ESTP Compatibility w/ Other Personality Types
Confident and energetic, ESTPs hit it off with pretty much everyone.
However, if you belong to this personality type or know someone who does, you might’ve noticed that they sometimes lose their interest in people rather easily.
It doesn’t always mean that they’re fickle and unpredictable—more often than not, it’s the fault of low personality type compatibility.
So, in this extensive guide to ESTP compatibility and relationships, we’ll cover the best and worst matches for ESTPs, discover what they’re like as romantic partners, friends, and parents, and more.
Let’s get started!
ESTP Compatibility Chart for Love and Friendships
First and foremost, here’s a handy ESTP compatibility chart that’ll show you how this type relates to other personality types:
Very Compatible | Compatible | Somewhat Compatible | Incompatible |
However, it’s important to note that people can get along even if their types aren’t that compatible.
For example, ESTP compatibility with INFJs is somewhat low. Still, mature individuals of both types can still form a long-lasting connection, though they may encounter some communication issues due to their inherent differences.
5 Best Matches for ESTPs
Now that you have a general idea about ESTP compatibility with different types, let’s discuss some of their best matches:
#1. ISTP and ESTP Compatibility
ESTP compatibility with the ISTP personality type is naturally high, as they share the same cognitive functions and preferences for sensing, thinking, and perceiving.
ISTPs and ESTPs are strong users of extraverted sensing (Se), which makes them open-minded and grounded in reality. Since they’re both adventurous, ISTP and ESTP friendships and relationships tend to be exciting and full of fun, often focused on physical activities and experiences.
That said, we shouldn’t forget that ISTPs are introverts after all, so they need plenty of alone time. As long as ESTPs respect this need and make it a point not to overshadow them, these two personality types can form a satisfying and dynamic bond.
#2. ESTJ and ESTP Compatibility
Although ESTJ and ESTP personalities have their fair share of differences, their compatibility is generally high, especially at work, where they can best complement one another.
ESTJs tend to carefully follow rules and regulations, which doesn’t come naturally to ESTPs. While this can cause some tension between the two, ultimately, this connection can help ESTPs learn to appreciate order and structure. In turn, they can show ESTJs the power and value of adaptability.
Since both personalities are rational and candid, they have similar styles of communication and make a great team when it comes to problem-solving. As long as they respect each other’s differences and maintain a healthy power dynamic, they can build long-lasting personal and professional relationships.
#3. ISFJ and ESTP Compatibility
When it comes to romantic relationships, the ISFJ personality type is thought to be the ideal match for ESTPs, so it goes without saying that their compatibility is very high.
Quiet and dutiful, ISFJs are the complete opposite of ESTPs in many ways. Because of this, they may feel immediately intrigued by the other, only to find out that they’re vastly different. However, by fostering each other’s strengths, they can both complement one another and overcome their weaknesses and differences.
Such a relationship can teach ESTPs to become more reliable, patient, and aware of other people’s emotions. Meanwhile, ISFJs can learn from ESTPs to let loose and effectively address problems. Not to mention, they can help each other develop their tertiary functions, introverted thinking (Ti) and extraverted feeling (Fe).
Needless to say, ISFJ and ESTP relationships can be rather challenging yet incredibly rewarding in terms of personal growth.
#4. ISTJ and ESTP Compatibility
Since ISTJ and ESTP personalities both favor sensing and thinking, they’re also often thought to be highly compatible in spite of their differences.
Oftentimes, ESTPs are drawn to people who balance out their impulsivity and extroversion, making ISTJs a great match for them. Neither one of these personality types is particularly emotional, which often makes for a stable, pragmatic relationship. It also helps that both tend to express their love through actions instead of words.
That said, ISTJs are rather careful and risk-averse, unlike ESTPs. While this can cause some disagreements, it also creates a high potential for growth. ESTPs can help ISTJs become more open to new experiences and embrace change, whereas ISTJs can teach ESTPs to take their responsibilities more seriously.
#5. ENTP and ESTP Compatibility
When it comes to intuitive personality types, ESTP compatibility is by far the highest with ENTPs, as they share lots of similarities and just enough differences to keep their relationships lively.
Both ENTPs and ESTPs are open-minded, rational, and enthusiastic about new experiences and possibilities. While they’ll likely tackle problems in a calm, logical way, you can bet there won’t be a dull moment between the two, as both like to be in the center of the action.
Although ESTPs may find it difficult to understand ENTPs’ love of theoretical discussions, that certainly doesn’t mean that they can’t form a lasting connection. Since ENTPs are big on generating ideas, whereas ESTPs are great at applying them practically, they can make a wonderful team both in personal and professional matters.
3 Worst Matches for ESTPs
ESTPs have larger-than-life personalities, so it’s not unexpected that people with certain personality types clash with their no-nonsense, thrill-seeking nature.
So, here are the three personality types that are the least compatible with ESTPs:
#1. INFP and ESTP Compatibility
Generally, ESTP compatibility with INFPs is rather low. The two often have completely different values, needs, and communication styles, which makes it difficult to understand one another.
INFPs can’t imagine any good relationship without a deep emotional connection, which simply isn’t a priority for ESTPs. Quite the contrary—they avoid dealing with emotional matters whenever possible, which can cause INFPs to feel emotionally neglected.
Not to mention, ESTPs prefer direct communication, but their bluntness can hurt INFPs’ feelings—after all, they’re very sensitive. At the same time, ESTPs might be frustrated by INFPs’ tendency to beat around the bush.
In other words, these personality types are simply too different. Still, if both parties are committed to making their relationship work, they can learn to get along.
#2. INTP and ESTP Compatibility
ESTP compatibility with INTPs is low, and the main culprit behind this is their different approach to life.
While INTPs are all about knowledge and intellectual pursuits, ESTPs strive to seize the moment and experience life to the fullest. Unlike INTPs, ESTPs love being in the midst of the action, so they often find INTPs’ company too calm and dull for their liking.
Still, they have some things in common, including a flexible mindset, rationality, and a dislike of routine. Both personalities also make great problem-solvers. So, while romantic chemistry between them isn’t likely, these personalities usually get along pretty well at work.
#3. INTJ and ESTP Compatibility
Although the differences between these types often draw them toward one another, generally speaking, ESTP compatibility with INTJs is relatively low.
Oftentimes, they find each other inexplicably intriguing at the beginning of the relationship. Since they both value logic and rationality yet are fundamentally different, it’s not unusual for them to be fascinated by one another’s perspectives.
Yet, let’s be honest—unlike INTJs, ESTPs aren’t that into intellectual conversations, especially if they become too abstract. They crave excitement and new experiences, while INTJs would rather spend time alone.
The good news is that both ESTPs and INTJs have good senses of humor, prefer direct communication, and like to solve problems head-on. Thanks to these qualities, they can overcome any challenges and shortcomings—but not without hard work.
ESTP Communication Style
As mentioned above, ESTPs communicate in an honest, straightforward manner.
Typically, they focus on facts and aren’t afraid to say what’s on their mind. However, they may overlook the emotional aspects of a situation, which can make them seem harsh. In reality, though, they simply want to effectively get their point across and focus on the matter at hand.
That said, most ESTPs are also charismatic and enthusiastic conversationalists. They like to keep their conversations fun and light-hearted but can be rather persuasive when needed. While they don’t like discussing feelings or abstract theories, they’re often excellent at negotiating and getting others to see their point of view.
How Do ESTPs Approach Dating and Relationships?
Like other things in life, ESTPs approach dating and relationships as an adventure. Simply put, they want their romantic partner to be their ride-or-die. Ideally, they’re looking for a partner in crime who’ll readily partake in new experiences and tackle any challenges together with them.
Although ESTPs tend to be open to casual dating and aren’t the type to plan their relationships well into the future, that doesn’t mean they are only looking for short-term fun. With the right person, they’re more than happy to build a long-lasting relationship packed with fun, passion, and spontaneous surprises.
What Do ESTPs Need in a Relationship?
Essentially, there are three key things ESTPs need in a relationship:
- Excitement. For ESTPs, boredom is by far the biggest relationship killer. Whether they’ve just started dating or have been married for decades, they want their relationships to be fresh and thrilling. So, if their partner doesn’t share their enthusiasm for novelty and adventure, their feelings may quickly grow cold.
- Honesty. ESTPs are frank and expect their partners to address issues directly instead of sweeping them under the rug. After all, they want to solve problems, not let them fester.
- Independence. ESTPs want their partners to understand and accept their free-spirited nature. If their partner insists on controlling them in any way, the relationship will inevitably fall apart.
Challenges of Dating ESTPs
While dating ESTPs can be very exciting, it isn’t always easy.
Here are some of the most common challenges people face when dating ESTPs:
- No-nonsense attitude. ESTPs’ directness is rather refreshing—but to some, it may also be upsetting.
- Lack of emotional connection. ESTPs are great at fostering physical and mental intimacy, but bonding with people on an emotional level doesn’t come naturally to them. Because of this, ESTP compatibility for relationships may be a bit higher with thinking personality types.
- Unwillingness to commit. While mature ESTPs can and do make loyal partners, unhealthy and immature ones may be rather flighty and afraid of commitment.
What Are ESTPs Like as Friends?
More often than not, ESTPs have lots of friends, and it’s not without good reason—they’re extremely fun to be around!
People with this personality type are bursting with energy and up for pretty much anything. While they enjoy intellectual discussions to a certain degree, they’d rather bond with their friends through hands-on activities, such as playing sports. Because of this, ESTP compatibility for friendships is particularly high with fellow SP personality types.
Oftentimes, ESTPs are the loudest in their friend group. While they certainly don’t avoid the limelight, they aren’t self-centered (unless they’re unhealthy) and make generous friends.
Simply put, they want to support their friends’ dreams and professional goals in any way they can and expect their friends to do the same. Unsurprisingly, they typically form friendships with people who are as ambitious, motivated, and fun-loving as them.
What Are ESTPs Like as Parents?
As parents, ESTPs are flexible, playful, and spontaneous. They want their children to enjoy childhood to the fullest and gain as many different experiences as they can, hoping that this will help them grow into independent and confident adults.
Unsurprisingly, ESTP parents like to take their children on adventures and engage in fun physical activities with them, which they sometimes turn into a competition just to spice things up. Out of all personality types, ESTPs make perhaps the most entertaining parents, as they are rather laid-back and always think of something fun to do.
However, as fun as they are, ESTP parents can overwhelm their children, especially if they aren’t as outgoing and adaptable as them. Luckily, most of them are perceptive and realize when it’s time to tone things down a bit.
Besides that, ESTP parents often struggle to discipline their kids and bond with them on an emotional level. Although discipline and emotional connection may not be high on their list of priorities, working on improving these two areas can help ESTPs round out their parenting style.
How Do ESTP Cognitive Functions Affect Their Relationships?
Simply put, cognitive functions are what makes ESTPs who they are. As such, they affect not only ESTP compatibility with other personality types but also their relationships as a whole.
Let’s find out how!
Extraverted Sensing (Se)
As the dominant ESTP cognitive function, extraverted sensing (Se) makes this personality type focused on physical sensations and the present moment.
Due to Se, ESTPs make fun-loving friends, partners, and parents. They’re always ready to take action but may become restless if they don’t have enough physical stimulation.
Not to mention, Se causes ESTPs to focus on doing things, so they typically express love and affection through practical actions and physical touch.
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Introverted thinking (Ti) is the auxiliary ESTP cognitive function, and it largely affects the way these personalities solve problems and make decisions.
Simply put, ESTPs use Ti to look at situations objectively, evaluate facts, and come to rational conclusions. When facing a relationship dilemma, they usually base their decisions on logic and reason instead of feelings and values.
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
As the tertiary ESTP cognitive function, extraverted feeling (Fe) is much less pronounced than their Se and Ti. Still, it plays an important role in their relationships.
Because of Fe, ESTPs have an irresistible charm about them. Coupled with Se, Fe helps them read the room and notice the subtleties in people’s body language. However, since it’s their tertiary function, ESTPs don’t prioritize it and can sometimes dismiss people’s feelings and emotional needs.
Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Introverted intuition (Ni) is the inferior ESTP cognitive function, which makes it their weak spot.
Since ESTPs lead with Se and have weak Ni, they’refirmly grounded in the here and now. They don’t think much about the future of their relationships and take each day as it comes, savoring every moment of it. However, they may lack foresight and avoid long-term planning, which can cause tension in their relationships.
Key Takeaways
Congrats—you’re now an expert on ESTP compatibility!
Before you go, here's a brief overview of the ESTP compatibility chart:
- Very high compatibility: ISTP, ENTP, ISFJ, ISTJ
- High compatibility: ESFP, ESTJ, ESTP, ESFJ
- Medium compatibility: INFJ, ENFJ, ISFP, ENTJ
- Low compatibility: INTP, INFP, INTJ, ENFP
That said, excitement, independence, and honesty are the key “ingredients” that help ESTPs maintain their interest and make romantic relationships work. As long as their relationships have these qualities, they can build a long-lasting romantic connections with just about anyone!