ENTJ vs. INTJ: What Are the Differences?
The difference between ENTJ and INTJ personalities is that ENTJs are loud, extroverted people in search of success, while INTJs are introverted perfectionists who value the thrill of problem-solving rather than seeking success for success's sake.
Key personality differences explained
Personality overview
ENTJ - The Commander
ENTJ personalities are dominated by extraverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging personality traits. ENTJs go after what they want in life with confidence, and so this personality type is often thought of as decisive and accomplished.
For Commanders, reaching their goals and a position of authority is what drives them. These driven personalities can be ruthless in the pursuit of success and aren’t afraid to be insensitive or dominating, so long as they remain efficient and achieve their aims.
INTJ - The Mastermind
An INTJ personality type is introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. One of the rarest personality types out there, Masterminds are highly intelligent, witty, and rational individuals who relish a challenge.
INTJs are problem solvers at heart. This personality is extremely rational in their thinking and is constantly seeking new discoveries, research, and ways of thinking. Their rationality can come across as prickly as Masterminds have little time for anything that seems purposeless – small talk and other social niceties can fall by the wayside.
ENTJs bring a lot of strengths to the table. In particular, this commanding and confident personality type is very efficient. You won’t find ENTJs sabotaging themselves through procrastination or laziness. This personality knows how to get a job done and has the energy to see tasks through to the end.
Commanders are also very strategic in the way they handle situations, they know how to work through issues and you can rely on them to problem solve crisis after crisis. While their work ethic is impressive, don’t mistake this personality for being uptight. ENTJs are extremely charismatic individuals who can charm and inspire the people around them, making them natural leaders.
Masterminds possess a lot of skills and their rational thinking is one of their greatest strengths. INTJs know how to analyze a situation and can come up with answers to even the most complicated problems. Information is another skill in this personality’s arsenal. Masterminds love to research and will always base their opinions on fact after careful and informed analysis.
INTJs are also incredibly curious and versatile people. They love to engage in new projects and ideas, especially if they challenge them and widen their understanding. This open-mindedness means that INTJs can put their critical thinking skills to a wide range of projects. This personality will succeed almost anywhere.
Stubbornness and arrogance can be a big issue for ENTJs. The drive and willpower that this personality possesses means that sometimes they can be a little too forthright in their beliefs. Commanders need to make sure they check themselves from time to time to ensure they’re not sabotaging themselves, relationships, or a project through their cockiness.
ENTJs want jobs done well and right, but this attitude means that they don’t tend to prioritize emotions and the feelings of others. Commanders can leave those around them feeling a little trampled and can be thought of as cold and ruthless if they’re not careful.
Ego can also be a big weakness for Masterminds, who often have an arrogant streak, leading them to see others as inferior. Like ENTJs, Masterminds can also refuse input from others, but this is due to their arrogance and need to complete tasks themselves rather than simply stubbornness. An Mastermind’s focus on results often means that they can be overly critical of others.
Masterminds can be rather dismissive of emotions that they don’t understand or see as being irrational. This can make INTJs vulnerable to antagonizing others and coming across as insensitive. INTJs are also prone to cynicism and need to be careful that they are not being overly combative, especially around people they view as inferior.
ENTJs are commanding and determined leaders who will do particularly well in leadership roles. Commanders don’t struggle with winning the respect of their peers and with their foresight and intelligence, these personalities can tackle problems head on and really contribute to their workplace.
Entrepreneurship is an especially good option for ENTJs. With their confidence, assertiveness, and strategy, ENTJs can execute a vision and drive their own businesses from success to success, especially if they have the freedom to do so.
ENTJs value success, and while this is also true for INTJs, challenge and problem solving are more their driving force. Masterminds do well in analytical and strategic roles where they get to use their skills, intellect and reasoning. Boredom and simplicity are a killer for INTJs, so early-career tasks can feel especially mundane to this type.
Over time, INTJs’ intelligence and results will speak for themselves. Masterminds’ skillsets are extremely transferrable, so they can really thrive almost anywhere. They do need to be careful when it comes to professional socializing though. INTJs can easily antagonize and upset colleagues with their lack of enthusiasm for office small talk and insensitive nature.
Commanders attack life strategically, and relationships are no different. When ENTJs have their sights set on someone they will enthusiastically pursue them. This personality looks for long-term relationships, but they aren’t afraid to end one if it’s falling below their expectations.
ENTJs need to be careful that they don’t become too ruthless in their pursuit for the perfect partner. Taking others’ emotions into account isn’t high on their priority list and so Commanders can be at risk of coming across as insensitive and domineering in relationships.
INTJs are no Cassanova, as this personality struggles to understand the point in the often irrational emotions of romance or the rules that come with dating. Masterminds often have high expectations for their partners, but getting a relationship off the starting blocks is their main challenge. Once INTJs mature and start to understand the point of dating rituals, they’ll look for deep and meaningful connections.
Masterminds need to work on their understanding of their partner’s emotions, especially ones that they find unreasonable. People and relationships are not purely rational and INTJs need to make sure they don’t dismiss the feelings of their loved ones.
The bottom line
While Commanders and Masterminds do share some similarities, like their tendency to be successful, when we look at how the personalities act and what motivates them we can see some stark differences. ENTJs are dominating personalities who are in constant pursuit of their work goals. INTJs, on the other hand, are more reserved, and while often successful, value rational thinking and problem solving rather than reaching new heights of success.