25+ Funny Memes That Every INFP Can Relate to
The INFP personality type is often represented as sensitive, emotional, and moody. It's one of the XNXP personality types.
While there is truth to this, you’d be surprised to find out how many funny INFP memes float around the internet! And interestingly enough, they show INFPs in a few different ways, some of which you may not expect.
So, if you’re tired of spending hours scrolling through INFP memes on Reddit, let us save you some time—here’s our ultimate list of INFP memes!
26 INFP Memes To Make You Laugh
Ready for a good laugh? Here are some memes about INFPs that you’ll undoubtedly find hilarious, relatable, or both:
INFPs Are Emotional
As you may already know, people with the INFP personality type tend to be drawn to sadness more than any other personality type. In fact, many INFPs find the idea of spending the weekend watching their favorite sad movies in the comfort of their home more tempting than going out with friends, even if it means they’ll show up at work with puffy eyes!
This INFP meme perfectly encapsulates how people with this personality type deal with sadness. Instead of avoiding it, INFPs fully immerse themselves in sorrow and melancholy by blasting sad music. Sounds counterproductive? Well, you might be surprised to find out that listening to sad songs can actually improve your mood and help regulate emotions!
Due to their emotional natures, many people—especially those with thinking personality types—regard INFPs as overly sensitive crybabies and render them childish or useless.
That said, emotionality is one of the main reasons why many Mediators become celebrated artists, actors, and musicians—this INFP meme lists just a handful of INFPs that are famous for their raw sensitivity and emotionally-loaded artistic expression!
While being emotional can be rather overwhelming, no one can deny that emotional vulnerability is one of t he most prominent INFP strengths. Unlike most people, INFPs don’t bury their heads in the sand when facing unpleasant emotions. Driven by introverted feeling (Fi), they choose to sit with their feelings, which gives them immense emotional strength.
INFPs Are Closed Off
INFPs are some of the most emotionally intelligent personality types, and yet, they can’t fathom the fact that people can’t read their minds!
Of course, the INFP cognitive functions can easily explain where this confusion stems from. As Fi-dominant personalities, INFPs are rather private when it comes to their emotions since their feeling function is directed inwards. Needless to say, they could greatly benefit from developing extraverted feeling (Fe) (even if they find it inauthentic!).
This INFP meme captures how much effort it takes for people with the INFP personality type to openly express their emotions. It’s difficult, exhausting, and sometimes even beyond their ability!
What does the movie Lost in Translation have in common with INFPs? Well, besides Charlotte being a quintessential INFP fictional character, INFPs know what it means to be lost in translation. They experience it nearly every time they try to put their feelings into words!
INFPs Find Socializing Draining
Like most introverts, INFPs have limited social batteries—too much socializing can leave them drained for days, if not weeks. Nonetheless, when they go out, they go all out, and some INFPs could even trick you into thinking that they’re extroverts!
If you’re like most INFPs, you don’t just avoid face-to-face communication. With certain people, you don’t even want to keep in touch on social media.
And if you’ve ever had the misfortune to accidentally open one of such chats, we don’t have to remind you of that sinking feeling in your stomach of being obliged to reply right now. After all, even if you’ve been avoiding this person for weeks, you don’t want them to think that you’re ignoring them!
Craving for friendship but avoiding human contact, INFPs are walking contradictions. Nonetheless, their behavior isn’t so difficult to understand: they seek meaningful relationships, not uncomfortable small talk with people they have little in common with!
INFPs Are Shy
Given how private they are, it isn’t surprising that INFPs don’t like being the center of attention. This INFP meme is a testimony to the lengths INFPs go to every day to avoid catching other people’s attention!
Most INFPs lack assertiveness in social situations, and this is even more true for INFP-T personalities. They’d rather stay silent and let the hairdresser ruin their hair than ask them to fix it! Funnily enough, they typically do this to avoid feeling awkward and intimidated by people, yet their facial expressions don’t lie, making the situation even more awkward than it already is!
Ordering food, making phone calls, introducing themselves to new people… These are just a few things that extroverts can help INFPs with. Luckily, people with the INFP personality type are very compatible with certain extraverted personalities, such as ENFPs!
If you think INFPs (and INTPs, for that matter) are awkward in public, you probably haven’t dated one—they’re just as awkward in intimate settings, if not more!
Still, there’s no denying that their awkwardness brings out a certain charm in them. Besides, who wouldn’t feel honored knowing that someone has a dinosaur-sized crush on them?!
INFPs Are Overthinkers
Overthinking is second nature to INFPs. It’s almost as if they have a built-in button that automatically forces racing thoughts to overflow their minds when anything happens, no matter how small!
Thanks to their tertiary introverted sensing (Si) function, INFPs are rather observant, even though they are big-picture thinkers who don’t typically focus on details. Nonetheless, this cognitive function helps them pick up on subtle clues and changes in the environment.
Since they unconsciously compare current situations to how they used to be, INFPs intuitively know when something is wrong. So, whether you started using fewer emojis or ending each sentence with a period, they’ll notice it and will likely become anxious about it, spiraling into an overthinking frenzy.
This INFP meme isn’t just hilarious but also realistic. Sometimes, INFPs feel so overwhelmed by different things that they blow them up out of proportion. And, instead of getting them done, they sit and think about them, which further invigorates their panic!
INFPs Need Validation
Whether they admit it or not, people with the INFP personality type care what people think about them. Those who have a social media presence will not only craft it to perfection but also check their social media profiles to make sure they give off the desired impression!
INFPs love helping people out, and they often volunteer to do something for others without being asked. Their wish to help others goes beyond the need to be appreciated—they want to know that they’ve actually done a great job, as this validates their self-esteem. Because of this, they tend to fear failure, but luckily, they’re always eager to improve!
Without a doubt, emotional validation is key to building healthy relationships with INFPs. Sure, they’re great at validating their own and other people’s emotions, but they often feel as if people don’t take them seriously and dismiss their feelings.
As this INFP meme shows, hardly anyone is better at validating people’s emotions than ENFJs—no wonder their compatibility with INFPs is so high!
INFPs Are Unique
INFPs typically have rather obscure tastes in music, movies, and art, so it’s only natural that they dream of meeting people who share their tastes. Yet, as people who pride themselves on being authentic and unique, they are prone to getting upset after finding out they aren’t as original as they thought!
Besides their unique tastes, INFPs also tend to have unconventional senses of humor. Some of them prefer dry humor, while others lean toward dark or self-deprecating jokes. Their comedy can sometimes shock people, but worry not—it’s just their quirky funny side!
Given how different they are from others, INFPs don’t always feel comfortable expressing their true personalities. That said, they are very devoted to people with whom they can let loose and be as weird as they want to be!
INFPs Are Dreamers
Thanks to their auxiliary extraverted intuition (Ne), INFPs are not only creative but also easily distracted. Daily, they face the most powerful and irresistible distraction of all—their potent imagination. No matter how busy they are, INFPs will imagine a thousand alternative universes before getting anything done!
If you know anything about INFPs, it’s that they aren’t the most practical people. Instead of going after their dreams, some of them can spend hours imagining scenarios that may never come true unless they start taking action in real life!
Last but not least, this is a meme that most INFPs will relate to. In fact, it would be difficult to find an INFP who has never fallen in love with a fictional character, celebrity, or someone they haven’t even spoken to!
Key Takeaways
And that’s the end of our INFP meme compilation!
As you might have noticed, these memes quite accurately represent the spirit of the INFP personality. They emphasize their emotional vulnerability, uniqueness, and dreaminess, as well as the best and most difficult parts of being an INFP. So, hopefully they not only made you chuckle but also helped you learn something new about this extraordinary personality type!