27+ Funny and Relatable INFJ Memes
If you’re like most INFJs, you crave relating to someone or something. After all, more often than not, you feel like you come from a different planet.
Well, if there’s one thing you’ll definitely relate to, it’s INFJ memes!
In this article, we’ve compiled the best INFJ memes from all corners of the internet that perfectly capture the essence of INFJs. So, let’s get started!
28 Hilarious INFJ Memes You Will Relate To
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the most relatable memes about the INFJ personality type!
INFJs Are Chronic People-Pleasers
One of the greatest strengths of INFJs is their empathy and altruism. They intuitively know when others need them and are always there to lend a helping hand.
However, INFJs have a hard time asking for help, as they’re fiercely independent and used to helping others. This INFJ meme is a perfect representation of that—INFJs would rather do things on their own than ask for help, no matter how badly it affects them!
For an INFJ, there’s nothing more important than making other people happy. Sometimes, however, they help others to their own detriment, and this is especially true for unhealthy INFJs.
This INFJ meme got one thing right—any INFJ would rather run late to a meeting than risk hurting a stranger’s feelings!
Unlike most personality types, INFJs don’t just care about the feelings of people close to them. Thanks to their auxiliary cognitive function—extraverted feeling (Fe)—they care about strangers just as much as they care about their friends and family.
The people-pleasing nature of INFJs extends far beyond their need to help other people. They also want others to feel comfortable in their presence. This leads INFJs to become social chameleons, meaning they adopt different personalities around different people!
Unlike Fi-doms such as INFPs and ISFPs, INFJs don’t fear losing their authenticity if it makes other people happy. Instead, they fear they’ll accidentally use one of their different personalities in front of the wrong crowd.
INFJs Are Complex
How do you know if you’re an INFJ? You can either take a personality test or analyze your attitude towards humanity.
If you have a love and hate relationship with people, there’s a good chance you’re an INFJ. Although they’re loving individuals, they struggle to accept the duality of human nature.
Out of all the introverted personality types, INFJs are one of the most social. They crave human connection, and they aren’t strangers to loneliness.
This INFJ meme is a great example of the contradictory nature of INFJs. Although they don’t want to be alone, they also don’t easily let people into their lives.
INFJs are highly sensitive and emotional types, so it doesn’t take much to hurt or offend them. Yet, they rarely admit that they don’t easily forget and forgive. The truth is, every INFJ can name at least a few people they will never allow to step foot in their lives again!
This INFJ meme comically captures the complexity of the INFJ mind. Even simple, mundane questions can provoke the philosopher inside each INFJ and make them go off on a tangent!
Although INFJs are feelers, unlike most feeling personality types, they often go with their logic. That’s because their tertiary cognitive function is introverted thinking (Ti), which makes them rational, yet prone to overthinking.
Although INFJs wish to build strong and deep bonds with people, they are very private and don’t trust people easily. In fact, most of them don’t realize how guarded they are until someone points it out, and even then, they’re reluctant to admit it!
INFJs Are Highly Intuitive
If there’s one thing that sets INFJs apart from other personality types, it’s their powerful intuition.
INFJs easily pick up on verbal and non-verbal cues, which allows them to see the true nature of the person they’re talking to. While most personality types take what people say and do at face value, INFJs are aware of their hidden motives and intentions before they make them known!
INFJs often get intuitive insights that they can’t explain using logic and facts—they simply know the truth. Because INFJs can’t present any tangible proof, however, many people tend to dismiss their insights... until the truth comes out!
INFJs are very perceptive individuals—they notice even the slightest changes in other people’s tone, body language, and facial expressions. Sometimes, INFJ people know when something is wrong before other people even acknowledge it within themselves!
The INFJs’ ability to spot changes in other people’s mood, body language, and energy can sometimes be more of a curse than a blessing.
That’s because INFJs are very sensitive and tend to take things personally, which often leads them to overthink the entire situation. Unfortunately, this can cause them a great deal of stress, as they’re prone to blaming themselves in every situation.
Guided by introverted intuition (Ni), INFJs are highly in tune with their subconscious mind. Many INFJs keep dream journals to record their dreams and their meanings, and some even claim to have prophetic dreams!
It’s not a secret that many INFJs, and INFJ-Ts in particular, are prone to self-doubt. But, if there’s one thing INFJs always trust in themselves, it’s their intuition!
Note: Barry Allen “The Flash” is an INFP personality type. Here you can see famous INFJ actors.
INFJs Are Their Own Worst Critics
Like ENTJs, INFJs have a ton of original ideas, but they often struggle to make them happen because of their tendency to criticize and doubt themselves. This makes them similar to INFPs, who often abandon their dreams instead of realizing them.
The inability to accept criticism—even well-intended—is one of the biggest weaknesses of the INFJ personality type.
The truth is, in most cases, INFJs are the first ones to criticize themselves, which is why they don’t need other people’s criticism.
For INFJs, self-criticism is a habit. No matter how many times their friends, family, and even therapists tell INFJs to stop criticizing themselves, they simply can’t refrain from judging themselves for something they said back in 8th grade!
INFJs Are Frequently Misunderstood
In a way, INFJs are an odd combination of the ISFJ and INTJ personality types. Because they have traits of both, they’re too logical to fit in with feelers and too emotional to fit in with thinkers.
Because they’re so rare, INFJs often feel like misfits. Although they deeply understand other people, they rarely relate to them and see themselves as outsiders.
As the rarest personality type, INFJs are bound to be misunderstood by other people. No matter how hard they try to pick the right words, more often than not, people still misinterpret them.
Although this is a pattern in INFJ friendships and other relationships, they can’t help but analyze where they went wrong and what caused the misunderstanding.
INFJs have a unique way of thinking, and they don’t share it often with other people. In essence, that’s because most people simply don’t understand INFJs, which makes them feel different from others.
INFJs Are Intense
INFJs love meaningful conversations. They enjoy talking about abstract topics, speculating about the future, and digging deeper into other people’s psyches.
To say that INFJs hate small talk would be an understatement. However, most personality types, including ENFPs, find the INFJs’ need for deep conversations too intense!
INFJs are known for their tendency to cut people out of their lives, which is also known as the INFJ door slam. Many people find it baffling that INFJs can completely cut ties with others, even their close friends and family members.
The truth is, however, that INFJs tend to think in terms of black and white. If a person deeply hurts them and isn’t willing to change, INFJs simply don’t see keeping them in their lives as an option.
As shown in this INFJ meme, many INFJs have an intense gaze and a stern look on their face regardless of their emotional state. Besides throwing people off, this INFJ stare also makes it difficult for people to understand how they’re actually feeling.
By nature, INFJs intensely crave a soulmate and want to meet a kindred spirit who can truly understand them. This can lead them to get easily infatuated with people that have something in common with them (even if it’s just a similar taste in music!) regardless of their compatibility.
If you enjoyed our series of INFJ memes, you might also want check out INFJ hobbies you that need to try!
Final Thoughts
And that’s all!
We hope that you found these INFJ memes both funny and relatable.
Still, let’s not forget that memes show a simplified and stereotypical depiction of INFJs—the complex nature of this personality type just can’t be contained in images!