jobs in technology are very suitable for this personality type. Since technology is constantly evolving, they aren’t likely to lose interest in this field.
On top of that, ENTPs are known to have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to pick things up quickly. This, along with their analytical abilities, helps them excel in tech jobs.
The best ENTP careers in tech include:
- Software Developer
- Computer Programmer
- Computer Systems Analyst
- Web Developer
- UX/UI Designer
- Information Technology Manager
#3. Business and Finance
Thanks to their communication skills, analytical nature, and leadership abilities, business and finance is another suitable career path for ENTPs.
Still, it’s important to keep in mind that people with this personality type don’t usually like highly structured environments. Because of this, ENTPs may not be too excited about the idea of climbing the corporate ladder, which is why they often become entrepreneurs or freelancers.
Besides that, the best business and finance jobs for ENTPs are:
- Business Consultant
- Financial Consultant
- Financial Analyst
- Stock Trader
- Marketing Manager
- Organizational Psychologist
#4. Medicine
Generally speaking, medicine isn’t a popular career choice among ENTPs. It requires years of formal education and attention to detail and, depending on the specific job, can be rather repetitive. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that ENTPs should completely rule out medicine as an option.
Since ENTPs love solving complex problems, they can excel in various healthcare careers as long as they satisfy their need for autonomy and innovation. Also, many jobs in medicine require analytical thinking, which is a major advantage for ENTPs.
So, if you strive to help people improve their lives, here are some ENTP careers in medicine you should consider:
- Clinical Psychologist
- Psychiatrist
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Physician
#5. Science
Thanks to Ne, curiosity is one of the most prominent features of the ENTP personality type. Visionaries are usually interested in not only exploring theoretical concepts but also testing their theories in real-life situations. Needless to say, this alone makes them ideal candidates for various positions in the science field.
Also, let’s not forget that introverted thinking (Ti) is the auxiliary ENTP cognitive function, which means that these individuals are heavily focused on analyzing facts and data. Because of the Ne-Ti cognitive function combination, ENTPs can successfully pursue careers in both hard and soft sciences.
Some of the most popular ENTP careers in science include:
- Environmental Scientist
- Forensic Scientist
- Psychologist
- Sociologist
- Epidemiologist
- Theoretical Physicist
- Computer Scientist
- Economist
- Scientific Reporter
- Political Scientist
#6. Law
If there’s one thing ENTPs are famous for, it’s their debating skills. Luckily, these transfer rather well to law-related careers!
Unlike most people, ENTPs feel comfortable in situations where they have to defend their position. They genuinely enjoy crafting strong arguments to support their views and are usually great at spotting logical inconsistencies in other people’s arguments. Not to mention, their charisma and strong communication skills make them even more persuasive.
Some of the best jobs in law for ENTPs are:
- Lawyers (criminal, corporate, civil, etc.)
- Paralegals
- Solicitors
- Legal Journalists
- Legal Advisors
#7. Media & Communication
Since Visionaries have great communication skills, it isn’t a surprise that media and communication made it onto our list of best ENTP careers.
One of the main reasons why ENTPs often choose to pursue careers in media and communication is that jobs in this field allow them to utilize their creativity. What’s more, such jobs usually require adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to work under pressure, which effectively prevents ENTPs from getting bored!
As an ENTP, you can’t go wrong by becoming a:
- Journalist
- Public Relations Specialist
- Digital Marketer
- Copywriter
- Film, Music, or TV Producer
#8. Engineering
Engineering is another popular ENTP career choice, as it allows these individuals to use their innate strengths—analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity—to come up with innovative solutions to problems. Also, mental stimulation for ENTPs goes hand in hand with job satisfaction, which makes engineering a great option for these types.
Given that less than 16% of all engineers in the United States are female, this is still a heavily male-dominated field. However, it doesn’t mean that it is only suitable for men with this personality type. As a matter of fact, it isn’t uncommon to find both ENTP males and females among:
- Software Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Industrial Engineers
- Machine Learning Engineers
3 Worst Careers ENTPs Should Avoid
Now that we covered the best careers for Visionaries, let’s check out some ENTP careers to avoid. While they can build successful careers in any field, as a general rule, most ENTPs aren’t well-suited for the following jobs:
#1. Dentist
As mentioned above, most jobs in the medical field aren’t the best option for ENTPs, and dentistry isn’t an exception. Although some ENTPs make phenomenal dentists, most will find that this profession requires too much organization and attention to detail. Not to mention, it can be quite monotonous, so ENTPs are bound to get bored in this field sooner or later.
#2. Elementary Teacher
Although teaching children is a creative job, most ENTPs don’t have the patience for it. In fact, they may get frustrated with slow learners! Also, unless they are particularly interested in a specific subject, ENTPs might find teaching the same things over and over again boring and uninspiring.
#3. Administrative Assistant
Answering phone calls, planning meetings, scanning documents, and organizing paperwork are some of the main responsibilities of administrative assistants. It isn’t that ENTPs are incapable of doing these things—they simply find these tasks tedious. Not to mention, time management and organization aren’t their strongest suits.
How ENTPs Behave in Teams
Since ENTPs are extroverted, they generally enjoy being part of a team and brainstorming with others. Usually, they contribute to the team by suggesting creative ideas but often expect others to implement them and take care of the details. Unsurprisingly, their enthusiasm for teamwork (or work in general) often reduces once it’s time to actually get things done.
Besides that, ENTPs are open-minded teammates, as they’re genuinely interested in hearing everyone’s ideas. Although they can be competitive, they usually focus on keeping the team atmosphere fun and positive.
That said, if their teammates prefer traditional methods over innovative solutions, ENTPs may lose their motivation and begin slacking. Although they can be lazy, they typically slack off because they don’t feel inspired or excited about their work. In other words, ENTPs can make productive teammates, but only when others appreciate their progressive ideas and vision.
What are ENTPs Like as Leaders
Although ENTPs don’t pursue leadership positions as often as ENTJs—their judging cousins—they have a strong potential for management and leadership. However, their leadership style might be different from traditional leadership. They aren’t too keen on preserving a hierarchy and will often expect their subordinates to treat them as equals.
As expected, ENTPs typically make visionary leaders who aim to inspire people to work toward a common goal. Although they have a vision, they don’t mind altering it if others offer a better idea. While this makes them rather flexible, they are prone to lose sight of their original vision and abandon it in favor of something new.
While ENTPs are great at creating strategies and spotting their weak points, most of them need assistance with following through with plans, taking care of details, and similar. They can easily get carried away with ideas, so they often need others to help them with the practical side of things.
ENTPs Strengths and Weaknesses at the Workplace
Ideally, as an ENTP, you should go for a career that allows you to downplay your weaknesses and use your strengths to the fullest extent. With that in mind, let’s go over the main ENTP strengths and weaknesses in the workplace!
The best attributes that ENTPs bring to the workplace are:
- Adaptability. ENTPs are quick thinkers and great problem solvers, which helps them quickly adapt to changes, pick up skills, and tackle challenges.
- Creativity. Innovative and original, ENTPs are gifted with the ability to think outside of the box.
- Confidence. ENTPs are confident in their ability to overcome setbacks and failure, which is why they eagerly take risks and propose unconventional ideas.
That said, here are some of the most prominent weaknesses ENTPs show at work:
- Disorganization. ENTPs can be rather disorganized and chaotic, which often leads them to bounce between projects and ideas. They may also struggle to manage their time.
- Lack of practicality. ENTPs can lack follow-through because they are more preoccupied with ideas than their practical implementation.
- Procrastination. ENTPs can quickly lose motivation and enthusiasm, especially in overly structured environments, which can lead them to procrastinate.
10 Best College Majors for ENTPs
As an ENTP, you might not be too excited about formal education, but the truth is that most careers suitable for ENTPs require a higher education diploma.
If you don’t know what college major to pick, here are ten college majors that will set you up for success in one (or more!) of the career paths we mentioned above:
- Journalism
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Political Science
- Computer Information Systems
- Engineering (mechanical, software, electrical, etc.)
- Legal Studies
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Economics
Tip: Also, check our walkthrough on ENTP compatibility and their best & worst matches!
ENTP Careers FAQ
#1. What is the best job for an ENTP?
Almost every career path has some ENTP-friendly jobs, but ENTPs generally make great engineers (all types), lawyers, journalists, psychologists, and entrepreneurs.
#2. Can ENTPs be good leaders?
Yes, ENTPs can make great leaders thanks to their charisma, creativity, and love of innovation. These visionary leaders can effectively inspire and motivate people to achieve long-term goals. It is thought that around 8% of all leaders belong to the ENTP personality type, which attests to their leadership abilities.
#3. Do ENTPs make a lot of money?
ENTPs tend to change careers more often than most other personality types, but once they settle on a specific career path, they usually become high earners (as long as they don’t give in to laziness!). That said, it all depends on what career they choose to pursue.
Key Takeaways
And that’s a wrap!
By now, you should know all there is to ENTP careers, but before you go, let’s reiterate the key points we covered:
- The best ENTP careers, such as engineering, law, technology, and business, allow Visionaries to make use of their inherent problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills.
- ENTPs should avoid monotonous jobs that require lots of patience and attention to detail, such as dentistry.
- ENTP strengths at work include creativity, adaptability, and confidence, but they can be flighty and impractical.