ESTJ Strengths & Weaknesses: 9 Key Traits You Should Know
ESTJ strengths and weaknesses entail a range of characteristics that make their type’s life easier or more difficult in some situations. For example, the ESTJ personality type usually boasts exceptional organizational skills and work ethic but has trouble keeping it cool when they feel attacked and underappreciated.
It’s believed that approximately 8.7% of the world’s population belongs to this personality type, so chances are everyone has an ESTJ in their life. Whether it’s a colleague, friend, or family member, this article will help you understand the essence of the Executives and the key ESTJ strengths and weaknesses.
5 ESTJ Personality Type Strengths & Advantages
First, let’s go over the most vital strengths of ESTJs that make this type stand out easily.
The underlying virtues of the ESTJ personality type include, but are not limited to, organizational skills, efficiency, extraordinary leadership skills, honesty, and reliability.
#1. Organizational Skills
The Executives’ lifestyle is shaped by their logical approach, practical mindset, and the sense of structure derived from it. They like feeling productive and believe that the best way to maximize productivity is by setting up and following a plan.
With plans come schedules and a clear division of labor, so ESTJ careers mainly include jobs that demand well-organized workloads and a clear hierarchy. For example, career paths in finance and accounting, the army, and even business all help Executives leverage their exceptional organizational skills.
#2. Efficiency
Efficiency is another strong point of the ESTJ personality type that makes them reliable and dedicated. Whether at work or at home, Executives tend to be perfectionists in everything they do. Thanks to their organizational skills, they’re efficient in both people management and setting and following deadlines for themselves and others.
An ESTJ is dedicated to even the most minute tasks, meticulously defining the steps needed to reach the goal. They often have an established methodology that guides their approach and follow it to a T to achieve the best results promptly.
Needless to say, their perfectionism is one of the main reasons some of the other personality types tease them, so it’s no wonder there are so many ESTJ memes about it!
#3. Leadership Capabilities
Due to their unique work ethic, Executives usually feel competent guiding others rather than following them. Known for their extraverted thinking (Te), which endows them with laser focus and a goal-oriented attitude, ESTJs are leaders by default.
For this reason, they often thrive in positions that let them direct a team of people, effortlessly putting tiny pieces together to successfully form a clear-cut puzzle.
Still, as ESTJs value an established set of rules and guidelines, their leadership qualities might be a bit stiff, but they always ensure the work gets done. Plus, their authoritative nature can help others and motivate them to deliver top results.
#4. Honesty
The ESTJ personality type recognizes that clarity and transparency in communication are powerful weapons that help them build solid relationships. Therefore, they rely on their honesty and straightforwardness.
The Executives will always respond directly rather than sugar-coating. As they appreciate facts more than opinions and emotions, they’ll always make their expectations clear and understandable.
Due to this, they might sometimes sound a bit harsh, but it’s not with bad intentions. Plus, their honesty is a two-way street, so they’ll often appreciate direct, fact-based responses, too, and won’t take it to heart.
#5. Reliability and Commitment
ESTJs are as strong-willed as they come and have an internal compass that never fails to keep them on track.
The fuel for this quality is their extensive reliability and tireless commitment to everything they do. Although they do experience fear and difficulties, these circumstances can’t break their spirit, making them virtually unstoppable once they have their minds set on something.
As they’re known for being trusted and efficient, they are believed to be extremely reliable. As natural leaders, ESTJs believe they have to be the first ones to follow the rules and set the right example for all the others.
People appreciate their leadership because of their unwavering commitment to personally getting their hands dirty and doing everything they can to deliver a promise. Moreover, Executives feel a moral obligation to see things through despite obstacles, ensuring their reputation as people who "get things done and done right” stays strong.
4 ESTJ Personality Type Weaknesses & Disadvantages
ESTJ strengths and weaknesses are intertwined, massively depending on how consistently these individuals exhibit these traits. So, all the Executives’ strong points can, in another context, also be considered their weaknesses.
The key weak points of ESTJs include workaholism, inflexibility, perfectionism, and, finally, insensitivity.
#1. Workaholism
It’s a fine line between determination and constantly looking for ways to never stop working, and these margins are often blurred within the Executive’s mindset. Simply put, if everyone has their vice, working (too) hard is the ESTJs’ drug of choice.
While they take pride in their achievements and fascinating work ethic, it’s no secret that they can set the bar too high. Needless to say, this often causes them to tie their lives to work, which often affects them negatively.
Moreover, such a way of life may result in feeling overwhelmed and worn out while also taking a toll on their personal relationships.
#2. Inflexibility
If the phrase “if it works, don’t fix it” were a personality type, it would be an ESTJ. This means that Executives strive to maintain a stable way of doing everything in their lives, often trying their hardest not to change anything, making inflexibility a major weakness of the ESTJ personality type.
In fact, it might be best to understand them as custom lovers. Once they have their schedules on point, ESTJs find it irritating and unnecessary to modify these patterns, as they view them as the source of stability they need to focus on their performance. So, logically, they often view change as a disruptive force and don’t understand the need for it.
One of the best personifications of the ESTJs’ inflexibility would be the legendary Dwight Schrute, one of the most memorable ESTJ fictional characters from the TV show The Office.
#3. Perfectionism
Despite driving them to overachieve, perfectionism can sometimes push ESTJs (and others nearby) too hard. The Executives’ self-criticism can be extensive, and failing to match the incredibly high standards they impose on themselves might make them irritable and even somewhat aggressive.
As the leaders they believe themselves to be, they are often much harder on themselves than anyone else. As their habit of seeking ideal solutions develops, it becomes more complex and frustrating to keep up with the continually rising bar.
While personalities with the Perceiving preference sometimes feel satisfied with the minimal effort, the ESTJs’ desire to strive for perfection is so strong that it often takes a toll on their mental state, making them feel overwhelmed and stressed out.
#4. Insensitivity
If there’s one task that feels far too difficult and illogical for both male and female Executives, it’s dealing with emotions—or rather, emotional responses. This personality type is a natural go-getter, they find other people’s inability to do something due to their emotional state perplexing.
Being practical and fact-oriented at the core of their personality, ESTJs can sometimes pass judgment due to other people’s inability to perform better in any aspect of life.
Needless to say, this can sometimes make them seem inflexible. Plus, because they have such firm convictions, they may have trouble communicating with more sensitive types, like INFJs or INFPs.
So, the Executive can come off as too direct, thinking that they’re benefiting the interlocutor by sticking to facts. However, unfortunately, their turbulent personality only makes them seem insensitive and cold to a person in distress, making insensitivity one of the main ESTJ weaknesses in relationships.
Now that we’ve covered the main ESTJ strengths and weaknesses, let’s discuss points of improvement.
4 Tips & Strategies for ESTJ Personal Growth & Development
Hopefully, covering the core ESTJ strengths and weaknesses that make up the Executives’ character helped you grasp the essence of this personality type. To enrich this knowledge, let’s go over some changes that might make the lives of an ESTJ easier.
This type should primarily look for ways to relaxmore, pay attention to emotions, and be more flexible. And if you’re an Executive yourself, think of these as new challenges and obstacles to overcome!
#1. Learn How to Relax
From the ESTJs’ standpoint, the term “relaxation” may seem impractical and dull, but it’s a must for them to learn how to practice it.
There are many relaxing techniques that go hand-in-hand with the Executives’ character. For example, they can leverage their love for making lists by making one full of their achievements, things they’re grateful for, and ways to enjoy their time off with friends and family.
Besides this, they can take on interesting hobbies that align with their interests, such as volunteering, gardening, or community work.
Another option is to simply walk out the door and head towards the nearest park, forest, or river. If this sounds too broad, they can set some soft goals to make everything more appealing, like measuring the distance walked or looking for different trees and bird species.
#2. Work on Developing Empathy
The Executives tend to rely on their judgment, as it rarely fails them. However, this trait might portray them as cold and unsympathetic. Subsequently, it can put some pressure on their friendships, too.
It’s not that ESTJs are robots; they just have trouble showing empathy. That’s why it’s important for them to take time and listen carefully to people around them—not solve their problems, but only listen.
They should understand that not everyone who tells them something is looking for a solution and that they might only be after comfort. Putting themselves in another person's shoes without comparing it to what they would do can help them develop empathy and be more tactful with others.
Another good way of developing empathy is by practicing active listening, which includes abstaining from jumping to conclusions and predicting others’ feelings. By developing their empathy and active listening skills, ESTJs can become better parents, partners, and more likable colleagues.
#3. Be More Flexible
The ESTJ personality type can be a bit too rigid. Although it's not wrong to have a set of values and opinions that guide them through life, it’s never a bad idea to reevaluate these every once in a while.
While Executives find change difficult to adapt to, it isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it’s often necessary, especially if they want to tweak their perfectionist personality.
A good start is to try to make as many compromises as possible and sometimes do the opposite of what was planned. After all, ESTJs like a good challenge, so they might actually see this as one.
Another possible way of boosting flexibility is by joining team sports or activities that encourage quick thinking and lots of adaptation. Not only will this help ESTJs develop their cognitive flexibility, but it will also help them become more cooperative through this team-oriented task.
Moreover, working on their cognitive flexibility will help the Executives unwind, develop their relationships with people, and broaden their horizons while making life more fun.
Lastly, adopting healthy mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing can also be helpful. Brief but consistent 10-minute meditations like these can help Executives relax and enhance their adaptability.
#4. Don’t Try to Control Others
Due to their authoritative personalities and clear-cut worldviews, ESTJs usually make others adhere to their ways of functioning. However, they should remember that not everyone feels or thinks the same as them.
Their innate leadership skills are beneficial when others need them but can cause disarray when they are unwarranted.
The best way for an ESTJ to address this is by accepting that everyone has a right to their own opinion and approach. Therefore, they should learn how to respect other people’s choices when they do something differently than they would.
Key Takeaways
- ESTJs have great organizational and leadership skills thanks to their innate honesty, efficiency, and reliability.
- Too much work, rigidity, perfectionism, and insensitivity are some of the most common weaknesses of the Executive personality type.
- People with this personality type can work on their weaknesses by finding ways to relax and become more sympathetic and flexible overall.
ESTJ Strengths and Weaknesses FAQ
#1. What are the struggles of an ESTJ?
ESTJs often struggle with working too much, making it difficult to stop and relax. A blend of ESTJ strengths and weaknesses makes this type adhere to strict rules in almost everything they do but also makes them unable to understand those who think differently.
#2. Who should ESTJs marry?
#3. Is ESTJ a good personality?
ESTJ is as good of a personality type as any. Despite having difficulties conveying their emotions and being a bit rigid, they’re strong, reliable, and protective. Moreover, their straightforward approach ensures they know where they stand, and their explicit expectations help establish a sense of stability in relationships.
#4. What makes ESTJ happy?
You can make an ESTJ happy by respecting their resolute attitude, appreciating their dedication, and being vocal with your praises. Besides that, they adore finding themselves among people who share their motivation and dedication to everything they do and who understand ESTJ strengths and weaknesses.