27+ Extremely Accurate ENTP Memes You Will Relate To
ENTPs—or Visionaries—are known for having a great sense of humor. They don’t take life too seriously, love to have fun, and make jokes about pretty much anything, including themselves.
Unsurprisingly, some of the best personality type-related memes are created by and about ENTPs.
So, let’s take a look at our hand-picked list of the best ENTP memes and see what they can teach us about this personality type!
28 Funny ENTP Memes That Accurately Depict Visionary Personalities
Ready for some hilarious ENTP memes that’ll make you laugh AND teach you a thing or two about the ENTP personality type? Let’s dive right in!
ENTPs Love Deep Conversations
Extraverted intuition (Ne), which is concerned with abstract ideas, connections between them, and possibilities, is the dominant ENTP cognitive function.
Like ENFPs, who are also dominant Ne users, Visionaries love delving deep into philosophical conversations. They simply couldn’t imagine falling for someone who doesn’t share their passion for exploring theoretical ideas. After all, nothing excites them quite as much as people’s willingness to go down the rabbit hole with them!
Some people tend to think that intuitive thinking personality types are hard to please, but this ENTP meme proves the opposite.
Making Analysts happy is not rocket science—all you have to do is meet their basic needs, which are not only physical but also mental. Building intellectual intimacy is the key to winning any ENTP’s heart!
All intuitive personality types love talking about ideas, but let’s face it—when it comes to deep, meaningful conversations, no one can beat ENTPs. Sorry to burst your bubble, INTJs!
Although most ENTPs are ambiverts, they would never pass up an opportunity to have a quality conversation with someone—”quality” being the keyword.
Unfortunately, we live in a society where small talk is the norm. Since it makes their skin crawl, most ENTPs would rather stay at home than risk ruining their day by having boring chit-chat, even if they’re in the mood to socialize!
ENTPs Are Hungry for Knowledge
Given that introverted thinking (Ti) is their auxiliary cognitive function, it comes as no surprise that ENTPs love learning about pretty much anything.
Due to the combination of Ne and Ti, it’s not uncommon for them to spend sleepless nights researching new subjects and interests. They simply can’t resist the urge to satisfy their curiosity and broaden their knowledge, even if it causes them to miss out on sleep!
This ENTP meme shows how inquisitive people with the ENTP personality type can be. If you have any kind of knowledge or information they don’t possess yet, they won’t hesitate to pick your brain! And don’t try to stop them—their “interrogation” won’t come to an end until everything you know rubs off on them.
This ENTP meme reflects the struggle most Visionaries face sooner or later. Let’s just agree that no matter which Jack inspired the saying “jack of all trades, master of none,” he definitely belonged to the ENTP personality type!
ENTPs Thrive on Debate
It’s no secret that ENTPs love debates, but nothing makes their heart race as much as knowing that you have strong views on a topic they’ve researched through and through. They’re often called “the devil’s advocates” for a reason!
ENTPs may not be gullible, but there’s one bait they can’t resist—irrational opinions. If you express your opinions without backing them up with facts and concrete data, they’ll immediately take the opportunity to rip them to shreds.
Needless to say, you shouldn’t try to appeal to emotion to defend your position—it’ll only add fuel to the fire!
Even if you’re just scrolling through ENTP memes on Reddit, sooner or later you’ll come across a thread that has become a battlefield between two or more Visionaries. Seriously, these individuals can—and will—argue even about the most light-hearted matters!
Unsurprisingly, they can become very tense when their responsibilities hold them back from replying to someone’s unreasonable comment!
Let’s be honest—if you’re going against an ENTP, there’s little to no chance you’ll win the debate. No matter how much time you spend perfecting your argument, they’ll find that one thing you’ve failed to consider!
This ENTP meme hilariously depicts the nature of ENTPs. They’re so competitive when it comes to getting their point across that they even approach therapy as if it’s a debate!
ENTPs Can Be Insensitive
Although ENTPs are generally funny, not everyone can appreciate it. For some, their dry humor, sarcasm, and dark jokes seem out of line. Sometimes, their funny side pushes people’s boundaries, so much so that some people consider them rude, insensitive, or outright offensive!
The truth is, even when ENTPs are around people who are quick to take offense, they don’t mind playing with fire and throwing a few jokes here and there. In fact, many of them find it entertaining when others react strongly to their sense of humor!
Like most Analysts, ENTPs aren’t that concerned with people’s feelings. So, even when they insult someone, they’ll quickly move on and change the subject.
It doesn’t mean that they are heartless, however. In fact, many ENTPs become more compassionate as they mature and develop their tertiary extraverted feeling (Fe), but until then, protecting people’s feeling simply isn’t their top priority.
This ENTP meme shows one of the greatest ENTP weaknesses—their inability to sincerely apologize. Most ENTPs don’t master the art of apologizing until they integrate Fe into their cognitive function stack. So, they’ll typically shift the blame onto others, implying or overtly stating that it’s their fault for being overly sensitive!
Since ENTPs are logical people, they are great at analyzing emotions—that’s why many of them pursue careers in psychology.
That said, most ENTPs feel awkward and even incompetent when they experience strong emotions, and no amount of rationalization can help them overcome this. They simply need to learn how to sit with their feelings!
ENTPs Have a Love-Hate Relationship With INFPs
ENTP compatibility with INFPs is fairly high, and these personality types often feel inexplicably drawn to one another. However, due to their differences, these personalities are bound to experience some tension around each other.
While INFPs prefer to sweep things under the rug, ENTPs don’t miss a chance to tease them, which Mediators tend to interpret as unkindness. Needless to say, this ENTP meme is not only accurate but also rather realistic!
Simply put, ENTPs are always ready to give a reality check to INFPs. And to make matters worse, they often use specific facts to prove their point and shatter INFPs’ illusions! Still, you can’t deny that ENTPs’ honesty is refreshing—although it can, at times, sound mean.
To outsiders, it might seem that ENTPs and INFPs don’t get along that well, especially since INFPs tend to complain about Visionaries being mean to them. Well, if you want to test their bond, just try to disagree with an ENTP in front of Mediators. You’ll see how protective and supportive of Visionaries they are!
If you think only INFPs secretly admire ENTPs, think again! Although ENTPs often playfully mock them, they love spending time together. Visionaries even try to hang out with INFPs when all they want is to spend some time alone—that’s how much ENTPs love their company!
ENTPs Are Chaotic and Unpredictable
It’s a well-known fact that ENTPs love messing with people, testing their limits, and pushing their buttons. Even around complete strangers, nothing is off limits to ENTPs. They’ll cause chaos just to provoke a reaction and see how far they can push people’s boundaries!
ENTPs are original thinkers, so their minds are usually bubbling with unconventional thoughts, ideas, and theories. However, as shown in this ENTP meme, most random thoughts tend to pop into their heads late at night!
Unlike most people, ENTPs don’t flirt by using cheesy pickup lines or giving you compliments—they show attention and interest by teasing you!
To most feeling personality types, including INFJs, their unusual flirting methods come off as bullying. Well, this just goes to show how unpredictable ENTPs can be—you never know what their true intentions are!
Since ENTPs can be rather chaotic and unpredictable, some people find them intimidating. That’s because even when they like you, you don’t know what their next move will be!
Will they poke fun at you? Take you on a spontaneous adventure? Challenge your core beliefs to expand your perspective? You never know, but one thing is for certain: as long as you don’t take things too seriously and just enjoy the ride, it’ll be lots of fun!
ENTPs Think Outside the Box
ENTPs love discussing anything and everything under the sun, and they often have unique and broad views thanks to their Ne. However, one thing they can’t stand is limits. So, when people want them to adhere to a specific point of view, agree with the general consensus, or refrain from exploring the subject from different angles, they can get pretty upset!
Oftentimes, ENTPs will try to challenge people’s opinions and beliefs, especially if they hold traditional views or blindly accept other people’s ideas as their own. Naturally, they experience overwhelming satisfaction when their efforts to broaden people’s horizons start paying off! And, of course, they are immediately drawn to people who, just like them, think outside the box.
Lastly, to top it all off, here’s an ENTP meme that explains pretty much everything about this personality type. Critical thinking, charisma and wit, creativity, and the tendency to quickly get bored and distracted are the integral features of the ENTP personality type that make them so unique!
On another note, make sure to check out our comprehensive guide on this particular personality type regarding ENTP men & ENTP women and their compatibility!
Final Thoughts
And that’s the end of our list of ENTP memes!
As you see, memes typically portray ENTPs exactly as they are: curious, unconventional, argumentative, and so on. Of course, these are all stereotypes, but most Visionaries will definitely recognize themselves in them. At the end of the day, however, we can all agree that ENTPs are fun, interesting, and anything but boring—just like these memes about them!