ESTJ Cognitive Functions: An In-Depth Look at Executives' Mind
The four primary ESTJ cognitive functions are Te, Si, Ne, and Fi, and these represent mental processes that determine the thinking style of ESTJs (Executives). Specifically, they explain the decision-making and information-processing approaches ESTJs rely on to navigate the world.
In this article, you’ll find all eight ESTJ cognitive functions explained in a simple, concise fashion.
Key Takeaways
- Cognitive functions are eight distinct psychological processes that describe how different personality types take in information and make decisions.
- The primary ESTJ cognitive functions are Te, Si, Ne, and Fi, whereas their shadow functions are Ti, Se, Ni, and Fe.
- Although ESTJs are loyal, protective, and reliable, they may struggle to bond with others emotionally due to the combination of their cognitive functions.
What Are Cognitive Functions?
Cognitive functions are internal processes that describe how each personality type gathers information, processes it, and approaches decision-making. Simply put, these functions explain how different personality types work and why they are the way they are.
There are two types of cognitive functions:
- Judging functions— feeling and thinking—which indicate whether you make value- or logic-based decisions
- Perceiving functions— intuition and sensing—which determine whether you process information by looking at the big picture or zooming in on details
Each of the above-mentioned functions can manifest either inwardly (introverted functions) or outwardly (extraverted functions). Therefore, there are eight cognitive functions in total, and every individual has access to all of them.
Nonetheless, each personality type naturally relies on four functions. These are known as the primary functions. The other four functions are called the shadow functions; unless you are going through extreme stress, they are likely to remain in your subconscious.
The 4 Primary ESTJ Cognitive Functions
Let’s start our analysis of the ESTJ cognitive function stack by exploring the primary cognitive functions of ESTJs, which are:
- Dominant extraverted thinking (Te)
- Auxiliary introverted sensing (Si)
- Tertiary extraverted intuition (Ne)
- Inferior introverted feeling (Fi)
Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Extraverted thinking (Te) is the dominant ESTJ function, meaning it comes most naturally to them. As a judging function, it is used to make decisions based on objective data, such as statistics, facts, and so forth.
As such, ESTJs take emotions, feelings, and other subjective experiences out of the equation when assessing their options, instead focusing on verifiable, proven information. Ultimately, they seek to keep their decision-making process fair and impartial.
Moreover, Te values efficiency. This explains why Executives are rather decisive and make up their minds relatively quickly. They trust their judgment and like to call the shots. Like ENTJs—their intuitive counterparts and fellow dominant Te users—they tend to demonstrate a strong inclination toward leadership and go relentlessly after their goals.
Since Te is an outwardly focused function, ESTJs aren’t afraid of speaking their minds, even when others disagree with them. They are rather straightforward and value honesty over sympathy.
Additionally, dominant Te bestows ESTJs with excellent organizational and strategic planning skills, as it is concerned with order and structure. Since they strive to make the best use of their time, they often use tools like to-do lists to stay on top of things, allowing them to excel in their careers.
Introverted Sensing (Si)
Introverted sensing (Si) is the auxiliary cognitive function of the ESTJ personality type. As a perceiving function, it primarily describes how Executives absorb and interpret information.
There’s no denying that ESTJs are rational, practical, and fair-minded. And yet, the way they process information is surprisingly personal; as Si users, they interpret information and form impressions by comparing it to their past experiences. Though they may not admit it, this function makes ESTJs quite sentimental; it’s not uncommon for them to romanticize the past.
Since identifying patterns and differences between the present and the past is second nature to ESTJs, it’s no surprise that they possess a keen eye for detail and a somewhat cautious attitude. After all, they wouldn’t want to make the same mistake twice.
Naturally, Executives tend to be skeptical of things they have no prior experience with, which is also why they typically favor tried-and-tested methods and solutions over experimentation.
Auxiliary Si also explains why ESTJs are often described as traditional, as it is concerned with stability, predictability, and consistency. Most of them would rather keep things as they are than change them up—especially if it isn’t necessary. In their eyes, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel as long as it does the job.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Extraverted intuition takes the third spot in the ESTJ cognitive function stack, which means that it isn’t nearly as developed as the first two functions. Nonetheless, Executives tend to become more comfortable with using this function as they grow older.
Ne primarily revolves around ideas and possibilities. It equips ESTJs with the ability to look beneath the surface and read between the lines, uncovering connections between seemingly unrelated ideas.
However, ESTJs are very pragmatic, so they don’t always appreciate the abstract nature of Ne. In fact, they only typically resort to their tertiary function when they can’t rely on their auxiliary Si. For instance, if their usual, time-tested method of solving problems (Si) fails, they might tap into their Ne to explore other, more unconventional solutions (Ne).
Although ESTJs don’t really enjoy entertaining theoretical ideas, developing this function is crucial for their personal growth. Ne enables them to see the big picture, preventing them from getting too caught up in details. This can help them communicate more effectively with intuitive personality types, consider possible consequences of their actions, and so forth.
Not to mention, Ne is all about venturing outside the comfort zone and seeing things from multiple perspectives, both of which can be challenging for Executives.
Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Introverted feeling is the inferior and, therefore, the weakest ESTJ cognitive function. It is the function Executives value the least, which explains why they aren’t that compatible with dominant Fi users, such as INFPs.
Like Te, Fi is a judging function; however, it makes decisions based on drastically different criteria than Te.
While Te focuses on objective data, Fi is concerned with personal values—even if it goes against all logic. Given how rational and unbiased ESTJs strive to be, it comes as no surprise that they tend to suppress this part of themselves.
In fact, many ESTJs have trouble identifying their values, as these simply aren’t that important to them. They also tend to regard emotions as chaotic, irrational, and, consequently, unreliable.
Unsurprisingly, Executives have a hard time dealing with situations that call for emotional involvement; after all, their feeling function is not only directed inward, but it is also rather weak. Showing emotional support and validating other people’s feelings are some of the few areas where they tend to feel incompetent.
The 4 Shadow ESTJ Cognitive Functions
Now that we’ve discussed the primary cognitive functions of ESTJs, it’s time to explore the shadow ESTJ functions, which are:
- Introverted thinking (Ti)
- Extraverted sensing (Se)
- Introverted intuition (Ni)
- Extraverted feeling (Fe)
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Introverted thinking takes on the opposing role in the ESTJ cognitive function stack, as it stands in direct opposition to their dominant Te.
Though both Ti and Te rely on reason to make decisions, these judging functions work in rather different ways. Unlike Te, which values efficiency, Ti fixates on in-depth analysis; it seeks to assess the logic behind each option. To ESTJs, however, this seems like a waste of time.
Analytical thinking can be quite challenging for ESTJs, as they tend to accept facts without questioning them. Although they are capable of analyzing things in great depth, it goes against their nature. If they are forced to engage with their Ti, they risk becoming overwhelmed.
Moreover, ESTJs can get easily frustrated with strong Ti users, such as INTPs. To Executives, their decision-making process usually comes across as excruciatingly slow, unnecessarily complicated, and simply unproductive.
Extraverted Sensing (Se)
ESTJs experience extraverted sensing as the critical parent. In other words, Se, which is focused on living in the moment and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise, can be a source of insecurity for Executives. Sometimes, unhealthy ESTJs may even project their fears and insecurities onto others, especially dominant Se users— ESFPs and ESTPs.
While their auxiliary Si values familiarity and stability, Se seeks new experiences. However, ESTJs take life rather seriously; they’d rather avoid unnecessary risks. Though this provides them with a sense of comfort, ESTJs are no strangers to the fear of missing out. Their critical Se may cause them to criticize themselves for failing to take advantage of exciting opportunities.
Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Introverted intuition plays the “trickster” role in ESTJs’ lives, which explains why they tend to ignore their intuition and don’t trust those who rely too heavily on their gut feeling.
Since Ni is one of their weakest functions, ESTJs show little interest in predicting future events; after all, they aren’t set in stone. They simply let their past experiences guide them through the present and let the future unfold itself.
They also aren’t interested in discussing abstract, theoretical concepts. Moreover, they may perceive those who follow their hunches and speculate about the future as irrational and impractical.
Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Extraverted feeling is the most suppressed ESTJ cognitive function, also known as their demon. They only tap into this function under extreme stress, which is why they experience it in a rather negative way.
Fe is concerned with other people’s well-being and social harmony, which aren’t exactly priorities for ESTJs. While they may care a lot about others, they pride themselves on their ability to make tough decisions rationally and impartially.
However, such detachment from emotions can make them come across as cold and self-serving, especially if their decisions negatively affect others. As a result, they may begin to think that no one likes them, try to fix the situation by becoming selfless to the point of self-sacrifice, or project their negative feelings, such as shame or guilt, onto others.
How Cognitive Functions Affect Personality Development in ESTJs?
ESTJ cognitive functions develop in three distinct phases, with the first phase starting in their childhood and the second one lasting throughout their 20s and 30s. After that, the third ESTJ personality development begins, yet not every Executive completes it, as it requires conscious effort and dedication.
Let’s take a closer look at each ESTJ personality development phase:
First Personality Development Phase
During the first personality development phase, ESTJs begin to develop their dominant Te. As such, they may seem rather serious-minded even as children. This phase sees the development of their organizational skills and leadership abilities. Until they tap into other functions, however, ESTJs may be extremely opinionated and prone to making rash judgments.
Second Personality Development Phase
During the second personality development phase, Si emerges as the auxiliary ESTJ cognitive function, causing Executives to pay more attention to detail, perfect their daily routines, and so forth. Some ESTJs also start to develop their tertiary Ne during this time, which helps them become more open to new ideas and different perspectives.
Third Personality Development Phase
To complete the third personality development phase, ESTJs have to master their tertiary Ne and integrate their inferior Fi. Needless to say, this is no easy feat. However, those who succeed in integrating their full cognitive function stack enjoy improved decision-making, more fulfilling relationships, and other perks that come with a mature, well-balanced personality.
ESTJs in Different Relationships
Since ESTJ cognitive functions impact Executives’ decision-making and information-processing approaches, it’s only natural that they also affect their relationships.
On that note, let’s see what ESTJs are like in different relationships:
ESTJs as Parents
As parents, ESTJs are protective, responsible, and, more often than not, quite strict and demanding. Their dominant Te prompts them to create clear rules and set high expectations for their children.
Rather than trying to befriend their kids, ESTJs strive to perform the duties of being parents to the highest standard. They lead by example and excel at providing their children with a stable, organized, and safe home environment. However, due to inferior Fi, they tend to pay too little attention to their kids’ emotional needs.
ESTJs as Friends
As friends, ESTJs are enthusiastic, reliable, and honest. Since they are not only extroverted but also guided by dominant Te, they are often the ones who organize social gatherings, host house parties, and so on. However, they can be brutally honest, which is why they often find it easier to build close friendships with other thinking types who don’t take things too personally.
Executives often prefer creating and preserving traditions with their friends over trying out new things, which can be attributed to their auxiliary Si. And since Fi is their inferior function, they’d rather bond over shared experiences than have conversations centered around emotions.
ESTJs as Romantic Partners
ESTJs tend to make incredibly loyal, attentive, and dedicated romantic partners. As Te-Si users, they communicate their intentions clearly and seek stability in their personal lives, which is why they usually prefer long-term relationships over casual dating. They take commitment seriously and expect the same from their significant others.
That said, ESTJ men and women alike struggle to express their emotions, which could lead to a lack of emotional closeness. Also, since they like to be in charge and can be quite stubborn, they should be very mindful of the type of power dynamic they’re creating within the relationship.
Final Thoughts
Congratulations! Now that you’re familiar with ESTJ cognitive functions, you should have no trouble understanding yourself or other Executives in your life!
That said, cognitive functions are a wonderful tool not only for gaining more insight into yourself but also for self-development.
So, if you want to accelerate your personal growth as an ESTJ, don’t stop at mastering your Te and Si. Instead, open yourself up to new ideas to stimulate your tertiary Ne and tap into your emotional side to unlock your inferior Fi!